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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Merry Christmas to you !!!! Before I go visiting I got to shovel the truck out of the driveway Cheers !!
  2. Gerritt, If your going to do it do it now,don't hesitate......Carry around a bag of baby carrots with ya and munch away. I went through it myself and then with my wife and we did it cold turkey. Its all about preocupying you brain when the urges come. If you gain weight,no problem. Work on that part afterwards but first things first,get off the butts.... Getterdone !!!!
  3. Couldn't agree with you more....Last year I shot a big old buck here in the south during black powder and he was tender !!! You would of never known this animal was over five years old. Matter of fact his meat was mixed up with a young doe I also harvested last year during the same hunt and nobody new the better. Cheers !!
  4. Rob, My condolences to you and your family.....
  5. Congrads Rick
  6. Great job Tj, Nice to see the young ones getting in on the hunting.
  7. I can certainly see a new law coming concerning the use of cell phones and other devices. Perhaps using blue tooth as a solution when receiving calls or a hands free voice command system. Its already out there just have to make it a standard.... As far as the GPS goes well I'm a truck driver and the GPS sure comes in handy and with little distraction. We place the unit dead centre windsheild so your periferal vision catches it while you are driving and the voice prompts help you along the way....Perhaps again some kind of standards must be put in place instead of banning these devices all together ?
  8. Thanx all..... Now its off to Cambridge to get back into the truck for another fun fofilled week..... Cheers !!!
  9. Thanx Roy....Spent my birthdayday in New York "The Bronx" with my highway trainer.....Talk about culture shock !!! The only other place I seen this kind of stuff was on TV .... A rat actually ran across my feet to get under a crack in a roll up shipping door as I was munching on a eggroll I bought off of some food truck on the corner that morning....
  10. See you all there
  11. I wasn't around then Gerrit but all the same I can feel your pain..... Life doesn't always smell of roses and the big picture isn't always what we would like for it to be but we do endure and move forward in hope of greener pastures. Thats what life is... I never had the chance to give you my condolences on the passing on your child so please consider this my opportunity.... Chris
  12. I hang my head in shame.......
  13. Awsome bait. Went one for two on the blue and chrome 2 weekends ago in St. Clair Thames river mouth..... Not shure where to get them now but if you look around in the smaller tackle shops you may find some stock hanging around.. Good luck !!
  14. Great report from the north Wayne. Love the lynx pics... Here kitty kitty kitty.....
  15. Finally got the chance to read this one in its entirety.......I didin't want to read it until I could read it all and what a peice of work..... You know the saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" Well this post has got to be worth at least a million...Well done and thanx for taking us there......
  16. I don't know how thick the fish are out that way but what I do know is when I fish the Maitland or any other tribs this way if there are no fish in the pools you can beat the water to a froth and still not get a bite...funny thing eh ? There are going to be days where you going to start doubting yourself on your judgement but in all actuality there isn't a fish in a mile of you to be caught so don't get to stressed out over not getting anything. In time you will develop confidence in your new skill and not second guess yourself....No fish biting ?? Move on to the next pool kinda like runnin and gunnin for muskie on the lake exept your on foot instead of burnin down the lake in a boat.... "All good things come to those who wait"
  17. Thanx Doug, Float fishing has just been one of those things that took a long time to master for me so I like to see others pick it up and go with it.....We never seen float reels and long float rods so when the first reels appeared paired up with the rods it was all new to us. Guys using them were in the low percentages back then and finding someone that would give you some tips was difficult so it was all hit and miss. Float fishing like any other method is really quite basic and can be picked up easily with a little help from a knowledgable source and thats why we are here....... Cheers !!
  18. This is a really good question because it is a cituation that happens to alot of novice float fisherman out on the river. It happened to me way back years ago and unless you were hooked up with a expereinced float fisherman freind you had to learn it all on your own and so I did... When I started float fishing years ago the same thing happened to me. My set up looked identical to what others were using but I caught nothing.....But there were differencences,very suttle unnoticable from a distance but differences all the same. My main line was the correct size,8lb mono of prefference. 8lb on a float rod will due well. It is durable and strong enough to resist abraission and hold even the largest of fish with a little help from the pole. The float can be of different size pending on current,depth and casting distance required so you have to use the proper size float for the job. Using to big of a float lets say in shallow water will spook fish pending once again on water conditions..Slow moving shallow pools would require as small of a float as possible(non intrusive) to hold up your rig. Most of the time you would be trying to balance your rig so that the float is at a neutral bouyancy thus making it easier to detect a bite....Less resistance to pull it unter the surface. So this is a good start to fine tunning your rig..... Next is the connection between your main line and the portion under the float(rig). You can either scale down to lighter lb test or just run the main line through the float down to your tippet. I prefer to run the main line to the tippet because the main line will handle split shot better than a lighter line thus creating a strong connection to the tippet with less chance of break offs. This rigging is a critical part of your float rig because it is the part that will or will not be seen by the fish pending on the hardware and material used to put it together. So now we have the float, main line..Now attach a mirco swivel...Smallest swivels available to trout fisherman....Then attach your tippet...Using tippet material greater than 5 to 6 pound test with a float rod in my judgement is a waist of time....Hole purpose of the tippet is to use a light enough line to fool the fish. I use 4lb maybe 5lb in dirty water at the most sometimes scaling down to as little as 2lb in clear water.Using flourocarbon as tippet material is good but don't let it fool you. Heavier tippet material has a stiffness to it and can change the way your presentation moves through the water in a natural way. Then when fish actually commits and picks up the bait they can feel the stiffness of the line in their mouth and drop it imediatelly because it feels unnatural.....So overkill on your tippet will reduce your chances dramatically as well.....Light soft tippet material is a real edge... Now the hook...Use a hook as small as possible for the job pending once again on water condition. Clear water,small natural presentations,small hooks...Dirty water,large bright presentations,larger hooks.... Now to weight the rig...Some guys run split shot from the float to the miro swivel. I choose just to add a couple of shots above the swivel and a couple below the float to create neutral bouyancy. Either way remember to add enough shot to the rig as needed pending the current and depth....This is a big factor as well because it will put your presentation into the strike zone...To much weight will create a vertical presentation(not good)and too little will create a high presentation(out of strike zone) off course all pending on water current.....You want the presentation to get to the fish before the rigging does or the fish will see it all coming down river at them all at once like a christmass tree and this will spook them.....(not good) So this is the general idea of what can make your rig different from what other fisherman are using. They may look the same but do have suttle differences....Bottom line is scale down to water conditions when possible,smaller shot,light tippet material,small hooks. Use a little or as much needed to the rig so as not to spook the fish......Being able to find the fine balance in your rigging and reading the water is the key to success..... Good Luck !!!
  19. Well done Bubba !!
  20. Thanx Brian, I'll be there !!!
  21. Scenery is beautiful up there as well as the fish...Would of loved to have been there for shorelunch.. Thanx for sharing your trip with us
  22. I think what it he's trying to say Bill is that although you don't street race your modified car may become a target or afilliation of street racing in the eyes of the law. Looks like a skunk,smells like skunk......its a skunk... Anyhow I think this NF thread has run its course and its time to put to rest.....night night
  23. Boy do I got you fooled
  24. Boy do I got you fooled
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