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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. I drive with the flow of traffic. Whatever everyone else is doing is the safest speed. I'm more concerned with guys doing 100 in a 100 zone during a snow storm than I am with people doing 125 in a 100 on a dry sunny day. Police have whats called 'prosecutorial discretion' which is what allows them leeway in deciding who to pull over. Only time I got a silly ticket was doing a 51 in a 40. I think it was $28.00. By and large I salute and appreciate all the work our law enforcement officers do.
  2. Sometime over the next few months we are going to be having a major upgrade of the board software. Most of the changes go toward function and add some handy admin features as well. We will discuss over time which of the features will get added (some of them are either not relevant or just not worthwhile). If you have an appreciation for software you can watch the company owner and head developers blog here.. http://forums.invisionpower.com/blog/ips_news/index.php?
  3. I wasn't going around to save 40 bucks. I was just trying to buy the thing. FS started the mess by putting an item on sale that they didn't have instock, so it was a matter of "now that I'm out shopping i will go find one". I don't have a Henry's or smaller camera store in my area..big box stores pushed them all out. Walmart goofed by agreeing to a price then balking at the last minute. I was buying it either way. But to make a deal then back out says all I need to know. And I need Walmart?? Hardly. They are done. Now that I know FS and BB are the same thing (should have suspected that) gonna have to find another option.
  4. It is time to upgrade the old Canon S2 IS. A great camera but it was having some issues lately freezing up. I wanted the S5 IS..same set up and I was familiar with it. Future Shop finally put them on sale (I know the new S6 is coming out soon so the S5's have to go). Future Shop listed them at $329.00 They were $500 when they first came out. I checked online and my store had some in stock! Off I go only to find out, no, they never got the shipment so they had none, but I could have a raincheck. A rain check on a model being phased out is not worth much. So I said nevermind I know that Best Buy will match your price. I head on down the road to Best Buy and ask the guys in cameras if they price match cameras..Hey asked if I was looking for the S5 IS..I said, Yeah....he informed me that other Future Shop customers had already cleaned them out but he offered me the display model for $300. I didn't want that. So I headed on to Walmart. They had the S5 and said they would price match any advertised price. I said its online at Future Shop.ca. The sales person said thats good enough. Walmart had them at $340 anyway so wasn't saving much. They had to go to storage to get me one since all the ones on the floor were gone...there musta been a parade of people hunting down this camera. When I go to the manager to get my price match thing, she said online flyers aren't good enough she needs something in her hand. I said so print the flyer its right on the front page of the Future Shop site. She said she could not do that but I was welcome to go across town to Future Shop, get a flyer and come back. Obviously time and gas make that a futile move. So I told them I would pay the extra 20 bucks, but it would however be the very last time I ever set foot inside a walmart. So to Walmart and Future Shop...shame. Shame on Future Shop for putting items on sale they do not have, shame on Walmart for being so stupid. I will only be buying electronics ( and I buy at least $3,000 a year of it) at Best Buy. They were helpful, honest and friendly. Everone else was just inept. My other experiences there have been good, too. They have told me if they didn't know the answer to my question but would take me around the store to different people till we got an answer. Stop hiring people for minimum wage..intangible losses are far greater than you can possibly imagine. Now I hope I can get some fishing shots with this new camera cause the last one ws horribly jinxed.
  5. All sound likely, but check with the obvious first.. Hull damage, bad intake/outlets for livewells, misfitting plug. Best way to check is to put the boat level in the driveway and dump a few inches of water into it and see where she leaks out. Then check for bad connects on your livewell drains.
  6. Gilmour depresses me so much. I watch him play a song and thing..that don't look so tough..then I try it and loose my mind..lol
  7. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd7ZfF6cOfY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd7ZfF6cOfY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd7ZfF6cOfY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  8. It isn't too far in the future when we will all be making our own electricity with a combo of wind and solar power. In a few years the technology will be priced so that building into a new home will add 5% to the cost. Factor that into the lifetime of your home and it is cheap! Pickens is right about a few thing, IMHO. We need fuel cell technology and a bridge to get there.
  9. There's actually a quantum time/space factor I was referring to. It goes something like this.. Gravity effects time. It slows it down. Since the satellites are further from the effects of gravity, their clocks run slightly faster than clocks on earth. So each day at 5:00 pm, the military recalibrates the time between earth and satellite clocks. There's some great shows on you tube from a British Science TV Show starring a british scientist about this phenomenon...great until your head explodes...
  10. Here's a question that ties fishing into quantum physics! What time of day is your GPS most accurate and why??
  11. I was looking for stuff on the seven dwarves...
  12. My deepest condolences. It was my pleasure to meet him and my pleasure to turn over the crown to him for the derby He will be sadly missed.
  13. And there was nothing stopping the CO from sexually assaulting the hunters....as the old joke goes. I find the story a bit hard to believe. First..who on earth sites in a gravel pit? Do you enjoy shrapnel ricochet? CO's don't charge you and hope you don't show up. They need their integrity intact with the JP's and if they keep bringing crap charges in, the JP is almost never going to listen to him.
