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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. We kinda passed the day (it was the 15th) that we opened the flood gates to the new site and software. We did a major upgrade not long after and here we are. Another major upgrade will be coming in the late winter or early spring. Personally I was delighted with everyones' transition to the new hi-tech format and how quick the members caught on to the new gadgets, and I hope you like all the new toys that will come as we bring the site up to date. Amazing that only 3 years and our software is out of date. A big thanks from me from a technical standpoint. We still struggle keeping out the spam bots but the rest of the mods are on the pretty quick. The next version is supposed to be bot proof and have new toys to play with including being able to import your Flicker or Photobucket images directly, accessing the site through your facebook, a bigger profile page and much more. Happy Anniversary guys
  2. I think we can call this one 'off the rails' and put it to bed now.
  3. Mmmm...perch dinner!!! Nice mess of fish Jen!
  4. Waiver or not, we would have to get legal counsel before we could endorse it. Of course, what you guys wanna do on your own is up to you But an 'official' endorsement would require some thought..but we have lots of time. You may do well to talk to the guys doing the Twoonie Series.
  5. I am not in favor of unions, but trying to classify transit workers as essential is over the top, IMHO. Firemen, police, EMS and even water treatment and sewage treatment are essential...but bus drivers?? No chance. Toronto relies far more on its transit system and they manage to deal with strikes. It is inconvenient yes. Does it directly put people at risk? No. A 15% raise seems generous given the economy, but I don't know the ins and outs of it all..it may be making up for past concessions...no clue. The city is within their rights to hire out and get replacement drivers if they wish to. Some bus companies may even come in and pick up the routes. If there is a buck to be made, someone will be there. It is just a possible strike, not the end of the world.
  6. Should be clear..no rain in a long time and winds have been mild.
  7. I am suspending my catch and release rule..lol She is already wanting to get back out!
  8. So my new belle had not been fishing in many years. I won't say how many cause I am a gentleman (and I don't want to get smacked). So I had shown Jewel pics of the walleye I had caught on my local pier and explained the intricacies of the method. I told her this was not a method that was easy to learn. Ya know..it took me a few years to get the hang of it all. So we headed out about 7:30 and hit the pier. I kept reassuring her it was no shame to not catch anything the first few times out.... So on her first cast...FISH ON!! Seriously.. Now she was using my custom made Backwoods rod (ya know..for serious anglers..lol) and I could see this fish was a trophy just from the incredibly wide head shakes. It was about an 8 minute fight with the fish easily pulling line and shaking the crap out of the rod. I was trying to guess how big..10 pounds judging by the fight, I said. I was wrong. The fish actually ran upstream of her a few times, prompting me to tell her to make sure she stays ahead. When the fish came close to the surface, the light spooked her and back dwon she went..bulldogging like crazy. Finally I saw it...OMG, I thought. Do not screw up netting this!!!! This fish was huge!! Into the net she came..phew...out came the single hook in the upper lip and then much rejoicing. I actually remembered the camera...which undoubtedly saved me from having to start dating again...and snapped a quick pic and set the monster back into the net and lowered her back into the water to recover. A few minutes later there was a flick of the tail and off she went. The fish was 30 inches and went just over 13 pounds. I caught bugger all, btw. Who has time to fish when you are tending to the net? A cold front and heavy fog rolled in and made the pier a bit hard to navigate and the bite either turned off or she caught the only fish out there. Anyway...this post is nothing without a picture, so I think Bly may have some competition for female walleye champ Guys spend their whole lives looking for a fish like this one...she walks up and nails it first cast. Plus she's sexy... I don't think I'll be tossing this one back. I am sure Jewel will reply once she stops shaking
  9. Okay...I got schooled! Pics and report coming!! You will not believe what she caught...now I know how Cliff feels fishing with Bly.
  10. sigh... I am so putting her on Mod Q I am bringing the camera.. we shall see what happens.
  11. My insurance company also waives deductibles for deer hits. They put out a letter each fall letting everyone know. I just want some antlers for the pups...watching for abandoned road kill now
  12. I will check with a few farmers I know down there Fang. Not sure where the rural/urban boundary is though. But the ones I have met are not too fond of the deer in the area and likely to give permission in exchange for some venison. I think the Ontario Record Buck is from Fort Erie so there are bigguns there.
  13. I drove to Fort Erie and on the QEW a deer..smaller buck... jumped in front of me, I missed him but the Durango in the left lane did not. The deer was hit hard and came to rest about 10 feet from ANOTHER dead deer...medium sized doe. On the way back, I saw a car stopped on Sodom Rd and in front of it lay dead a massive 8 point buck. Big and full animal. The Honda actually faired well considering the size of the buck. The deer are moving and moving quick..be careful. Don't veer off the road,,,it is isafer to brake straight and hope for the best than to veer off and risk hitting a tree or another car.
  14. Stopped for gas tonite and saw Dave's truck. I had not seen it before..nice decal work. Just then Dave and his buddy Simon pulled up towing a gorgeous Triton. Got to talk to them for a few minutes before we both had to get going. Apparently fishing was 'slow' and they only managed 20 or so fish. Poor guy...lol. Dave was a little under the weather but if you are gonna be sick, you might as well be out fishing. So if you are wondering what a fishing celeb/pro does on his days off when he is sick..apparently he goes out on a big lake and fishes. Nice seeing you Dave.
  15. I learned last winter that when they say "Keep Back 100 Metres".. they really, really mean it. That stuff doesn't come off easy at all.
  16. 12 minutes to go ladies and gents.. Lest We Forget
  17. Thanks for the wishes, everyone. It is a 'side by each' Dawg!
  18. Tomorrow, as noted, we are asking all members to refrain from posting for two minutes at 11:00 am.
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