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Everything posted by trapshooter

  1. This has been an interesting read for me too. Currently my only job is guiding for a lodge in NW Ont, however, I have been thinking of eventually making the jump to the type of guide service you are talking about. I have learned a lot about customer service from my boss at the lodge and also gained valuable experience spending over 200 days in my boat with guests over the last 2 seasons. I know it would be a lot of work and the start up would be costly.... but it's a lifestyle. If you are passionate, go for it. I worked for 3 years in a 'career' type job, sitting in front of a computer and I hated it so I made the jump to something I truly enjoy. One thing I know is I will never go back to a M-F office type job. Best of luck to you John. Cheers, ben.
  2. a gor-tex rain suit and a GPS are 2 things I couldn't live without.
  3. Hey Lew, My fiance and I have a 95 civic right now and it runs great, mind you it does have low kms still. Honda makes an excellent engine, IMO. I did have a friend who had a new one and put a ton of kms on it doing a sales job and the suspension fell apart pretty bad. He was hard on it though. If your daughter puts a lot of kms on her car, check out the diesel VW Golf or jetta. I had a 2002 golf and loved that car.
  4. Failing live bait, I would choose gulp over regular powerbait. As for gulp vs. live bait... there is no comparison. Gulp claims to outfish live bait but that's total crap. Last season I guided Berkley Biddel (yes, the guy who started the Berkley fishing company) and he was determined to fish gulp. His brother and I schooled him with live bait and he finally caved in after a day. On a side note... what a great guy. Very modest and down to earth. He started at age 15 tying flies and leaders in his bedroom and grew his company from there.
  5. I'll be at the one in London April 14th.
  6. Thanks a lot Mike. I really enjoy reading about your trips.
  7. What lb. test PP are you using? Maybe the really small diameter 10 lb. stuff gets worn down faster but I have 30 lb pp on my jigging rod and it's strong after 2 years guiding 120 days a year. At the minimum you can reverse it. Not very often more then 30 yards of it is out at a time so you can also strip off some of the frayed/discoloured line at the beginning of the spool. I agree with the mono spools, they don't last a month for me either with daily use.
  8. After I found out she could catch these.... AND Drive this..... I had to put one of THESE on her finger.... TechnaGirl and I will be married this Oct 27th.
  9. I hear ya brian, I'm taking the Wild Turkey seminar in London this April. I would encourage everyone to take this course as well as the hunter safety. If you decide down the road to hunt or get into the shooting sports you will already have the licences needed.
  10. Yeah, summer is good times for sure. Not long now boys. I'm still lookin forward to some more ice fishing this winter though.
  11. Exactly. The libs target the law abiding gun owners instead of going after criminals who use guns in their crimes. Send a tough message of life in prison for a crime committed with a firearm. Get illegal guns off the street, fight the flow of illegal guns coming accross the boarder.
  12. 1 year old pp should give you all the confidence in the world. Save your money, it's still good.
  13. I'm with you raf.... there's still a lot of ice fishing to be done. Lets keep the temps on the minus side for a while yet.
  14. You took the words right out of my mouth sturgman!
  15. That's awesome!
  16. Get a curado, you won't regret it.
  17. Atta boy Pauly! Good eats for sure. Cheers, ben.
  18. Hello and welcome to the board. Where abouts is Sharon Creek reservoir?
  19. Is that at port severn, just south of Muskoka Rd 5 at the 400?
  20. You forgot Honey Harbour Boat Club next to Admiral's. That's where our family keeps our boat wayne. We've got a cottage on Portage Island, just around the corner from Franceville! It's yellow, can't miss it.
  21. Jen, Lady Evelyn is in the Temagami area. Supposed to be some lunker walleye in there.
  22. Oops, I thought this was a thread about the Leafs!
  23. Or marry someone you don't argue with Guess I'm lucky but then again I'm still in the 'engagement' period.
  24. You bet TB, I'll be happy to help you out. End of July eh... you'll definitely want to focus on 25-35 feet of water by that time of the year. That's the biggest mistake people make up there is that they fish too shallow in the dead of summer and complain b/c they only catch small ones. Pack lots of 1/2 and 5/8 oz jigs for that depth. Gotta run. Talk to you later. Cheers, ben.
  25. Hey tinbanger, Lac Seul is a great lake and is only about an hr North of Dryden up the logging road. I have guided there for the past 2 summers and can help you out. There is an excellent crown land campground and boat launch on a part of lac seul called Williams lake. From there you can easily access Lac Seul proper by boat, but there is good fishing in Williams too, esp. for pike. You won't find any muskies in South Central Lac Seul. You have to fish the eastern end of the lake out of Sioux Lookout for ski's. Like Tennessee guy said, Lac Seul is a walleye Factory! Fish windblown shorelines and points and work to find the most productive depth, which will largely depend on what time of the summer you are there. By mid july they are in 25 feet and deeper for the most part. Jig and minnow is all you need to catch them. Lac Seul is also full of huge sand structures with steep breaks to deeper water. These hold walleye as well and are best fished with bottom bouncers and spinners with a worm or minnow. If you have any other questions I'd be happy to help you out. Let me know when you're planning on going and I can help you out with the fishing more if I know that. Definitely get a map though, Lac Seul is huge and is filled with Islands and miles of irregular shoreline. Very easy to get lost out there. Cheers, ben.
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