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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Wow...stared at that pic for a long time. What a beast!!!
  2. Thanks for the info Spiel. Hopefully a few of the guys in that area can make a visit. In the interim, a floral arrangement has been sent on behalf of the members here.
  3. So sorry Rob. I cannot imagine the courage the little guy has shown over the last several years. We will miss him. He has a special place in all our hearts here. Rick
  4. No more bailouts...start buying shares instead to bring up liquidity. At least gives us a shot at recovering the money. Thats what they are going to do with the banks in the US...buy up shares and debt and sell it off when the time is right. Better than just handing them the cash and getting nothing back...
  5. this skin and the club skin are coded the same. IE has issues with iframes but unless MS fixes that, theres nothing I can do. The trouble is the technology in this board is newer and ahead of IE, but like beats says, prgramming a back button on a mouse works wonders.
  6. I just attended my fifth funeral service of the year. A wonderful woman, Wanda Treshak, wife of 36 years to a family friend whose links to my family go back generations. She was about to head out with the family to pick this years Christmas tree when she suffered a sudden and massive heart attack. She died instantly. The other four funerals were co-workers...none of them over the age of 45. All of them left behind family and friends who wished they had another moment, another breath....anything with enough time to tell them how much they meant to them. Don't wait....don't chance it. Tell the people in your life every day that you care. This time of year, especially, rekindle the REAL Christmas spirit. Remember when it was about family, friends, food, and having fun. Live and love like this day is your last...cause one day it will be.
  7. Feral animals are not covered by the same laws as native ones. If you are in danger, shoot. If only equipped with a bow, then a warning shot is useless...however if you have a gun, a warning should suffice. They should be reported to both the MNR and local animal control. No good can come from a pack of feral dogs at large. They are no more likely or less likely to take out a person than a coyote. Yes they have experience with humans, but not as a meal.
  8. Happy Thanksgiving guys! Have a breast for me will ya! Maybe some turkey too.
  9. First, let me thank you from bottom of my heart. I never once thought I would find myself in this position. I went for a visit yesterday and there is no improvement, but it is not getting worse.... For those that do not know me well, several years ago I had testicular cancer which had spread. I had intense radiation therapy treatment as well as a removal on the testicle. (Insert one-ball joke here) It was known that the radiation was risky but without it there was not any guaranty that the spread could be contained. For several years I was fine. Beginning a year and a bit ago a few of the complications arose resulting in my loss of my gall bladder. No biggie really. Then in the spring I started having some rather serious 'discomfort' in my remaining teste and rapid weight loss. A first test showed only a cyst on the epididymis which is not terribly rare for someone my age. However the pain intensified and since I had a past history with cancer, I got in right away for more tests. They found a hydrocele which is absolutely the worst pain you can imagine. It was hoped the problem would clear up on its own since they were reluctant to operate on someone with only one teste. However, in the mean time another cyst formed and an 'unknown mass' also appeared. Needless to say, I get to sit on a bag of ice each night which is about as much fun as it sounds. The pain and other meds keep me tired or asleep for alot of the day which is why I was pretty much incognito all summer. Haven't been fishing since lakair and miss it terribly. So it was decided that surgery to repair the damage was the only option. Luckily one of the foremost urological surgeons in the country is in the area...Dr Ian Brown. We are meeting on the 11th to make a final decision...but I am opting for a repair rather than a removal..for obvious reasons. Apparently I will experience 'significant discomfort' afterwards. Thats doctor speak for 'gonna hurt like a bugger'. My employer has been very good about extra time off even though I exhausted sick benefits ages ago. So with the divorce, dog surgery last winter and now this, my finances were destroyed. It is hard to watch your life savings disappear so fast. I appreciate what you guys are doing and the PM's and emails of support. I will eventually overcome this and come back to stir up more trouble. Just try not to break anything while I am gone, huh? Hoping to get a pretty nurse out of the deal to change my dressings....wish me luck. You guys are the best, Time for a happy pill Rick
  10. Thanks to all you guys. It has been quite a challenging year for me. I am seeing the surgeon on the 11th and should have a date set soon after. I am not looking forward to getting this type of surgery, but I have been battling this since the spring and all other options have been exhausted. Six months of this was just too much and waiting longer was creating other risks.... I am not looking forward to the recovery, but it has to be done. They seem fairly sure the cancer has not returned, but the damage has to be repaired and the growth have to come out. Get out the ice packs.
  11. Wait till you see the picture of the pike caught in Manitoba/Alberta/Lake Nippissing or the sturgeon caught in BC/lake Nippissing/Lake Erie We've got quite a litany..we could have our own Snopes page here. Fishing Snopes... Fish 1- Pike with two bodies, one head..False...the smaller fish has its head under the gill plate of the larger fish Fish 2- GIANT Ontario/Manitoba/Saskatchewan et al Northern Pike...False...the fish is a northern pike but was caught in Scandinavia...most likely Holland. Fish 3- GIANT Lake Sturgeon caught in Ontario/Sask..etc....False..it is a White Sturgeon from the Fraser River in BC.
