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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. They are nice but cost more than most of my lures. The company sent me a bunch awhile back..used them and they worked.
  2. The compression is likely occurring at the neck area unless you have a torn rotator cuff or similar injury. Try some neck stretching exercises or yoga (the best) for relief. Also try using some type of NSAID like Ibuprofen (Advil).
  3. So here we are at the end of 2007. Thank GAWD is all I can say (as a personal note). I hope everyone has a safe New Years Eve and a happy and fishful 2008. Here's the year end report as averaged from our three different stat programs. Total hits: 150,000,000+ Total Page Loads: 21,800,000+ Unique Page Loads; 8,800,000 Unique Visitors: 1,400,000+ First Time Visitors: 948,000+ Return Visitors: 382,000 Totol Bandwidth consumed: 450,000,000,000 bytes. (450 Gb) Server Uptime:99.999999%+ Number of new members; 1,495 Number of new posts: 126,000 We seeem to have found a great balance between growth and still feeling like a community. Members have come and some have gone and life goes on. It has truly developed into the "Community' idea that we all had in mind when we went with this platform. Mostly about fishing...but all about fishermen(and women..I need a non-gender specific term). Thanks from the head geek for those who helped by offering suggestions or sending me emails when there was an issue. We can't make it all things for all people, but I think from a software point of view, we've made it as close as we can. Thanks to Invision Power Services for their superior hosting and software and to Kim Ritchie for her graphics work. Most of all thanks to the members for making it what it is!
  4. Well Jack is home an recouperating. His brother...our golden retriever, was sent to my mother's house for awhile until Jack is better. It would have been too risky having the two of them here since neither seems to know when it is a good time to play or not. Jack is recovering slower than most..he is very tentative on the hardwood floors and doesn't want to get up at all. Can't say I blame him. But progress is being made. I'm off over the next several days and he won't be alone for quite awhile.He detests the cone and can't seem to figure out how to lie down when he has it on. But fortunately it doesn't have to be on him much. I have to use a sling set-up to help him walk and support his hind end for now. In a few weeks he should be walking unaided. Here's a few pics I just took.... Jack wants to thank everyone for their kind wishes and for those who helped in other ways especially.
  5. Jacks surgery went about as expected. There was too much ligament damage to do the TPLO surgery. Instead it had to be done the old fashioned way (like they do on us mere humans) and stick and staple stuff back together. Unfortunately this takes his recovery time up to 8 to 16 weeks depending on how quiet I can keep him. The good news is that somehow he managed not to tear any meniscus/cartilage when he got hurt. This means he is much less likely to develop arthritis at an older age. He is going to be heavily sedated for a week at home to allow healing. Any wrong movement can re-tear the ligaments. He's not allowed up any stairs or allowed to jump up onto anything for quite awhile too. I've used up some vacation time to be with him over the next week or so so there will always be someone here for awhile. He may be home tomorrow and I'll put up some pictures if he is. It's nice to be able to breathe again.
  6. Well Jack is off to Scarborough. He has a complete tear of the ACL and the MCL and the internal ligaments and cartilage as well. Essentially the entire knee structure is shot. So he will need to have the ligaments repaired and a stabilizing plate put in...at least this is the initial diagnosis and hence the high cost. It would be nice to hear it wasn't quite all that bad, but the two vets who saw him weren't optimistic. The good thing is that given his overall age and health they expect a near complete recovery as long as I do what I am supposed to for his post operative care. He will be tended to quite well. To answer your question, Skelz.. I had testicular cancer in the late 90's. My dog 'Cory' became rather emphatic with the all popular dog greeting of nose-to-crotch. In fact I couldn't get him to stop it with me. It was constant. Finally, one day, he gave me an extra good 'headbut' and scored a full strike. In the ensuing pain, I noticed a testicular lump which later that day was diagnosed as Stage 2 cancer. I had at first thought my dog 'broke' my teste. The doctor told me many golden retrievers have been found to be able to smell cancer cells and it was likely the dog was alerting me to this. After I had the package removed, he never did it again. Had he not hit me like that I likely wouldn't have noticed until it was too late.
