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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. We receive regular training on The Employment Standards Act from the government lawyers. Yes they can fire you for anything, however, if they do not follow the Act, your recourse is quite easy.
  2. I was going to suggest bear repellant, but now I see one of them had a gun. Where are the parents of these kids????
  3. Actually in Ontario that is not reason to fire someone. Not one that will stand up in court, anyway. There must be progressive counselling. One mistake is never reason to fire someone. Thank god for that or I wouldn't last too long in any job
  4. Had a similar thing happen when my golden was a puppy. Me and a goose had quite the fight. They bite quite hard. I would have killed it, but there was lots of kids around. So instead I get into a 20 minute yelling and wrestling match as the thing goes after my dog. Eventually a few others joined in the fight till the goose gave up. Now when I go down to that conservation area, I always find me a 'walking stick' first. I would imagine had someone video taped it, it would have been quite funny to watch.
  5. It is not the people (ordinary citizens) in India and China that are using up all the oil...it is the industry (government in China). Why anyone thought opening up free trade with countries that pay their workers sub-standard wages and have little or no environmental regulations would be a good idea I'll never know. What companies saw was 2 billion possible customers...what they didn't see was 2 billion people who work for $3 a day and put out substandard products that would ruin their ability to compete. The price of gas now has more to do with a lack of refinery capability and questionable commodity trading practices. There is a movement to pull oil out of commodities markets in the states because of price manipulation. The demand versus supply ratio is quite balanced so the prices today do not reflect the real value. A few analysts on CNN yesterday put the real value at closer to $60 to $70 a barrel. However with the middle east being so politically destablized, it opens the door for profiteering.
  6. I just insure everything to the maximum. Seems to take the sport out of it for the thieves. Last week I had my fence redone to include a gate at the end of the driveway. Now, I can simply move the boat into the backyard behind the wood fence where it cannot be seen and the gates open out so they'd have to steal the van (oh..that would so NOT break my heart) in order to get the gates open.
  7. One might call it theft. But in reality such a violation calls for a reprimand, not a dismissal unless the employee had previous problems. I'm a manager and know that in order to fire someone without getting your butt sued off it takes more than something like this. I have a feeling corporate will intervene...bad publicity is not worth the $0.16
  8. The CO's interpretation is irrelevant. It is the JP's interpretation that matters. There has never been a successful conviction for anyone quickly taking a picture and releasing the fish other wise anyone caught taking a pic of a musky or walleye or pike out of the slot would be guilty of the same charge. You can't tell if a fish is in or out of slot until you measure it...but it comes under the same law..possession of fish. As far as transporting through districts with different limits, it is up to the Co to prove you were in violation. Having a reasonable story like coming from an area with an all year season or different limits removes the possibility.
  9. I have an idea, but it would require pre-ordering to get it done..............
  10. Thanks forrest..I have everything open now. Wondering if I sould attempt to run the trolling motor or just have it serviced. I would imagine the power heads must be built to tolerate getting wet.
  11. Okay so I just took off my 'water-proof' winter cover to find a foot of water in the boat. Don't know how long it has been there for...likely about 3 weeks or so. I've taken out everything I can and am letting it dry. I assume boats are meant to get wet and it will be okay..but is there anything I should do to mitigate damage? The drain was plugged up hence it not draining through the bilge. Boat is a 2007 Smokercraft 15 ft with floors. Rear battery was submerged as was the power head for the electric trolling motor.
  12. I don't see the mailboxes being a safety issue....they wake me up before I get into the ditch. They are like the country version of rumble strips.
  13. There are tons of places like Valens, St. Johns Conservation Area (Fonthill...tons of trout) and other stocked ponds that are perfect for beginners. Since these are put-and-take fisheries, they can be published without fear of wrecking someones 'honey hole'.
  14. Have the trailer checked out. If there is no short, go back to Toyota with that info. There should certainly be safety stops in place to prevent bad ground from frying modules.
  15. In my move last motnh one of my mounts got damaged..nothing too serious, but need someone in the Niagara area that can affect repairs. Anyone know anyone in the Niagara area capable of doing this? it was my grandfathers last musky, so it has extreme sentimental value. I also have a 15pound walleye ount that was done poorly and want refinished. PM me or or post here.
  16. Kirk is a lawyer. Marty is too, but is in the US. If your mom and he were married, all his assets and remains go to her unless a will made after the wedding states otherwise. Once you get married everything goes to the wife. There is a website that lists lawyers in your area that will give one hour free consultation..perhaps someone will have a link for you.
  17. It is a cookie problem as Johhny points out. Make sure you log in on the main page and then navigate from there. Our cookies are tied to your session and starts a new one each time you come to the site. So if you log in at http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/ you should always be good since it will take you through the whole site that way. But if you've bookmarked a certain page like 'Find new posts' as your favourite and log in from there, it may cause issues. I really cannot guaranteee results with Internet Explorer because I just don't know what it is going to do. It has way to many people using way too many different versions and each handles cookies and CSS completely different than the previous. You may have your cookies set to expire at a speicific time. I know dial up can have issues since they will have a new IP addy each time they come in and depending on how far off the previous one you get...trouble arise. If you use the newest Internet Explorer, it does have a password remember setting, so this should help. If you are using a clean up utility on your PC is may wipe out your cookie. Our security settings are very high, but it is a small price to pay for peace of mind that the site is stable.
  18. What browser are you using? Are you on dial-up? Do you check the 'remember me' button?
  19. Sorry for your loss, UA. Cannot imagine what you are going through. As his wife, your mother has all say in his affairs unless a will says otherwise. She is responsible for his care both in life and after.
  20. I believe his son is a member here...not sure which one tho.
  21. Affiliate ads do not pay more than Google Ads. Charging double would result in a loss of two thirds of our clients....maybe more. We track the number of ads being blocked and the number is increasing. It is still quite small, but as a courtesy to those who pay for this site, we are simply asking those who block to alllow on this site. Our bandwidth is fine, it is our disc space we have to worry about. We've set this thing up to use little bandwidth, but our MySQL database is now over 700 Mb
  22. I meant to do this last month but was kinda busy so I'm catching up on stuff... Last quarter (Jan,Feb,Mar) was our busiest ever. Here's some of the numbers Hits-46,000,000 Unique Visitors- 477,000 Unique Page views- ~2,400,000 Returning Visitors- 155,000 If April is any indication, even these records will not last long. The month of April was the busiest month ever..by a long, long shot, so I will be keeping an eye on the server loads
  23. Bayliner had issues with this model leaking through the transoms...not sure what year it was..Google it and find out. Personally I would not buy a Bayliner and I think you may find that boat underpowered. An 18 foot Trophy is a heavy boat.
  24. I am not in any way asking you to click the google ads (that would be a violation of the terms of service) but I believe clicking is all they count.
  25. There has been lots of pumpkinseed/sunfish hybrids here in ponds so maybe it is happening there too.
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