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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. This isn't a sponsor of ours, but I came across this on the internet and thought I would share. Looks like a heck of an idea for guys who like to fish smaller fish and trout. Can be tough to unhook a smaller fish with pliers! http://www.unhookum.com/videos.html
  2. On the surface, this does not look good, but I have yet to be able to read the entire proposal and documents. I'll pin it for now for education and discussion and to see where this may take us. The Navigable Waterways legislation does need updating, but should not be done at the cost of the public and certainly not slanted to the favour of reducing access or affecting water levels or quality. What is needed is a simple update of language and definitions.
  3. As a cancer survivor I guess I have more faith in our medical establishment. Those who have lost family members to cancer are more likely to be sceptical. I doubt, very much, the claims by this report. They do not cite references or studies to back the claims made. Lets assume that cancer, like the common cold, is not seriously researched for cure because of treatment profits. Let's then wonder why the cure rate has dramatically increased as more research is done. If a simple cure, or any cure, exists for all or most cancers it would be welcome by the medical establishment all over Europe and Canada because of the social medicine/single payer systems we use. Cancer treatment is expensive..any government,entity or person to come out with a cheap and effective cure for cancer would receive rewards beyond their wildest dreams. The best example was the realization that most cervical cancers were caused by the HPV virus. A simple innoculation reduces your chances of getting this cancer by 90%. The profit of the innoculation is far less than the profit of the treatment, yet modern medicine went ahead with this. We've cured many other diseases ahead of cancer for one simple reason...most diseases have a singular cause and presentation. Cancer does not. From genetics to injury, the range of possible causes, types and manifestations are greater than any other type of malady. A single cure is unlikely but as we move ahead we have cures for many types already, like the type I had. we have found the gene that causes certain breast cancers, diets that increase your likelihood of staying cancer free and chemicals and environemnts that increase your chances of getting it. We have made significant progress and more is made each day. Had this doctor been able to show in controlled studies that his claims were true, he would have won the Nobel Prize. Had there even been a shred of truth to it, more research groups would have attempted to reproduce his results. Lots of research is done outside the grasp of the drug companies.
  4. If common sense doesn't tell someone not to fish near kids swimming, nothing we do here will have any effect. I have fished docks and never when there were people or pets nearby. It is illegal in Ontario to do anything that may interfere with an angler. Anyone who tosses things in the water is subject to arrest under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. I do like the idea of a few javex bottles on heavy weights and ropes...no way to troll inside of that line.
  5. If you are running Zone Alarm Firewall, note that after todays MS Update, you will not be able to access the net. You can turn off Zone Alarm until a fix comes out. Some have found that turning the security setting down to medium also fixes the issue. Zone Alarm will issue a repair in the next day or so. I will leave this on the main page for a day or so then move it to the computer section. More quality work from Microsoft!
  6. Looks like a new record to me. Your local grocery store or post office should have certified scales. Congrats! Call the MNR as well as Canadian Sportfishing .i think they are the official reccord keepers...or maybe it is OFAH..can't remember
  7. You don't need ownership, but a copy of the registration papers you got when assigned a number. Copies can be obtained through a service canada office. If your boat has no numbers, no papers needed.
  8. Yes the board changed, developed and grew. That was certainly by design. It became clear that a vast majority of people wanted something different than what was normal. Lots of guys fish quite a bit, but most people only do it when they can. You don't find many 24/7 hardcore fishermen here. But you don't find that many in real life either. So a family-friendly community oriented board came about. Still mostly fishing talk, but lots of other stuff too...like this post for example. So the site never lost its way...it created a brand new way. A way that is now quite often imitated.
  9. Failed my first time too. Took my test in a snow storm. Only fish tailed the old '77 Dodge tradesman van once..but that was enough...lol. Then about 19 years later, I get a letter saying I had to do my G test since my five years was almost up. No one cared that I had been licensed since 1984, they just knew the computer said I had to do the test. Long story short..I did the test while waiting for them to sort out the mess. I failed! I didn't apparently slow down while driving past a school in July (never went over the speed limit) or 'take precautions' while driving through an intersection while I HAD THE GREEN LIGHT! and 'paralell parked too quickly' and failed to look left/right while driving past 'dangerous areas'. So by the time we get back and the instructor tells me i have failed and have to keep my G2 (which I didn't have!) a supervisor comes out and says they found the computer error and tears up my failing test. They refunded my money and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the whole thing. I did manage to look at the testing parameters and what they look for before it got tossed..they do look for the dumbest stuff. Alot of it requiring drivers to not be looking straight ahead. The supervisor agreed with me the new standards were quite stupid since most accidents are caused by people not looking where they are going or what is in their path ahead of them.
  10. For the fourth straight quarter, we have experienced increases in all stats for the site. The 2nd quarter report for this year (Apr, May,Jun) was by far the busiest ever. Each month saw more than 17,000,000 hits. June was our busiest month in all categories, which is unusual for us...normally by this time of year traffic drops off quite a bit. Last quarter's numbers of interest- 2,700,000 pages viewed. 577,000 visits 160,000 unique visitors. Well over 200Gb of bandwidth was used up. We now have over 211,000 posts by more than 3,300 members
  11. I think TJ has a thing for American guys....must be the accent.
  12. Sorry dude..that was me. Was just trying to get some smallie tactics from ya.
  13. Call your local humane society and file a bite report. They can force your neighbour to properly contain the dog if he is aggressive. It is not the dog...it is the owner. Keep that in mind.
