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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Store it here for free if you like. Lotsa room on my lot. Not close to Oro, however.
  2. I think we have had our say..lets put this thing to bed, huh?
  3. The internet is a two sided coin, Chris. Many bands would not exist today if not for the internet. I own coprighted material too..lots of it, including a piece of this site. Does it get ripped off? All the time. Is there anything I can do? Not alot. There are bands I have bought CD's from after downloading a few of their songs. They would have NEVER slod me anything had I not d/l a song of theirs first. Musicians are doing quite well and up and coming bands had trouble geting signed long before the internet. That 19 yr old rap star who just got busted for beating his girlfriend did it in his LAMBOURGHINI Many artisits openly promote people downloading music. They know it is their best chance of getting noticed. I have attended several concerts of the band I mentioned earlier as far away as Florida. So my money spent on music has indeed tripled at least because of downloading. Part of the issue is I cannot go into a music store anymore and get what I want. If I want to replace my original Boston album...good luck. Downloading things like Photoshop etc is not costing Adobe much, if anything, because at $1000 a copy, it is not being downloaded by anyone who would have bought it in the first place. Now, how many guitar tabs have you looked up online, chris? Thats illegal too. Every musician I know does it. And is it harder to play guitar or program...its a toss up. Music remains made of the same chords, but computer languages change all the time. At the end of it all, no one has been convicted of it..it is not illegal, it is a violation of your user agreement and is a civil matter, not a criminal one. It is not theft because all people have done is rearrange binaries in their computer memory. But going into a store and lifting an actual CD is illegal and criminal. They took and tangible item. It is similar to the picture of an out of season fish, not really illegal, maybe, well no one has been busted for it, so no one can say yes.
  4. Traders have now tied our dollar to the price of oil. This is because we now have the worlds largest oil reserve so it is considered our biggest asset...compare oil prices to the dollar and you will see the correlation. We do now have the best banking system in the world...but just a few years back the banks were crying for less regulation...bet they are glad they didn't get it, huh!
  5. The climate change has allowed a population boom in beavers and forced them south right into Niagara. The effects are still being studied
  6. Using your fishfinder in a river has always been a thing with me. I used to fish only where fish showed up, but soon found that currents can camouflage a fish or two...or more. Fishing the French River was crazy that way...baitfish on the sonar..but no walleye, yet drop down a line..fish on! You might do well to help the shore guys. My walleye in my avatar was a shore walleye caught in a large creek...a very large creek, but a creek nonetheless.
  7. The legality in Canada is very ambiguous. If I loan my purchased DVD to you, I am technically also breaking the law. Our courts recognized that this was impossible to monitor. There is a special fee we pay on all blank Cd's and DVD's which goes to a fund and is distributed to recording/movie studios...sort of a buy off so we don't have to deal with the whole privacy thing. Getting a conviction here is dam near impossible which is why we don't see the stuff like you see in the US with the RIAA. I have no idea what I am really downloading until it is done. It could be Stairway to Heaven, it could be some guys dog barking for an hour. No one monitoring my usage knows what I am getting either. The act of ripping a CD I bought and putting it on my iPod is also illegal..but also unenforceable and no court in the land wants to touch it and since the recording companies already lost here once when the court ruled the ISP could not provide information to the plaintiff, they do not want to go to court and lose and blow the whole thing wide open.
  8. I have a few friends who are what most of us would call..kinda wacky tree huggers. But we respect each others position on the matter and do not generally bother trying to push one way or the other. But one friend showed me a video on shark finning. At first I was unmoved cause I can find a video on just about anything that will make even Mother Theresa look bad. But I looked into it further myself just to have a comeback...and I was left without one. It was pretty disturbing to see the lack of respect for the resources...sharks were caught, their fins cut off and the rest of the shark tossed back in the water. Obviously they cannot swim and the sink and drown. The more I looked into this the more it became clear this was really poaching. Illegal in almost every country in the world, but still accounting for more than 80% of the sharks harvested each year. It would be the same as catching a musky or walleye and cutting off the fins and throwing the rest of the fish back to die. I've got no problem with harvesting animals as long as you use all of it. I have had shark steaks before and it was really quite good. These fins are used to make soup...which I have no problem with if the rest of the shark is used as well. So my friend and I made a deal....I won't support any store or restaurant that has shark fins, and she won't call those poachers 'fishermen' anymore because there is a huge difference between what we do and what they do.
  9. Okay don't laugh...but let me tell you, yoga does amazing things. It was one of the things I was doing and the difference was amazing. My back, arms, legs and overall mood improved tremendously. The good thing about it..you don't have to be good at it. Find a class and do three or four beginner lessons and you will see a difference right away. Just finding out that I stand wrong and learning the correct way to stand made a huge difference. I was very skeptical at first but noticed how much better I felt after only doing two half hour lessons that I was a believer.
