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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. I had less than 25% on my home and wasn't required to have a five yr term. Was on a variable till interest rates got to 4.5% and locked it in for three years. Best I can do now for five yeers is 5.65% through ING Direct. I will be putting as little down as possible on my next house..here's why.. My current RPP earns me around 12% (average five yrs) each year. If I put the money there instead of in my house I get a better return at current interest levels. So I can keep rolling the cash that is in the RPP over untill I get to the point where interest rates catch me and then take the money and dump it back into the mortgage. Wage inflation also helps reduce the mortgage cost each year. It is tricky and there's many ways to do it.
  2. Weather is bad and expected to get worse. Don't come if you can avoid it.
  3. There are a few issues here that the people of the town should be addressing. The MNR said they won't enforce it (because they know it is not a fishing issue but a land use issue). It is not the role of the town to protect fishing stocks. In my talking with a MNR official during similar issues locally (who would only speak candidly off the record) he said the town can do what they want with their land, but cannot restrict angling, so if we stepped into the water, we have no worries. But then the really big, big 400 pound gorilla walks into the room and sits there and says.. "Hey...if you cannot even enforce the existing laws on poaching and racial attacks, what on earth makes you think you can enforce a new and even less serious rule?" So if the OPP says they can handle this new enforcement, why were they not handling the enforcement of the even more serious violations??? Answer: Politicians, especially municipal ones, enjoy making new rules to fix complaints. They can then say.."See I did something"..when in fact they did nothing but create more paper. If the town says they are helping the victims by banning them from fishing to save them from themselves, they are idiots. If the town says they are helping prevent poaching by hoping the OPP will give out $120 Trespass tickets as disincentive will work instead of someone receiving thousands of dollars in fines and court costs for poaching, they are idiots. Poachers don't care about laws. That's why they are poachers. Writing another stupid rule from them to break isn't going to do a thing except help get people re-elected. The townspeople will cheer their hero politicians for their acts of bravery all the while the hints of stupidity will linger.
  4. Irishfield is quite right. The town does not have the authrority to restrict or govern fishing. It is only controlled by the Federal or Provincial government. The town either knows this and is trying to placate someone, or they have their heads up their butt. The by law is unenforceable. As long as you have a fishing license, you are not violating the law by fishing where it is not prohibited by provincialor federal law. If they try and make it a land use issue by not allowing angling from parkland shores at night (unlikley they worded it this way), step into the water and you have been absolved of this by-law. Niagara on the Lake has a similarly toothless by law. It is also not enforceable, but was put in place to quiet whiny townspeople.
  5. This quick edit using nothing more than seting black and white points produces amazing results... http://raymondshay.com/tutorials/PhotoEditing101/index.htm
  6. The chances of a coyote or even a few of them taking down a healthy deer are extremely remote. Coyotes will scavenge deer, but take one down? Unlikely. They know the risk to the pack is too great. There isn't enough snow cover there likely to give a big edge to the coyotes. It would have likely died from some other cause and been scavenged....shot or hit by car or otherwise sick. Coyotes primarily eat scavenged carrion, rodents, hares and sometimes nuts and berries.
  7. He will obviously be declared a dangerous offender and be kept in solitary confinement for life. I think that is much worse than death.
  8. Do you have one of the Wacom tablets, terry? They are awesome and worth their weight in gold. Easy to install. Small versions are less than $100.
  9. Cogeco sucks...why can't I have WFN??? They have it in freekin Sturgeon Falls. They only just got indoor plumbing three years ago!
  10. The quick and dirty on the false drop shadow.. Duplicate the layer of the image without the frame (or use the magnetic lasso tool to make a selection around the area you want to drop shadow).. Select the new layer, fill with black, transform, flip horizontal, move to the right spot, edit>perspective, clean it up with eraser, then gaussian blur and set the opacity. You can use the smudge tool to wrap it around the frame or make a displacement map...smudge is way easier, displacement map more acurate. Just make sure you try and duplicate the original light source from the image.
  11. Imagine what a few more years will have this kid doing! <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  12. I've done quite a few of those for clients, but really liked your background choices. Have to remember that now that I see how you chose the gradients colours. Nice to see the non-standard border edges too. Excellent touch.. I also liked to create a false shadow of the subject and drop it across the border to help pop out the illusion a bit more.
