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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Great stats Rick, Thanx to everyone for makin it happen
  2. Well put together Monique. Love that fat pike you caught !!!! Cheers !!
  3. Who said anything about throwing away the old bag ????? Keep it for a duffle bag or something.... Now theres the problem with society today....Everybody jumps to conclusions before giving anybody a chance to make good..... Cheers !!
  4. Daniel, I think the best thing to do would probably be finding another bag for your baits. The cost of doing an alteration on all the zippers would triple the cost of the bag itself. Is it really worth it ???? Good Luck !!!
  5. Kev, Sorry to here about Mary. You have our deepest condolences...She sure did hold her own over the years I new her. We are gonna miss her dearly.... Give Les a big hug from Carol,she really miss's her..... On that note,yes I must agree....7 years since the first G2G...amazing how time passes us by.. Not to worry about the Tombstone fish fry. It was a rainy day from what I can remember. Always next year Oh and by the way,your not allowed to buy any more fishing tackle for at least a year cause there just isn't any more room left on the wall to put it !!!!! Cheers !!!
  6. Great spread on the tables for shure....Thanx to the sponsors and all who put in time to collect all that stuff. Couldn't of done it without ya !!! Cheers !!!
  7. Wow,great report TJ.... You guys sure do have a nice spot out there !!! Cheers !
  8. Great report Joey !!! Lots of interesting pictures too..... Cheers !!
  9. Heres a little ditty of some of the Lakair pics that where posted in the past few days. Thanx to everyone who showed up and made this another memorable year at Lakair and many more to come I'm shure.... Cheers !!!
  10. Chris, It was a long time coming. Lots of fun and good fishin..... Between Spiels jigging tactics and my lindy worm harnesess we seemed to put the walleye right were we liked them,on the end of the hook !!! Can hardly wait until next year Cheers !!
  11. Great shots Glen... That is one sweet lookin sheepshead to boot !!!!!
  12. Ya,tell me about it !!! Good to here your feelin better Art. Cheers !!
  13. Beautiful pictures KF..... Nice to see ya there
  14. OOOPS !!! Your so right !!! Was a great fish reguardless MO.....PM me a pic for my archives
  15. Hey Mo, I think theres a picture you need to share with us there girl.......Thats right,Mo boated her first muskie up at Lakair and what a fish !!!! Great boatside pictures that we definetely need to see....
  16. Jamie, good on ya !!! Congradulations..........
  17. Truly was an great turnout !!! Walleye and pike were on the bite and a few of our OFNer's were lucky enough to land some really big muskie to boot. I can't wait to see the pictures...Glad to see the Pluma's and GCD made it home and everyone else above.
  18. Got a little favour I need from all of you who are collecting contributions for our prize table. We are going to do a little "thank you for your donations" thread for all the tackle shops and other local businesses that contributed prizes for our Lakair G2G event. What we need is for everyone to PM a list to TJ of the names of businesses you have collected donations from or bring a list to the G2G with your prizes and make shure one of the mods receives it when you check your prize donations in. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated !!!!!! Thanx Chris
  19. Thanx.....Thats ten minutes of my life I'll never get back.....
  20. One more sleep for me See you all next week !!!
  21. Gerber for me. I like the slide action of the pliers
  22. Just waking up...Good morning all....One more sleep
  23. Stoty, Without sounding like Dr. Phil I'm going to share some advise with you and the others here. I have a little expereince in this area so please don't get me wrong,I'm not preaching... I think everyone here has the wrong "C" word in mind....The word you are looking for is "comprimise" Alot of great relationships are due to "comprimise". Its ok to want different things even perhaps going in different directions to get them but both parties have to realise in order to get a little you have to be willing to give a little. Give eachother some breathing room...Make special arrangments so you both get some happy time without taking advantage of the others space. If you truly love eachother this will bring you closer together and you will enjoy the time you spend with eachother more than ever....Young relationships need time to blossom and sometimes this means establishing boundries wether it be your fishing hobbies or her outings with the girls or whatever. Good luck !!!
  24. WTG DAVE !!! Congradulations on the lure deal bud...Can't wait to get my hands on a couple
  25. WOW !! Great job Cliff...That pretty much sums it all up.... Cheers !!
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