  10. I do not think there is any correlation between union membership and deregulation. I do not recall the unions ever complaining about it. But that's not really their bag anyway. Let's not forget this all started with the collapse of the banking industry..notably Lehmans. They had heavily leveraged assets and had little liquidity since they had rolled the dice on bundled sub-prime mortgages and got lucky several times but finally came up with snake eyes. It was quick and easy cash but a disaster waiting to happen. Too many people were given mortgages that anyone with a grade 6 math ability could see were too much. It wasn't uncommon for people making 40k to get a 500k interest-only 50 yr mortgage. The introductory rates and terms made them affordable for the first year. Then as rates went up....so did defaults. At first it was no big deal since housing prices were still moving upward so the banks were insured through the market. But as more and more of the houses came up for sale, it created an imbalance in the supply and demand. Having homes foreclosed on also had a psychological impact on communities further depressing values. Then the whole thing fell like a house of cards, leaving banks and investors with a pile of foreclosures on homes that were way under water. Suddenly the banks went from giving every fool who could write their names down a loan to giving no one money. They even cancelled revolving credit lines for companies that were paying back faithfully. These companies would borrow on their line, buy stock/supplies and then pay back in 60 days once their product was sold. In a market with low profit margins, it was the only way to survive since they could not compete with products from China and keep a large amount of liquidity. In Canada we have different regulations which protect not only the banks from themselves, but protect employees, customers and investors. There is a set formula (with some wiggle room obviously) for qualifying for a mortgage. We also have CMHC. Anyone not putting in at least 25% down on the home must put a chunk of cash into the CMHC pool. This way any bank having to foreclose is protected should they not recover the balance owing through the sale buy dipping into the pool. With interest rates so close to the rate of inflation, most people are only putting down the minimum on a home so there is lots of liquidity in the CMHC pool. What will be difficult for the tax payers to swallow will be the idea of bailouts going to fund the pension plans of workers in the companies receiving the cash while the majority of taxpayers have watched their RRSP's or RPP's (or 401k if you are in the US) shrivel away to half what they were 18 months ago. The pension plans for those companies in Canada were insured so the workers will get 60% or better no matter what happens...providing that it does not bankrupt the insurance companies.... Everyone has a share in the blame..and the fact is...it does not matter. Let's just get it fixed. Those pointing fingers are providing less hands in getting this economy back on track. Government regulations are there for a reason and while we used to be chided for having 'anti-competitive restrictions' it resulted in none of our banks going under. My workplace is doing quite well, amazingly. We saw this coming, offered a buyout to anyone who wanted it and got lean and mean prior to the collapse. It actually looks like we may have to hire soon. Whatever doubts I had about my execs were quickly erased.
  11. The medication is amitriptyline. It is used for chronic pain, depression, fibromyalgia and a boatload of other things. I think they may use it for MS too. It does make you dopey for the first few weeks. Started at 25 mg then up to 50 mg. Ate like a bloody pig...could not believe it. The munchies were bad. Being an MS patient you should have medical clearance for marijuana too which should help as well...used that during my cancer treatments and it worked well.
  12. did it make you miserable? i tried the Zyban but thought i was going to murder someone quick so I went off it.
  13. Just ran some upgrades and stufff. I was hoping to run it so no one would notice but thus new server is like going from a Caravan to a Formula 1 race car..so many dials and stuff..but all finished now.. i have a few clean up tools to run..but that should not do anything
  14. Helping our sponsors would be helping us.
  15. Well i got off the drugs I was on..some of them kinda had a grip on me, if you know what I mean. Oxycontin is a bugger On a very low dose maintenance pill for the next 8 months but can't even tell if they do anything. So I got a funny story out of it... On Jan 1st I weighed in at 148 pounds. Not good for me. I wanted to get back to 180 or so. My doctor handed me a script and said 'take these and you'll have your weight back in no time'. 7 weeks later I wanted to weight myself. I was at work and wandered into our medical department...it is rather large with several exam rooms and stuff...alot like a walk-in clinic. They had moved the weight scales from the hall into an exam room. Apparently you need to be escorted when you weight yourself..which means some idiot must have fallen off or something. Anyway I am in there with a nurse, take off my shoes and jacket and weight in at 183. I gave out a bit of a WOO HOO! She (the nurse) looked happy and said 'Is that your ideal weight?" I said yes and I was happy to get there so fast. She asked me how long it took..I said the 35 pounds took me 7 weeks. She seemed surprised....asked me what my diet was. I said a bag of cookies every night and steak and pasta as much as possible. She said she hd tried to lose weight many ways but had not heard of that working. I looked her square in the eyes.."Lose weight??? No I was trying to gain it....had a hell of a time too!!" She actually said..'I hate you..get out' Spreading joy throughout the kingdom, I am ..lmao.
