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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Smartphones and laptops are pretty big theft items and people lose their phones all the time. I found a Add-On for Firefox that, if your computer is turned on away from home, emails you right away with the location of your computer! Things you need are all included in this link http://www.firefound.com/ You may need to make a web based email account if you only have ISP email (you will need to be able to access your email from a different location) You can set this add on to erase all private data should your computer turn on in a place it shouldn't and can lock down folders. I tested it today and it told me the street I turned the computer on and the name of the nearest routers as well as the approximate long/latt of my computer. With this info you can go out with another laptop and locate within a very small distance where your laptop is. Now...got to figure out a way to put this technology into a boat!!
  2. Will they ship it without the canister, they are cheap to buy.
  3. Statistically they have less than 1% chance of making the playoffs, but they do look more confident with someone in net who is better than a pylon.
  4. The media will always print what sells. Newspapers have become more sensational in order to survive. Unfortunately we have a serious coyote problem here and the next story, I predict, will be about a child getting bitten by a yote. The females are now in heat, and the males are especially crazy right now. Two nights ago they were walking down the street in my neighbourhood. No one should harrass anyone. The hunter was in the wrong, but he did make amends and the dog appears to be fine. I would think the guy learned his lesson. I don't know his experience level, but I think it just went up several notches. I do feel for the dog owner. It is a rural area and dogs at large are common. I know how I would feel if someone shot my dog.
  5. Remember Dawg...if that barrier goes down, the heavily weeded lakes like Nippissing would be decimated. Lakes like Erie don't have a great deal of vegetation compared to water volume. I think the biggest threat would be to the Kawarthas, Muskokas and Nippissing. We would have to close down the Trent canal for sure.... As far as us letting in invasive species...the ships that dumped their ballast water, did so illegally. I have always wanted a ballast water exchange law for the mouth of the St Lawrence. That could prevent any further issues.
  6. Yeah we need Canadian tags, but you can just keep a cheapo one in the boat and wear this one. That is an amazing price. They're $200 here....$54 is awesome!
  7. We sent people instead But you did get $13M from your Feds for it all last month.
  8. I've seen black yotes and white yotes here lately.... But I can tell the difference between a dog and a yote. If you can't don't pull the trigger!! If you are that far away from your target that you don't notice its a shepherd or that it has a collar on, use binoculars. The yotes here come with 50 ft of you without much fear...or in my backyard to fight my dogs in one case.
  9. Ohhh...and to the spam stuff, Cliff... Back in the day when there wasn't much traffic and it didn't cost much (or anything) for the software and hosting, it wasn't much of an issue. Now that we need high level software to keep out the spam programs, a dedicated server to handle the traffic and security measures to keep out hackers, the operating costs are very high. We have, by far, the lowest ad rates for this niche with this traffic. So we have to protect those sponsors from people who spam on the board..otherwise why would they pay for an ad when they could just do the same thing? Unless it went to a user-pay system (which it won't) sponsors have to be protected.
  10. I can tell you exactly where I catch my walleye...Port Dalhousie...does that do you any good?? Nope. Unless you know the specifics that took me a long time to figure out, you won't find them. There are tiny subtleties that make a place a fishing spot or just a place with water. I have shared some of that with people from the board and you all saw my girlfriends first trophy walleye from Dalhousie last fall. The difference is that one detail I only show to people in person. Fishing is not just about knowing spots. Anyone with a map and a chart and a moderate understanding of fish behavior would then know every spot there is.
  11. Actually the people of Canada (DFO and MNR) have comitted many resources to assist Michigan with its electric barricade. We would put in our own barriers but since the entire canal exists on US soil, there is the whole sovereignty issue.
  12. Is it really that far fetched to ask for some kind of responsible dialogue on this issue? We do not know why the courts ruled as they did since none of us are lawyers. Finger pointing in useless and portraying the issue as little more than an inconvenience is insulting. Our biologists, who have the best record at preserving resources in North America, have identified this issue as one of the highest priority. I think the issue deserves proper discourse and not this display of immature back and forth.