  7. I thought long and hard about what I would say to this. Knowing you will never be able to respond kind of pleases me on some level. There are many of us that view dogs and other pets as more than just animals or livestock. They are our companions and friends. People who have dogs have lower blood pressure and live much longer than those who don't. My old dog (a golden retriever) saved my life when he alerted me to my cancer. It's a long story. I'm not a big fan of cats, but i respect that people may have the same affection for their cats/hamster or whatever that I do for my dogs. Since my cancer has left me unable to have children, my dogs are as close as i will get. Dogs are caring and non-judgmental. They have recently been found to have a much greater range of emotions than previously believed. An animal is not a thing to be discarded when it is no longer convenient. Like our resources, if you treat it with respect, you will always reap the rewards. I've always told my niece...find a man who treats his dog with love and respect and you have found a man that will do the same for you. I also read the other comments you made that were deleted. Please..do the world a favour and never get a dog. It wasn't offending me that is getting you placed on permanent mod queue, I'm a big boy and can take care of myself. It is that you are the anti-thesis of what a community like this is supposed to be. I don't mind that you have a different opinion, its just that you showed it in a truly classless and pathetic way. But the one thing you failed to understand or even try and get, is that most guys and gals here are dog lovers. In fact I prefer my dogs to most people I meet....certainly more than I do you. And how you somehow believe that me being willing to sacrifice for a friend is what lead me to getting a divorce?? You haven't got a clue. So I get into some debt and so that new HDTV has to wait a few more months or a few bills are late...I don't care, that's what I do for friends. Like I said before, i know Jack would lay his life on the line for me without hesitation. He has been there for me and been a great comfort. He is also the best bud of my other dog, and I know without him, we would both be miserable. So,yes, I love my dog and would do anything for him. Perhaps one day, you will find that and perhaps then you will know what I am talking about. I highly doubt it. You aren't welcome here anymore, so go away.
  8. I've seen conflicts when people used the simple Add/remove with Norton and not the extra removal tool on a few different other apps. I had some old registry issue from Norton messing up my newer Kaspersky (which is my favourite for those who wish to purchase, but conflicts with ZoneAlarm..so its a tradeoff). I used the tool Terry showed..or was it Roy..i forget..anyway it got rid of enough of Norton's crap that everything else worked. This was on XP SP1..I don't know if SP2 had changes that improved this issue or not. I'll see if I can find some free server bandwidth somewhere and make a ZIP file for some free app's that you may want. I am now running AVG and Zone Alarm.
  9. You need a smaller fillet knife and you may want to sacrifice the meat on the rib cage (depending on the size of the fish) because usually there's not enough there for all the trouble it is getting the ribs out. I don't think they have 'Y' bones...but I could be wrong.
  10. Photoz....use anything BUT Norton. It can slow your computer down to molasses. Installing some of the 'freebee' stuff is not harder than installing Norton. You just download the installation file rather than having it on a disc. It will be hard to completely rid yourself of Norton, but there are easy-to-use tools that do it. If you've not received links for the removal tools but tonite I will send them along to you...off to work in a few minutes right now.
  11. My understanding of it is as Terry describes in number 2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxing_day
  12. I have the Panasonic NiMH with the fast charger. Got 12 batteries always ready to go. Usually get a hundered or so pics with each set before a charge is needed again. They are definitely worth the money. Cameras suck up even the best disposable batteries way too quick.
  13. Jack is improving each day. He's still hobbled down to three legs, but once he learned not to put the sore leg down, he started getting the hang of moving around. He did try and play today with our golden, Kelev, but that was quickly stopped. Both dogs looked quite annoyed at me for this. I have no idea how Jack is going to take to being crated for six weeks after the surgery..not going to like it much I bet. But his spirits are up and he is going for surgery Thursday AM in Scarborough. Going to be some sleepless nights after that and a long recovery, but I know he would put his life on the line for me, so the least I can do is lose some sleep for him. Kelev isn't liking Jack getting all the attention and chewed up some socks to show me this. Have to remember to balance the loving. I'll be sleeping on the couch for awhile (because I am a suck and I know Jack doesn't like not being near me at night). Knowing that he will eventually be okay made it the best present ever. Kelev is bouncing between being a nursemaid and being a PITA so if i use his judgment, I guess everything will be okay. Still a bit nervous about the surgery...actually more nervous about his than my two big surgeries combined. I'm kinda glad I can't have kids cause if i get this neurotic over my dogs...I can't imagine what parents go through!
  14. I want to thank our very own Santa for making my Christmas quite a bit merrier. I'm not accustomed to being in the position I am now, so the generosity shown by a particular member left me quite astounded. It is very heartwarming to know we have such decent and caring people here. Thank you so much and Merry Christmas!!!