  16. Doing very well Ohio..finally off my daily drug cocktail...got my weight back up and all is well. I can tell cause people stopped being nice and are whining at me again
  17. They kinda look like Japanese lures. Matshito or whatever their name is?
  18. Way may have been routing through the trouble area for ya, OF. But we've got posts throught he nite so things were okay at the server. We should NEVER experience a server slowdown again. If it does happen we'll do a traceroute and find the issue.
  19. It is still our current host. This was a miscommunication between techs and management..we should have been warned first but were not. We have spent the last few days trying to get everything done. Good thing is we have our own server and can do whatever we want. They kept moving us from server to server trying to keep us online within our budget. It was no longer possible. Certainly we are not happy with the way it was handled and there will be more said between us and the host.
  20. Been recouping at a relatives house. No internet! man that was tough. But I am recovering (disobeyed doctors orders to not do any shovelling and paid the price in a big way). So listen to your doctor and make sure your relatives have internet and cable before you stay with them...thats what I learned this month Good to be home guys!
  21. Finally got my ISP to believe me when I told them there was an issue with my new fancy modem. I could not stay on any website for more than two seconds without getting kicked and my phone shutting down. Extremely frustrating! I didnt even notice that the phone was dying at the same time cause I use my cell 90% of the time. So I got a new modem and two months free internet....man am I gonna download lots of stuff and make them pay:) The conversations with customer service were laughable. Me: Oh, hi, my modem is wrecked I think, if I go online to any site that requires any bandwidth at all, I get disconnected and have to reboot the modem. Them; Is your computer on when you try to access the internet? Me: Uhhh..yeah. How else would I know it wasn't staying online? Them: Well you would be surprised at the number of people who call and their computer is not turned on. Me: Okay let me save you some time...I have tested this on two different computers, one on XP and one on Vista. It is the same result no matter what. I have checked and rechecked the router and even bypassed the router and the result is the same. Them: Oh, your using a router...it could be the router. Me: {bangs head off of the wall} No it is not the router. If I plug directly into my computer from the modem I get the same thing. Them: Is the modem turned on? Me: Are you serious? Can I talk to your supervisor please.... This went on and on and I get the standard "we'll be there some time between 9 and 5 on the 30th" The guy shows up at nine today and I tell him whats going on...He said 'Sounds like your modem is buggered'... He is my new best friend. Now I have to go through all my PM's and stuff so bear with me till I get through them all.
  22. First I want to thank everyone who participated in the auction. I am going to try and send out PM's to each person involved and ...it may take me awhile to get to everyone! I am touched and humbled by it all. A special thanks to those who mailed me and sent me support outside of the auction. Your timing was perfect and I am forever grateful. I was at the specialists office Thursday and he had a good news/bad news combo for me. The good news is that the growth is not cancerous. The bad news is that the growth is not operable because of my previous cancer (orchiectomy) so we need to try and get rid of it with drugs. So I am on a neuro blocker for pain which really helps but really knocks me on my butt. I am sleeping through the night now though Actually sleeping about 12 hours a day now! But I can now stand up for about an hour finally. I have had this for about a year now and am glad to finally have some sort of treatment plan...I just wish I had not put it off for so long. Just figured if I ignored it, it would go away...it's a guy thing. For the technically or medically minded I have 2 spermatoceles and a hydrocele. None have increased in size over the last month however they have caused a condition called orchalgia. It is not life threatening, however, is..well, lets says very uncomfortable and leave it at that. I am on these meds for six weeks then back for re-assessment. If there is no change they will attempt to treat it with a more aggressive drugs. In the mean time I am resting and trying to get my weight back up to normal...lots of cookies should do the trick. Beer would help, but not allowed alcohol for now THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!
  23. It has happened before to me. Open the AVG control and click on the Updates tab and it should update again. May be a bad file in the last update and a patch usually follows the same or next day.
  24. Thank you to the brave men and women of our services and to those paying respect. P.S. Yes, the mods are here!! Those offended feel free to message me.
  25. There are two times in a fishes life where it has greater value to the overall population. During peak egg production/vitality. This is the age and size where a fish creates the greatest number of highly viable eggs. These fish are often the ones protected by slot, though it is statistically derived by the size of the females. Trophy Size. These fish have shown the ability and necessary genes to live though all kinds of changes by adaptation. They are highly disease and predator resistant. While their egg vitality is low, their ability to create even one more healthy adult fish in their waning years makes them very valuable.
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