After having a cottage in zone 17 for over 30 years , I can now finally fish my own lake through the ice, and not have to go to Simcoe. What is that going to do for the number of ice-fishermen that went to Scugog?
Does anyone know where close to the city that I can catch Ling. I hear there is some in Simcoe, but where would I have the best luck for them? I know that most ice fishermen don't target Ling , but I hear they taste good and I would like to give them a try, any ideas folks? Thanks.
I would want to stay there because that is where the fish are. Just because you put out a bunch of decoys does not mean you can control the lake.I share my fishing spots with other fishermen all the time we all do. I just dont think that duck hunters should be able to control how others use our resources even if they have a gun.Our cottage lake is small, does that mean while there are hunters on it we should not fish, and no I am not anti anything.
Being there first has nothing to do with it . I am allowed to fish that water just as much as they are to hunt it. 100 yards outside their range should not put me in danger, unless they are going to hunt me down while I troll back and forth with my Muskie plugs.If they do that and the cops are called who is going to be in trouble, the guys with unsafe firearms handling I would think.
I hope that all who said that you did not put the dead fish back in the water are going to say, sorry, they were wrong(mistaken)!!!!!!!!!! They seemed so sure it did not happen.
Playing devils advocate. Say, I drive two hours to my fav musky lake to find out that hunters are stationed all around the bays that hold fish. Am I supposed to drive away and come back when I can get another day off. The hunter can interfear with my fishing but I can't fish the lake when he is around? Whats fair about that! I would be tempted to fish a hundred yards out of his range no matter what it did to the ducks. He can still hunt and I can fish, fair is fair.
It depends who was there first, and how big the pond, they also can not interfear with your lawful fishing no more than you can interfear with their hunting it is against the law to do either
If they are going to die anyway, then we should enjoy them for the few weeks in the river that they have left! Dead is dead, by nature, or fisherman. If you hook something you should not ,then you would be in trouble.