  13. From experience, here's what I know. I had cancer and waited for nothing. I signed two pieces of paper, had my surgery the same week as my diagnosis, my treatment and did not have any out of pocket expenses. Last summer I herniated a disc in my back at work. Got my MRI within 5 days. There are ways to make the system work fast, you just have to do your homework. My sister lives in NY. She pays $6,000 for her premiums. She has co-pays, limits, lifetime caps and has to wait for insurance approval for each test. If she gets sick enough they can cancel her policy and she will never get insurance again because she will have a pre-existing condition. The question is, who is more likely to screw you...a big corporation or the government? I find insurance companies to be the single biggest weasel system on earth. Canadians live longer, have a lower birth mortality and higher satisfaction rate than our US neighbours. Everyone here has coverage.
  14. Hey maybe the can do a study on the myriad of issues my Caravan has, too. Like bad sway bars, cold weather steering pump failure, low speed steering shudder, cold weather transmission slip, sticky throttle body, untraceable power window failure (lets just keep replacing parts till it works again), rapid rear brake seizure, etc. Of course there are TSB's out for all this yet the dealer has never heard of such issues when I bring the car in.
  15. Ontario is the new Viginia. Except with less possums. No snow here to speak of and none in the forecast. Make sure to build a southern snowman for us to see. (The bigger ball goes on the bottom)
  16. Boy are they gonna be pissed at you chat guys when we gotta shut the site down for two days to install it all...
  17. The last time I talked to one of the wildife techs at the MNR about it, the bears had moved as far south as Guelph (a moose was also spotted in the area). If you are asking if the spring hunt is coming back... I doubt it until they do reach a major city, like London. The drop off in hunting of all types is a contributor to the increase in urban wildlife numbers as are things like urban sprawl and connected green belts between urban centers. The spread of predators will always be dependent on food, living space and adaptation.
  18. Do they use some kind of struts/stringers under the floors to reduce torsional stress? That center bench would seem to be a major player in the dep't.
  19. I am in the development phase of creating a new website that may be a partnership between myself and a few levels of government...I have the municipal guys on board (no money, but they are on board..lol) It will be dealing with Urban Wildlife and information/education for those dealing with the rapid increase of urban wildlife. Originally I will be focusing on the Niagara/Golden Horseshoe area but will expand beyond that if things go well. This is a non-profit venture so there is no money flying around. I will be hosting it myself to keep costs down. What I need is biologists, wildlife techs and photographers willing to give me articles and pics that would be suitable. I am going to be rolling a study of urban coyotes in St Catharines into this project and will be doing things like going out and doing active calling in areas with reports of troubles and trying to photograph packs to get ideas on numbers and movements. The city is somewhat concerned about the rapid increase in coyote/pet attacks here lately. If that sounds like fun, come join me. I already have the pepper spray..lol. Jewelbee donated that. I have already completed a smaller scale study on the beaver population in Niagara that I had done for the city last year. Those results will be on the site. I know you rural guys are all accustomed to yotes, beavers and all the stuff we are now starting to see in the bigger cities so any advice on damage prevention (outside of killing cause that just will never fly here) would be great too. Thanks
  20. 4chan was and is still a very influential and powerful force on the net. It has spawned some incredibly important advances and some rather bad crud for the net. It is also a collective force to be reckoned with. Its followers include some of the brightest hackers anywhere. I don't think they have a fishing board since most of its followers are not really the outdoorsy type. Its owner was voted one of the most influential people in the world...after the site's followers figured out how to circumvent Time Magazines online voting system. They actually voted people into a particular order to create a message with the first name of each winner in order.
  21. Here's the deal Terry. I am one of the admins of this site. Admin being a synonym for owner. You can therefore see how I and the rest of the admins (owners, guys who pay the bills) would therefore get to decide what gets posted. So this is likely the last time I will tell you nicely that HUNTING POSTS ARE OKAY. If you do not like it, don't read them or perhaps go to another web site. LAST WARNING!!
  22. Do the smelt still come into Ramey's Bend?
  23. It is an outdoors site...I should know.
  24. Well we me and douG had the winning weight for the great Crayola Invitational, I was smoking up a storm and the music was cranked REALLY loud so we kinda shattered two myths at once...we were in a tin boat too. doug does not smoke and I caught more than him trolling outta the same boat, so I would call the myth busted for sure.
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