  13. I've been trying to gain weight for a year now..just thought I'd say that to annoy people.
  14. Well it kinda slipped past me that the new site was one year old now. seems like it's been longer, I guess. We've seen lots of changes, lots of surprises and lots of fun. November 15th of last year we flung open the doors and let in the first wave. Since then we've had .. 136,000 posts. 2,400 members 144,000,000 hits 9,800,000 page views 1,555,000 visitors (over 1,000,000 first time visitors) 3.6 Tb of bandwidth Our database has over 200Gb of information Our sever up time is well over 99.999%, we've never been hacked and we've somehow not managed to go bankrupt. But the most important thing of all... We managed to make new friends, help out people we've never met and create a unique and inviting culture for everyone to enjoy. When the original group of admins decided to do all this I think we couldn't have imagined it working out so well. Thanks to all of you guys. The number of hours we spend keeping things going is well worth it when we see allthe good it does for everyone and I am quite proud to be a member.
  15. The Eastern Cougar is native to the province and all indigenous species get priority. There aren't nearly enough hunters around to control the deer. But seeing how the cougars would help control the deer and raccoon populations, wouldn't the farmers be in favour? There are cougars and panthers (escapees) around Niagara, but no one has been threatened by them at all. A horse was attacked, but fought off the cougar. The government does have reimbursement programs for livestock killed by wolves, so I imagine they'll do the same for cougars.
  16. I had an officer once go through a red light with lights but no sirens and I nearly t-boned him as we both came to screeching stops. we exchanged words. My view of him entering the intersection was blocked by a truck turning left. he yelled at me "Do you know what would have happened had you hit me?' I said "Yeah..your sargeant and the SIU would have been pissed at you for running a red light with no $%#^ sirens and not making sure there were no cars coming through from behind the big truck" He left after that. Emergency vehicles do not have a supreme right of way. They do have to ensure they are not endangering anyone else, no matter what.
  17. Or here's the text.. Years ago, as most other fisherpeople, I suspected the weather affected fish and their eating habits. About 6 years ago I decided to find out if there was any truth to this theory. Here is what I did and found out. First I joined fishing message boards all across North America from British Colombia to California and from Florida to Ontario. On these message boards I would ask how the fishing was and then plotted the general consensus for that day. I did this for 6 months and at the same time I took a copy of the weather map from Unisys weather, and plotted the moon phase. As time went on there was an emerging pattern. The pattern showed the following. A warming trend caused a dramatic increase in the fish bite. A cooling trend caused the fish bite to slow down. A low pressure system approaching whereby the Bottom of the pressure system struck the area caused an increase in fish bite. conversly the opposite was also true. Extreme high pressure or extreme low pressure shut down the fish bite, conversely if the pressure was in the middle or even close the bite was hot. Generally 1016 was the best barometric pressure. Windy days the bite was slow, calm days the bite was slow. a slight chop seemed the best. When between the new moon and full moon the fish bite was good, between a full moon and new moon the fish bite was slow. Wind direction from the NW, SW or W was best, anything from the east the bite was slower. From this I produced a 5* rating based on * Temperature trend * Wind Strength * Barometric pressure * Wind Strength * Moon Phase BONUS was low pressure system from the bottom
  18. Magnificent how you captured the modern frustrations of consumers and how the Walmart economy has managed to decrease not only our quality of life, but our lifestyles as well. A piece of art. Either that or its just a picture...not sure.
  19. Try a cheap card reader from somewhere first. I can't imagine why it would not work..all it does is provide a conduit between the card and the USB port. The one you linked to is made by Lowrance and not the map company so there's no real way for it to know what DRM or encryption may be used. My computer's USB ports are finnicky and my card reader only works in one of the slots, but everything else works in all of them...so try all ports before giving up.
  20. Ask the guy you bought it from to null the sale then buy it back (all for $1.00) then transfer the warranty and start all over again.Since they say it wasn't transfered, it must still be valid in the previous owners name. There's no way for tracker to know when you bought the bought in a private sale.
  21. How would they be any different than a $5.00 card reader? The cheaper card readers work best because they don't have the capacity to check for DRM stuff.
  22. The big problem is that if everyone did it, the government of the day would fritter away the money leaving nothing for the future. I don't care who is in power, they will do it.
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