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Everything posted by trapshooter

  1. Sure, I'll give it a go...I want in. How about the Protege?
  2. whatever you do, don't get a muskie rod. it will be too heavy (not much flex) and you won't be able to throw pike sized baits very far with it. I agree with cranks bait, go with something in the 7' range, MH power, fast action, bait caster set-up. Look around on-line, you should be able to get a decent combo from bass pro or cabela's.
  3. Congrats!! Awesome catch, I remember it from your report. You guys are the King and Queen of big walleye!!
  4. Hey Cliff are you and Bly on there for walleye?? I can't read the list!! It looks like the biggest walleye was 36"?!?! Hard to believe.....
  5. Cool report Joey. Hopefully you get another chance with the whities this year.
  6. Wow Dave!! I've been away from the computer for a few days and just found your report now. Epic!! Thanks for taking the time to get all those photo's up and recount your season. There were a lot of points I could relate to and it made me laugh thinking about how us guides aren't that different from lodge to lodge. Bears in camp, bad weather, sleeping in past breakfast, good guests, bad guests, gread fishing, tough fishing, broken boats, making due with what you've got. I'm going to have to move someone's bedroom out on the lawn this year too. Funny stuff. I remember Ryan D talking about Gary Lee!! That's amazing. I don't know about you but I'm already thinking about the coming season. Only a couple months now. You convinced me to keep a journal this year as well. Thanks again for such a great read.
  7. Jeff - kudos to you for having a conservation policy that goes above and beyond the regs. Not much you can do when a fish dies from some deep hooks. I would have kept it and had it mounted as well, although I would feel bad about having a true trophy like that die at my hands. It's not surprising to me that you took a bit of flack for posting that pic of the dead 14lber. Same would happen with a pic of a dead 55" muskie or any true trophy that wasn't C&R'd. Hope this won't stop you from posting more reports. Cheers and good fishing, ben
  8. Another awesome report Mike. You mentioned earlier you were considering a name change.... let me suggest 'fishmagnet'. Thanks for the pics and story.
  9. Good call Kemper, and it paid off big time. Nice steel.
  10. Very impressive. It's amazing to see how big this event has become after just 4 years. Great prizes too.
  11. Curado, there's a reel I'd recommend.
  12. GCD - you definitely don't have to limit out to cull. Here's an example of what I was talking about. Some lakes have slot limits, i.e. no walleye between 18-21 inches may be kept. You are allowed 3 fish below the slot limit and 1 fish above it (4 fish total limit). You're out there and catch a nice 22" walleye, throw it in the livewell. Fish for a few more hours, drive around from spot to spot, bang, catch a 24" walleye and decide that you'd rather keep the 24" and throw the 22" back. Well now that smaller fish has been sloshing around in your livewell for a while and its chances of survival once released back into the lake are deminished. With the no transport of live fish regulation, you must immediately kill a fish you decide to keep. Lac Seul is one such lake and like I said, I like that regulation.
  13. I've seen a lot of quantum's with blown drags. Some ppl swear by em though. I'm a shimano guy personally.
  14. access the ice at Idyle Time fishing camp, there is public access right beside their driveway. This goes out to Deep water Point, you'll see about 300 huts out there... for good reason. 30' of water, jig and a minnow near bottom = walleye. I'm sure if you ask nice, someone will punch you a few holes. Good luck.
  15. Some lakes have a no transport of live fish regulation. If you intend to keep a fish, it must be killed immediately. This prevents culling, which, IMO, is a great rule.
  16. Good reaport ramble. Looks like some fun times and great eats.
  17. Looks like you're a big fan of the dropper. Never fished em for perch. Here's my all time favourite Simcoe perch bait. The 'ratso' by Custom Jigs and Spins, except witha glow jig head. They are really tiny and work great, don't even need to tip em. Good luck out there.
  18. "you got traded for a hotdog eater!"
  19. The judge should have recommended a name change to 'getalife' or 'areyoukiddingme'. There are enough humanitarian issues in this world that if she's looking for a cause, she really missed the mark. Lundboy said it right, she's just another brainwashed fool. Poor girl. At least this was good for a laugh... "fish can use tools and have impressive long-term memories and sophisticated social structures. They develop relationships and communicate with each other, have individual personalities, and grieve when their companions die"
  20. Sorry, I should have said in the next version of the regs.
  21. I've been very happy with my Lowrance handheld unit. It's getting older now and I would consider replacing it with the H2Oc. I like how I can take my chip from my handheld and put it in my Lowrance graph/gps in my boat and have all the same waypoints.
  22. Exactly. They really missed the mark with this new regulation. I would hope they change the wording for next year to exclude all portable ice huts.
  23. Way to go boys. That's an awesome laker Wayne. Must have been a thrill to catch through the ice. Congrats!
  24. If it was me, I'd get a toyota or a nissan.
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