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Everything posted by trapshooter

  1. That's awesome Steve. Must have been a real thrill.
  2. Never, in a million years, would I leave Ontario for Bermuda.
  3. Weeds. Entourage.
  4. You are the king of Thunder Lake!! Nice report Simon.
  5. Good to see you're hammering away at some bass.
  6. That's a great day of bass fishing anywhere Jacques. Congrats and thanks for the report.
  7. That's too bad John. Lets try and work something out for next year.
  8. I've seen them all. I guide for the lodge that Linda owns (Moosehorn). She's a great muskie angler and dedicates a lot of time to chasing them. Her biggest this year is a 54.5" and her fishing partner boated a 56 1/4" monster last week. Between them they have 10 over 50" this year alone.
  9. This fish inhaled a top raider in a weedy nook along a major currant area. What a thrill!! 49" of Lac Seul adrenalin! Yesterday I saw 2 different fish that were much bigger
  10. Simon... your reports are legendary! You are rocking the big walleye on Thunder!! I wasn't going to name the lake... but since you did. Anyhow, awesome man!! Great job on the trout too. That pike was a slob!! I figured wabigoon looking at the water colour and the pale fish. You'll get a muskie over on Thaddeus/Ord. I know a couple people who work at Thaddeus Lake Lodge. There's BIG walleye in there too and tank muskie. Good luck buddy.
  11. looks sweet. Hope it performs well. I do love stradics.
  12. Steve - pig smallies, awesome job. Glad to see you're still out there hammering big fish. Every time I see your boat the more I want one for myself!!
  13. Hey Simon... awesome report!! Congrats on the two 27's - really nice fish buddy. Talk about a good day... trout and walleye together at last!!
  14. This happened on the west end of Lac Seul, near Ear Falls, about 100km from where I live and work (on the east end of LS). It is absolutely mind boggling to consider that a tornado picked up a cabin with 2 people in it and tossed it into Lac Seul. Up here there's so much more area with nothing but trees and water and to think it went right through that camp is unbelievable. There was certainly some nasty weather up here yesterday. High winds and big thunder heads all around. I got off the lake early, around 3pm.
  15. My condolences to you and your family Wayne.
  16. That's a great report Joey. Some real nice fish there. Congrats on your TWO muskies!!
  17. atta boy Simon... good to see you out on the big lake. Glad she gave you a great day out there.
  18. Good to see you guys get out fishing together. Nice bass too!
  19. I don't care about opener because bass is OPEN ALL YEAR in NW Ontario!!
  20. I bought it for my Croix muskie top n' tail rod. Casts awesome but we'll see how it survives the punishment I'm planning on giving it. So far so good but I haven't used it more then 2 weeks.
  21. Power washer all the way! Start at the front, wash everything to the back and suck it out with a shop vac.
  22. Looks like an awesome day Simon. Always a great feeling to truly be 'on' fish. You fellas sure love your little spinners eh. Working real well for you guys, good to see it.
  23. Nice looking fish, that one walleye is THICK. I wouldn't tell a soul where those lakes are!!!
  24. Wow, great pics. Thanks for sharing.
  25. Dang... don't know how I missed this one till now. Looks like you guys did pretty well on the walleye's there. Two beautiful fish for your brother!! Great trip guys, thanks for the Nip report.
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