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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Nipfisher hit it right on... In past years my wife and I booked in mid July knowingly the heat would be on but then again so is the bite. I would venture out about 6.30am in the morning and fish till about 10.30am with the intention of targeting muskie. After that I would go back to the cabin for breakfast and prepare to take out my wife for a mid afternoon of fun fishing and swimming around Tombstone and a couple other spots where theres lots of smallies,largemouth and pike. Evenings for me meant walleye on the shoals. I got a few spots that I like to visit that have weeds to rock inclines which I fish at about the thermocline anywhere between 17 to 22 feet of water. This seems to be the the depth they like to turn on the feed bag in and it usually starts around 6.00pm and ends when you here the first mosquito buzzing around your head around 9.00pm. Within minutes of that point you will be eaten if you don't get off the lake. Good Luck !!
  2. Ya but so does my dog......
  3. Doesn't suprise me being a part of the gizard shad family.....yuk,double yuk !!
  4. We get runs of those in the Thames River here in London. Pretty sure the moon eye and gold eye are the same species just different color morphs... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mooneye
  5. Its no mystery at all. I know what it was. It was Bigchevy4x4 otherwise known at Chuck I believe. He's been know to frequent that area from time to time.
  6. Ya we thought you were an illegal alien so we Modq'd you until we did an in depth background check and found out your just a pike fisherman from Colorado Welcome to our happy place !!
  7. Its a tuff pill to swallow Nancy. Stay strong for him and no matter what happens life has a way of sorting things out. My thoughts and prayers will be with your dad and family.
  8. It was requested by the event coordinator to unpin it ???
  9. Leave a couple in there for us to catch Ryan. Must be nice to be so close to a great spot like that.Looking forward to chucking a couple of baits around out there.
  10. Thanks for being good sports about this guys. I'm sure Yush chalked this one up as a learning event full circle....
  11. Bill, Some of my best memories of Nipissing were the days when the smallies were on fire. They fight harder pound for pound than any other fish and right to the boat. Makes for an amazing day or even week for that matter when you can do no wrong on the water landing fish after fish.We used to have days like that with the walleye as well but in true Nipissing fashion the fish seem to go in cycles from one year to the next like you suggested in your post so its always a hit and miss until you figure out whats biting. Glad you had a great vacation !!
  12. Nice fish. I bet he gave you a run for your money on the 4wt. I've been chasing smallies around with my fly rod now for a couple years.Its addictive to say the least. Just got to make the transition from my float rod now and I'll be a full time fly guy on the river.
  13. Wet dry vac ???
  14. Hey now John...This isn't a Lakair related issue
  15. Carol told me to do it
  16. Looks like you guy's can count me in and I'm bringing a fishin buddy along as well.
  17. I don't know about you fella's but to me a good normal day on the water means no stress,no pressure and a lot of good quality time spent away from work.
  18. Welcome abaord finnigan. Yup,that is one big creek chub!!
  19. Looks like this is going to be a great event guys. I think we should pin this one up though
  20. They will stand a better chance then drying up in the puddle....Just do what you got to do....
  21. What Big Cliff said but if you are getting a good stream of water out of the ejection tube it sounds like you may of cleared the blockage. Fire it up a few more times with the water muffs on to make sure the water comes out consistently every time.
  22. Welcome to our site and good to have you aboard Deputy. Make sure to post lots of pics of your fishing adventures cause we love fish porn around here. Hey I just got to ask...You got a dog named Flash cause that would just make it
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