  12. I work with all kinds of gay/lesbian people. Other than their orientation, they are no different. Okay, the guys dress better than me but thats about all. But, the fact that he can be out with you is very good. Children who do not feel comfortable enough to come out and live a lie are quite often depressed and more likely to commit suicide. His sexual orientation does not change who he is...your son. Ask yourself honestly...if he was kissing a girl in front of me, or whatever they are doing...would it bother me? If the answer is no, then just give yourself time to adjust. He will be able to grow up happy and healthy if you treat him the same as if he were straight. I think after seeing some of the girls I brought home when I was 17, my mother probably wished I was gay. This is Canada and we are all pretty much used to it if you live in a town with more than 40,000 people. It does not change his character or his personality. In fact it probably takes alot of strength and courage to admit something like that to a parent. It means you raised him right. I think it will take awhile, but after time you will not even give it a second thought. Remember when mixed marriages were a no-no? We have evolved alot as a society.
  13. Well...I don't know what to think. I sure think that younger drivers should have a lower BAL allowance...like maybe 0.5 or 0.3, but wouldn't even mouthwash or certain preparations of beef make you blow 0.01??? As far as passengers...is the government saying there should be two teens in a car instead of one and double the number of cars on the road with teen drivers?? Logic falls right off there....
  14. Since the big 3 do not have the same benefit costs here as the US we may see more jobs coming this way. Retirees cost them less here because of OHIP and seniors drug plans. It is the legacy costs which are crippling the auto makers. Supply and demand as well as product will decide if their vehicles sell.
  15. For the first time in two years we had a server failure..or more accurately the server went down due to a total power failure at our hosts location. It all seems to be fine now, but running a bit slow as all the servers come back online and the load sharing starts to kick in. Hopefully you used the time wisely...raked the leaves or talked to your spouse or sumthin.
  16. Wow..cool. Just got home so I had no idea. I enter all the contests our sponsors have cause TJ will kick us in the groin if we don't. Can;t believe i won...cool!
  17. This is a thread for congrats only. The people of the US have voted and decided. I for one am happy to see it happen and glad to be witness to such an historical event. The world is going to change....how, we will soon see. Dunno if Barak is a fisherman or not. Post replies respectfully... PS. Joe, Art, GCD.....told ya so!
  18. I have the TomTom XL one. Great unit and they just bought out one of the mapping companies so their maps are very accurate. Unit was $129.00 Mount it on the windshield or use the dash mount disc. There is a USB interface to update maps and software...used it on a recent trip and it was very helpful...especially at night with the voice commands. Just avaoid the temptation to drive the same way you do at night with a boat GPS....staring at the screen!
  19. No one can introduce fishing restrictions outside of the feds and province. No fees, no rules, no anything. Period. Municipalities are laden with illegal restrictions. Many small towns do not put their bylaws in front of a lawyer first. They can't afford it. my mother is a former town councilor and now is the by-law enforcement officer and I've read their bylaws...many of them are totally unenforcable. She knows it and doesn't write tickets on them. There is nothing wrong with challenging a bylaw you find illegal or offensive. Just know the risks involved. It is not up to the anglers to pay for the clean up of everyone. If they want to pass a land use bylaw making EVERYONE pay 40 bucks to be there, that would be legal. The town of Niagara-on-the-Lake made a bylaw banning fishing from a local public dock. Result..unenforcable and not enforced. The reason was the same..littering. So, logic says if you cannot enforce littering laws, which near a waterway can be a major offense, HOW THE HECK CAN YOU ENFORCE A NEW AND DUMBER LAW! You don't need more laws if others are not being followed, you need greater enforcement of the existing laws. I will gladly put my name and picture to that statement. Do not let municipalities tread on your rights unchallenged. Ask for a delegation at the next town council meeting and tell them. If we let it go quietly, others will follow. The water is federal gov't property and we have already paid for the right to fish it. I was a Fish and Wildlife Guardian with the MNR for years and this was made very clear. Municipalities do not usurp the province...ever.
  20. Either that or one of them breathalizer machines that previous DUI people have to use to start their car..but hooked to the puter.
  21. Salmon are likely dropping eggs now, so roe sacs/skein may be the way the go now.
  22. I'm learning both by practising chords and by tabs. Tabs are very easy once you figure them out. Kinda like cheating almost. Working on my chord progressions and trying to master the 'F' and 'B' chords. Going from a G to a C always trips me up.
  23. I have a Canon S5 and an S2. Will likely get one of the Canon Elph series for fishing next year..need a small camera for the pocket. Megapixels only gives you the physical size of the image and unless cropping does not affect picture clarity. The internal processors and lenses are the important factors. Lots of the smaller point and shoot cameras really cheap. Most come with some basic image editor software. If you are looking to become a neophyte, look for cameras that have RAW shooting abilities. This is the equivalent to a digital negative. Cameras compress and convert the raw data into a .jpg file on the fly and programs like photoshop do it much better. The new SDHC cards are so cheap. Picked up a 4 GB card for 19 bucks. Crazy.
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