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Everything posted by trapshooter

  1. Wow! Now that's a report. Great info and amazing pictures!! Cheers, ben
  2. well said drew.
  3. Wow! You 2 sure get around! That's a good highlight reel for a CAREER of fishing! WTG
  4. Great read Jen!! Congrats on your first and second deer. I agree, it's a feeling like no other.
  5. I originally had a handheld in the boat as well. If you go this route be sure it is waterproof so you can fish w/ some splash and in the rain. Handhelds are also great tools because you can take them anywhere so if you hunt, hike, camp, etc. you will get a lot of use out of it. Otherwise I much prefer the GPS/Fishfinde combo in the boat. As someone else mentioned, screen size has a lot to do with it and once you have the split screen GPS/Graph you'll never go back. Colour is NICE too!
  6. Congrats, she looks like a fine ship!
  7. Either way, those are very nice Pike. 3rd pic is best.. show's how fat that fish is from head to tail.
  8. Way to go Cliff, you guys rocked 07!! Impressive multi species angling. Looking fwd to part 2. Cheers, ben.
  9. being on sleds changes it all. There is definitely ice worthy of fishing on in parts of Ont. I've seen reports on this board and others of ppl ice fishing on 5" of black ice. I would have no safety issues going out on 5" of good ice. Of course I'd be wearing a floater suit and have my picks in my pocket. Just because the ice is early this year doesn't mean it's all unsafe. First ice is first ice if it's early december or the middle of january. You always have to take precautions no matter what time of year it is if you decide to go out on the ice. Also, just because you're standing on 5" of ice doesnt' mean there is 5" of ice everywhere. Last year on Nipissing I drilled through 12" of ice, walked 30 feet and drilled through 4".
  10. Nice. Those are the 2 spices I add to my top secret batter mix. When we go heavy on the lawrys we say we "KFC'd" it. mmmmmm
  11. Coyotes for sure. No wolves in S.ont. Even the coyotes are a good part wild dog nowadays. There have been multiple cougar sightings west of London though. A horse was killed recently in parkhill and I know of 2 sightings in Delaware.
  12. My buddy just bought a sled in the states. If you don't have your paperwork in order before you come back accross then you have to wait 72 hrs for them to process it. He called customs and found out what he needed and had everything when he came back. He did it all in a day trip. Once back in cadada he had the sled inspected (similar to getting a car saftied) and said this now gave him warranty in Canada. The sled was a ski-doo so I don't know if it's the same for other manufacturers. Definitely worth looking into with our $$ the way it is.
  13. Tiller and Walleye!! You're alright in my books. Welcome. I'm originally from Delaware and lived in london for 3 years but now you'll find me in BC this winter and NW Ont in the summers. Cheers, ben.
  14. Well done!! Beautiful animals and all that venison made me hungry. Congrats on a great looking hunt. Cheers, ben.
  15. Nice chrommers and bonus browns!! You are the KING of steelheading!!
  16. Thanks for the year in review post lew. 85 muskies sounds EPIC to me!! Congrats on another great year. Cheers, ben.
  17. I know of 2 people that have seen a Cougar near the village of Delaware, west of London Ont.
  18. You put it on, and get your buddy to pressure wash you.... like a car.
  19. welcome, from one walleye nut to another....
  20. Wow! A treat to see those pigs. Great work guys. Cheers, ben.
  21. Very nice indeed. Jocelyn at Angling Outfitters in Woodstock is a great guy and his shop is one of the better ones I've seen in Southern Ontario.
  22. Excellent Walleye and a nice detailed report. Congrats!
  23. Always love your reports. You are a master!! Awesome!!
  24. Yeah, drop off = breakline
  25. LOL!!
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