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Everything posted by trapshooter

  1. Good stuff boys. Looks like a fun weekend with some fish and lots of good eats. Nice to see ya out on the ice Bernie. You're slowly becoming an ice fisherman, don't deny it!
  2. TB - I would definitely recommend that your son guides while going to school. The lodge I work for doesn't charge any camp costs (i.e. free food and room) so you can save a lot of your money. Plus it's an hour in the bush so it's hard to spend your money, except on beer and tackle! Overall it's a great experience for a young man and has paid a lot of ppl's way through school. Our lodge advertises at fleming for guides and a lot have been hired from the fish/game course. If he's interested you can always PM me and I'd be happy to talk to him about my experiences. Getting in at a good lodge makes all the diference for personal enjoyment and $$$.
  3. Couldn't agree more, OFAH is a great organization.
  4. Sabres! They might be tired after that win vs. Ottawa last night though. Should be a good game.
  5. So beautiful, almost brought a tear to my eye.
  6. Thanks Bernie and Cliff. It helps to have support and encouragement like that.
  7. Congrats Sandy!! Good luck with the move.
  8. I got the message! lol. You caught some nice fish! Cool set-up there and some fresh walleye, hard to beat a morning like that.
  9. Great report Ramble!! Lots of great pics and info in there. Looks like the Bog is producing pretty well. Lots of bass eh! Congrats on a great couple of days.
  10. Good to have you here Mike. Looking forward to some reports and pics in the future. Cheers, ben
  11. There's a report in the latest (40th anniversary issue) of OOD about Erie walleye numbers on the rise. It says there was a large year class from the 2003 spawn & that spring 2007 was the first time the female fish from that year class spawned. Looks like good times ahead for Lake Erie walleye, which is great news for everyone.
  12. Looks like a great day for you both. Thanks for the report.
  13. Actually, that cooler belongs to JP. Having said that, I'm sure most of you can imagine where that thing has been and what it has seen & held. Maybe he should upgrade to a Joey-sized model!?!? Solo - you know it buddy!
  14. Thanks guys. Mike, I'm back at Silver Water Wheel this year. After we move to Sioux Lookout I'm planning on going out on my own after a while. Lew - Right now I'm focusing my writing on walleye fishing and things I've learned while guiding. I've had some great advice from JP Bushey, Justin Hoffman and Gord Ellis. Outdoor writing can be a tough nut to crack but I'm determined to get myself published.
  15. Hi all. I decided it was time to change my username. I haven't been involved in competative trapshooting for years now so it's time for a change. I have been a member of the OFC© for a long time now... 4 or 5 years. My new username, BenBeattie, is my real name. I am originally from SW Ont, near London. For 3 years I have been a fishing guide in NW Ont, on Lac Seul. After this coming season my wife and I are moving to Sioux Lookout where I will continue to guide. I am also getting into the writing aspect of things and hope you can all find my name in print soon Here are some pics from last season. Cheers, ben
  16. Today I hit 43 days on the mountain. Not too bad for a fishing guide! Sorry to take this OT
  17. Jeez Wayen... I went skiing and I thought I was productive. Nice work!
  18. I'll put in another vote for the BPS 100MPH Gor-tex rain suit. I've used mine for 3 seasons guiding and it is bullet proof. A lot of the other guys I guide with have the Cabelas Guide Wear and while it's good they all get a wet crotch on an all day rain while I stay dry in my BPS suit. Bibs are the way to go, no question. Believe people when they say it's the best money you can spend... especially as a guide when you're out ther everyday.
  19. Lac Seul. No Question. Trophy bass, muskie, walleye, pike, whitefish. Enough water to keep you busy your entire life and best of all... it's remote and relatively low pressure.
  20. Lac Seul!! Yeah!
  21. Croix warranty has been great for me. Replaced with only shipping charges on all broken rods.
  22. nice, clean, fishing related... I like it.
  23. Good stuff man. Looks like a great summer up there. I know what you mean, I'm dreaming of May too
  24. People ice fished Trout Lake last winter but not sure if the new regs changed the rules. You definitely can't target lake trout in there but it also holds walleye and pike. 3 sisters islands area was good and there's a spot to walk out from that isn't far. Deep Water Point was great to me for walleye last year. 30' small glow jig heads and a minnow just off bottom. Calandar was decent at first ice last year.
  25. get sirius. serius.
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