  14. Let's get this straight. No matter the crime, reverse onus of proof is extremely rare. Possession of OOS fish is dependant on the day caught. It is not uncommon at all for people to fish closing dates. An arresting officer would have have to prove you committed an offense. There is no exception except for cases of intention to sell where amounts of fish make it likely that it could not be for personal use. People have fish in their freezer that were caught in season and stay beyond close all the time. Possession laws have to be read from the original source and not the summaries to make more sense. There are possession regs, catching regs and combination of possession/catching regs. It would be illegal to catch and retain an OOS fish. If you are staying at a place and your stay encompasses the closing date, it is not an unreasonable possibility that you caught the fish prior to closing. If you are going to a buddies place for dinner in December, and you take some filets from September, it is also not an unreasonable possibility. Don't always rely on the summary of regulations as the actual written law. It is a conglomeration of provincial and federal laws written is slightly more understandable language. Your ticket will never say "contrary to page 4 of the summaries", it will indicate the specific act and subsection. If we reversed this logic it would be okay to catch fish prior to the opener provided you don't leave till after the opener. We know this is not the case. Don't get yourself caught up in silly interpretations..the CO doesn't (with the rare exception of everyones favorite northern CO who shall remain nameless .....cough...DM..cough) I've been to a few resource violation court cases and the crown and CO must have all their ducks in a row just like any other case. In fact it is probably harder to get a resource violation charge to stick than most other crimes because of legal ambiguities and the fact that JP's are very unlikely to set or go against precedence. To make your life easier, clean and freeze closing day filets right away. A fish frozen makes it a bit more obvious and places reasonable doubt in your favour.
  15. If I know your height I can figure out the fish fairly close. Also give me height to top of your shoulder
  16. Are there seriously people that do not think the earth is getting warmer? I'm not talking about the cause, but people who seriously think it isn't happening? BTW they could tell how old the ice was on the pole by the thickness and layers. Kinda like a trees rings. You could also carbon date any frozen life forms found inside.
  17. I was pointing out the idiocy of the anglers. It is signed AND fenced and they still fish there. Then get all huffy when they get a ticket.
  18. A few lawyers, but more importantly a few officers of the law.... He can't have the OPP or anyone press charges. The investigating officer (and it would have to be OPP cause good luck getting the MNR out for that) would have to be satisfied he had evidence and a good chance of a conviction. Not likely an officer wants to get into a spat that crosses into federal jurisdiction (Navigable waterways) and get jammed up in court for days for a $125 ticket, so he'll send you on your way if he feels the landowner is in the right. Hunting and trespassing may bring bigger fines due to the firearms aspect, but a simple trespass ticket for fishing (happens at Dalhousie all the time) is $125 or thereabouts. Signs are required (part of dalhousie is posted and fenced and still people fish there).
  19. There is one law you have to be wary of..and it is a bit of a technicality. Possession laws for fish include roe. So you cannot possess more roe than would come from that number of fish. So if the salmon limit is five, you cannot possess more than the roe from five fish. Would anyone ever ticket you for it? I would fall off my chair if it happened, but they do use this portion of the law when they find poachers with fresh roe removed from OOS fish. (ie They find a guy along a river bed with fresh rainbow trout roe , but the fish has been released/disposed of when trout are OOS).
  20. That's just funny right there. Your car is trespassing! Your vehicle cannot be towed by a private citizen for parking on the street or for a tresspassing violation. Nor would an OPP officer write a trespass notice under the "Game and Fish Act" but under the "Trespass to Property Act". There is no such thing as the "Game and Fish Act". It was repealed in 1999 and replaced with the "Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act".
  21. Just be careful not to take any coding that is unique enough to be copyright violation. It is a good way to learn. You can also download free templates from the net all over the place. Go to www.webmonkey.com to learn lots about web design.
  22. I used to fish the Whirlpool in the golden days of big salmon (early 80's) when the baitfish where plentiful and 40 pound fish were not uncommon nor where 40 fish days. Occasionally you'd hook into a real goliath..a fresh run 40+ fish. We didn't have Power Pro or anything like it so we were all running Ande or Trilene mono. Usually in the 12 pound range. Yeah it was a challenge. A big fish with a 15 mph current equals lots of running down the shoreline. When we felt that a spooling was inevitable we simply would put the rod straight up in the air and quickly drop the rod tip right into the water. This almost always stopped the fish immediately. The pressure would stop..they would stop. We could occasionally then slowly entice the fish back or hope they spit the hook. It didn't always work, but did many times save me some spoons. Failing that we would grab the spool and hope the knot let go. But with today's lines and smaller salmon, I don't see it happening.
  23. Of course, no one here would use a chemical pesticide next to a water source!
  24. Lol...don't think it was made for the shoal carps for sure. But I know I've had trouble releasing some overly aggressive panfish with mangling them with pliers or hemostats.
  25. The Chinese (Cantonese) believe the number 8 to be the luckiest number.
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