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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Now if we can just get Shimano to make boats....
  2. I bought an LG LCD. At the casino all of our TV's are LG LCD and they are on 24/7 and so far (5 yrs) only a few have failed...like was said earlier it was power supplies that went on them...not the screen. I don't know but seems like leaving them on all the time may cause them to last longer.
  3. Here on Haloween, there were so many people out staggering around that the police closed the main street to vehicle traffic. Seems a more reasonable and user-friendly alternative. The community decided to get smashed and the police protected their safety. Our police tend to stay in the background (strategically positioned) and only respond to trouble. They certainly don't go looking for it.
  4. Absolutely...but those would be the coolest scars ever... Theres no bears to wrassle down here, so might as well take on a buck... 2 out of 3 falls...UFC rules, tap out allowed
  5. I am going to try and find the den of the yotes living in the park behind my house. I am going to wait for snowfall to make is easier. I have included a map of the park below. Any suggestions on likely starting areas?I have been reading and studying urban coyote behaviour reference material for the last few days and most of what is available on urban coyotes is based on info from the southern US where I assume the den selection would be different due to climate.I am only interested in watching and photographing these animals (anything else would be illegal), and since they appear to be here for good, its best I learn as much about them as possible. Any help appreciated!! View Larger Map
  6. There are CONFIRMED pumas in Niagara...(confirmed by MNR via scat samples in a cave adjacent to a quarry) as well as a black panther who has not been seen in awhile in the Fort Erie area. There is another believed to live in the Port Colborne area ( attacked a horse on a trail). Another puma attacked a horse in Fonthill and was seen leaving a barn with a smaller cat in tow that may have been a young puma. A tracker was hired to kill the puma in Fonthill since it was in a farm next to a school but she got wise and moved on. The MNR does not believe these are Eastern Cougars, but escaped pets and are not protected by the Endangered Species Act or Species at Risk. Interestingly the law that does protect cougars lists the incorrect scientific name for the cat leaving the law kinda useless anyway.
  7. I don't think they are directly a terrorist organization, but they do support several terrorist orgs such as ALF, ELF etc. Funding of these groups is as bad as being part of them. P3TA also runs an animal shelter with one of the highest kill rates in the US. http://www.petakillsanimals.com/
  8. The double click back problem is a small flaw in Internet Explorer that sees the Google Ads as a page within a page. I don't think the new skin is coded quite the same so it should be okay. Upgrading to the newest Internet Explorer will also fix the issue (or use another browser...cause IE sux )
  9. Like Kenny Linseman, you mean? There have always been cheap shot artists. The difference today is the kids are much faster, talented and better athletes.
  10. I am still weeding through all the new features and reading manuals before we go with the switchover. The new software is specifically geared to community type boards...we got lucky there There will be a few minor policy changes that will go along with it. Nothing that will affect anyone..just ways to keep a handle on stuff. We then have to try and get all the mods used to the new moderator control center and other features. There will be much to learn for us so please be patient. There are many changes and we are streamlining the skins, speeding up the board load times, adding features and improving (greatly) the existing ones. We will also then be tied into an anti-spam database which will block known spammers from trying to access the site. Since there will be alot of configuring to do, the site will be offline for up to 48 hours during the switchover. This may be a good time to reaquaint yourself with your wife. If you are not sure if you have a wife, check to see if food and clean clothes magically appear from time to time...that is one of the signs. As soon as we are ready, we will announce the scheduled upgrade notice and then go for it.
  11. You guys got lake effect snow. I live between two of the great lakes and still don't have any snow..need some though to track them coyotes!
  12. Our first Colorado low of the year. 30 cm and near blizzard conditions for you northern guys and a snow then rain then snow again mix for us down here. Not sure which is worse. Drive safe everyone!! Weather Network Video Report
  13. Still lots in Niagara. GF was out walking her pups and nearly got charged by a randy buck. She was walking along the road and saw him..nice 8 pointer... but since she was walking her dogs, figured he would move on. He didn't..she got about 30 feet away and stomped her feet. He stomped back, snorted and lowered his head..she decided to go another way. I woulda held my ground just to see if he would really take me on..don't know what I would do if he did..lol.
  14. I don't know about the modern material pads, but the old leather pads were very slick on ice. If you did a pad-stack or slide, it was uncontrollable on slick ice. Scratching up some snow gave you friction and control.
  15. They told me to pound salt too, then I said..Okay, just deliver me the exact car and pay whatever you want...
  16. Honestly... I would wait till spring. I have a feeling gas prices will head back up and the bigger boats will be discounted like they were this past spring. You don't NEED a boat now...you WANT a boat now. Wait awhile and you will get the perfect boat. Now that being said..if I had the cash I would have bought that Lund in a heartbeat. I would have begged and bribed my way into that ride. It was the best deal on a boat we have had here in recent memory...easily worth 12,000 and going for 7,000. I would drive a bit to save 5,000 and put up with hassles and paperwork. I may have even begged the owner to drive it over here and hand him the cash plus a little extra for delivery and then deal with the paperwork hassles later. TonyB was selling his Lund that he won for around 20K..don't know if he still has it or not.
  17. I got some extra when my ex totalled her car. I simply used the internet and found identical cars at dealerships that were going for more than they were offering. I gave them links to two cars that had all the same options and mileage and they then upped the amount by $900. Of course they always get it back somehow...
  18. For the next few weeks (until we upgrade all the site software) registration for new members will require admin approval. We have been getting quite a few spam accounts. It used to be software programs doing the spam registration and we had ways to prevent it... but now it is actual people doing it and there is no other way to get a handle on it. Approval may take up to 24 hours after new members have confirmed their email address through the validation email. Sorry for the inconvenience
  19. That wasn't directed at you... and who said I'm a 'grown up'?
  20. Hey you know those machines they can put on a car...like a breathalizer.. and you have to blow into it to prove you are sober before you can drive your car?? They need those for computers...especially at 3:00 am.
  21. Wow!!! Sweet!! I will have to think about which I want to do. But it will be hard to not go out on Lake O and learn a few things from you. Thanks much Tony! Just don't let Julie outfish me ... lol
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