  15. I haven't slept in two days and I am a mess. It started yesterday when my dog Jack came up lame after being outside rough-housing with my other dog Kelev. He was yelping fairly badly and after four hours he would not get off the couch. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and called the emergency vet to say i was coming and to have a stretcher ready. I picked up all 85 pounds of Shepherd and carried him to the van. When I arrived at the hospital, the vets were ready and we secured him to a stretched and he was muzzled for their safety. The look of betrayal he gave me at that point was pretty devestating. They hooked him up to morphine to try and get xrays done but we still uncooperative. He had to be fully sedated. The xrays showed no break but the knee had no stability at all. The cruciate ligaments were both torn. After the xrays we discussed options and the vet said we needed to get him surgery ASAP. I had to decide then to pony up $3,000 (which I don't have cause I am in the midst of a divorce) or have Jack put down. No option..go into more debt...I don't care its only money. But my dog deserves the best I can give him. I was lucky enough to get him into a vet in Toronto that specializes in this type of injury. He wanted to do the surgery right away but since his staff is off for Xmas and since the swelling is still too bad, we scheduled it for 7 am Thursday morning. So I'm keeping hm comfortable with some meds and helping him learn to hop instead of trying to walk on the injured leg.. Jack is a sensitive creature in spite of his size and appearance...doesn't tolerate pain well, so he isn't really happy today. I have to try and sleep, but I can't. I'm laying on the floor off and on and trying to make him go out to go pee. So please send your best wishes to Jack if you think of it! Looks like there will be sale on web sites soon too.
  16. Default settings the other way bog down the database and slow down the site. It doubles the amount of data stored for messages. The board has run at top notch speed for quite awhile with no slowdowns...there are reasons things are the way they are.
  17. I've seen so many out there...lots of different makers but I haven't seen any big names doing them. I would think that you'd just want the ability to add a SD card to the back somewhere and to control the transitions...unless you put the transitions onto the card..I dunno. You sure could have fun with that though. Seven pictures of the same face with the eyes following across the room!! But they sure are cool.
  18. We're talking about ice here, Rich, not....
  19. You will often notice that storms dissipate in summer right before hitting Niagara as well. This is because of the lakes. If the lakes are cooler than the summer storm, they can reduce the energy in a storm like when a hurricane hits colder water. Thunderstorms especially need heat to develop.
  20. Someone send me this link the next time I complain about my taxes...
  21. I don't think there is an overall loss of resource. In fact in most of Ontario, fishing has never been better. Alot of the issues come from the allocation of resources and a lack of enforcement. The south gets quite a bit of the money, and if you look at it as a per capita thing, it makes sense. If you look at is as dollars per waterbody, it does not. But to those not living around Lake Ontario, it is hard to justify current norms on the put and take fishery. Wouldn't it be better to allow Lake Ontario to develop its own natural fishery? Just keep care of the water and the rest will take care of itself. Are we, by stocking salmon and trout, reducing the potential for Lake Ontario to have its own naturally massive walleye fishery? I'm not for the extirpation of non-native species, but we should at least not encourage their existence by placing them there intentionally. Lake Erie managed to get a fantastic fishery with little intervention other than limits on anglers and commercial fishermen. Enforcement is a big issue for me. There is no point at all in making new laws when we cannot enforce the ones we have now.
  22. I'm kinda bushed after clearing all that damn snow. I started with my driveway then thought, well you know I should to the sidewalk down to the corner cause the seniors from the seniors center like to go to Sobeys Mondays. So I plug along (yes even with a big blower it is work...push, get stuck, push again). I see a guy a few houses down trying to dig out from 3 foot drifts so i set up the drift cutters and make quick work of his driveway. He stops me half way through and asks if he knows me. I said no. He stares at me till I am done then asks my name. I said.."It doesn't matter, Have a Merry Christmas." He offers to pay me..I asked him to pay it forward. I though everyone had seen the movie (Pay it Forward..awesome flick), but I guess not. I told him he owes two strangers favours next time he sees them struggling with something..maybe a door or a stranded motorist. When you help them you tell them the same thing. They owe two strangers a favour. Eventually we all help one another and its like Christmas all year. I felt so good about that i did the old widow lady next doors driveway (who hates me and calls the cops about my dogs a few times a year even though they have twice scared off intruders).She kept peering out the window at me...i was chuckling the whole time..she must have really been wondering what was going on. Of course I got to my driveway and ran out of gas. The guy from down the street musta heard my blower sputtering and brought over a can of gasoline from his garage. He filled up my tank and said...'No worries, this one doesn't count'. Sometimes it takes a storm to bring people together, sometimes its just an idea.
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