  14. I wanted to kind of be different with my report..well..cause I am kind of different myself. My report is all about the experience of Lakair and our get together. We don't go for just the fishing. Sure the fishing rarely disappoints us, but by and large I go for something completely different. For the most part I see these guys and gals once a year. We all come from different walks of life, different backgrounds, different vocations and different beliefs. Yet we all share a few incredible things in common. Our love for outdoors and our respect and love for each other. We couldn't be more different, most of us. Yet somehow, none of that matters up there. Our friends from the U.S. travel so far for just a few short days of fun, that I always feel that somehow I should try harder to make it better for them. But really..we have fishing, fun, music and occasionally some silliness and I doubt there could be any improvement on that at all. The nightly parties sometimes are all in one place or travel from fire to fire or from cottage to cottage. We catch up on the years events, share good news and bad news. Glen usually treats us all to his most recent batch of 'spirits' and somehow, nobody dies from it. The fish fry is always an amazing time..you often have to fight for the next piece to come out of the fryer its so dam good! Each year in June we get together, and I remember why all this is worth it. There certainly is no money in running this site and there are long nights sometimes answering emails and phone calls. Luckily we have not had a server crash in more than a year (knock on wood) and we've run along with only a few minor hiccups. But seeing everyone together, seeing how the event has evolved from just a few guys getting together into a complete family event that people plan their vacations around makes every software upgrade, every editted post...all of it...completely worthwhile. There is a sense of COMMUNITY...which when the original four admins got together was the vision for the site. We wanted more than a fishing site..we wanted an extended community and a sense of family. And we got it...complete with our crazy in-laws! So for myself, I want to thank you all so very much for yet another wonderful weekend. It is now to the point where I consider these a marker of the year...like Christmas or New Years. Thanks especially to TJ and Monique who put in the lions share of the work...okay so maybe its mostly Monique. For those who have never been, plan to come next year! You won't be disappointed. To those who sponsor the event, thank you so much. Each year you guys come through! My hilights this year include- -Awesome Dawson -TJ molesting the plummas half naked -Wayne discovering the height of his boat at full plane -Junior Johnson Moonshine -Doing an emergency full throttle hard turn to recover a lost hat and forgetting I had passengers (sorry douG and Avery) -The sing-a-long (maybe next year I won't have to get someone else to play my guitar) -Chris letting us homeless buggers bunk with him..hope you're feeling better muskiestudd! -Perfect Sunsets -Watching a first timer win the trophy -Seeing everyone healthy and well -Roy's boat out on the water! Till next year...cheers!
  15. I think muskiestudd got into the 'pine pollen' too a bit much. Poor bugger. Glad you guys feel better!
  16. I am from Niagara..not much votes here either. Just a tightly run, efficient system. I think it has more to do with the people directly involved than our government since whatever issues areas have, have continued through successive goverments. If some areas can do what they do well, and each area gets the same per capita funding, everyone should be able to do the same.
  17. Well I have never waited once for anything important..cancer treatment and gall bladder removal were all done almost immediately! In fact I had to beg them to delay the gall bladder surgery cause I was going away the day after it was diagnosed and they wanted it out that night. I would think that those living in remote areas get slower help...but if you didn't expect that would happen when you moved there, shake your head a bit. Last week I had another trip to the hospital. In the ER waiting room for ten minutes and then seeing doctors...again they wanted me back Thursday (next day) for more stuff but I had to go to Lakair (priorities, ya know). Going tomorrow to complete tests. Maybe I'm just really lucky, but I have not had one bad experience. Our only real issue is a shortage of GP's.
  18. That law has no teeth. Trespass to property act requires more than a land use violation. Standing in the water would negate the sign anyway. Either you can be there or not..the usage is irrelevant.
  19. Ask for ID, too. Any civil servant being rude is not to be tolerated. Only officers of the law can enforce fishing regulations..not employees of a conservation district.
  20. You won't get a notice because it s a new version number, not an update.
  21. I've downloaded the new Firefox 3..all I can say is wow..it is fast. I haven't' tweaked a damn thing yet either. So many new features...it's like porn for geeks. Not really.
  22. Stoty; I was offered a position at the casino as a web development manager which I turned down cause it was contract. It is still running as an internal position, but likely will go public next week. Keep an eye on the website for fallsviewcasinoresort.com and see if it comes up. Sounds like a cool gig...more about developing then actually building anything and marketting. I've had 3 web job offers from the states in the last few months, but oddly enough nothing in Canada has been coming around. I've been slow myself, but PM me and I can get you some side stuff and probably some maintenance stuff for me.
  23. 2 dogs tested positive at my local vet, too, so it is on the move!
  24. Last I heard he was heading to confession..
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