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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Pfftt..you Barrie guys get this crap all the time. This will shut the city down here.
  2. I hear ya Cliff..and I wear the floater suit, but they are different than the survival suit. If you can stay afloat, you can stay alive. Some guys just won't wear the floater suits, so an inflatable PFD will make a big difference allowing your head to stay above water untill the initial shock and hyperventilation subsides. Watch the video GCD put up and you can see that it is not difficult to survive going through if you are prepared.
  3. A very localized area of lake effect snow is hitting the St Catharines corridor on the QEW and is going to get worse...up to 30 cm of snow with whiteouts. I know thats not much for you northern or snow belt guys, but we don't usually get that much and don't really have the equipment to handle it. Be careful on the highways!
  4. If you don't want to wear a floater suit, the inflatable life jackets will fit over your regular suit. Less than 200 bucks to save your life!
  5. There are a few companies here that, when they are going to have a major sale, put in the ad how much of each item the store will have. This should be common practice. This way I have an idea if I have a chance in heck of getting the item or not.
  6. Yes..call your local SPCA. If the dog is a 'biter' for whatever reason, it needs to be dealt with before it bites a child.
  7. You cannot test for rabies without killing the animal. There has not been a confirmed case of rabies in Niagara for 15 years. A rabid dog that bit you weeks ago would have died by now.
  8. Dogs who nip do it out of fear. The pup may be afraid of your or insecure. Small dogs do this alot. Is the dog aggressive?? Like trying to tear a whole in the wall to get to you? If not the way you walk can prevent a bite...as can pepper spray.
  9. Load guides!! Load guides make it nearly dummy-proof (my kind of accessory!) I always trimmed up, lined up and just let her go. You kinda get the feel of your trailer after awhile. Plus when on land see how close to the ground your skeg is to get an idea how much you need to trim. Take into account that your prop with pull crap off the bottom if it is too close and if you are unlucky you could pull up a small rock and ding your prop.
  10. ok..this one has gone to the dogs....
  11. I do think that running up the score has always been considered poor sportsmanship. If you play baseball and steal a base when your team is up by 10 runs, expect the next guy up to see some chin music. There is a difference between playing your hardest and making a mockery of the game. This is a result of the plus/minus tie breaker. But, the teams know the opponents have to keep scoring cause the others do too. Remove the current tie breaking scheme to bring integrity back.
  12. The idea is to not give them a free meal...like your free roaming cat. The less we give them the more they will move to easier food sources. I am installing motion detector lights, these work very well on urban coyotes. The urban/rural issue is very different since trapping and hunting is not permissable. It is about teaching people not to let your cats run at large, not to let your dogs off lead in a park, secure garbage in animal-proof containers and use common sense. As we green up some areas of town and develop others, this is the natural result. We have to figure out how to live with it.
  13. Too much jealousy on this thread. You wanna make 100k...make yourself worth 100k.
  14. Does this hat make me look fat?
  15. Unless you hunt to extirpation, it is not an effective control measure. Coyotes are in my city park each night. They have entered my yard and fought my dogs. But it is not a matter of hunting, but simply stop providing any type of food source to them: whether it be pets, garbage or people actually feeding them. Stop giving them a reason to come around and they won't. The situation is approaching a point where this is going to become a big problem. Hunting in urban areas is not an option, so since we are supposed to be smarter than them.. we have to adjust our ways. FactSheet___Coyotes.doc
  16. I don't know if you could pay me enough to rush into a burning building for no other reason than to stop if from burning....they deserve all they get in my books.
  17. Forecast change has it more of a Christmas event. Boxing day will be a BIG mess for the north with more than six hours of freezing rain north of Toronto
  18. Glad he is home, bud. I bet he will love some real food, good friends and loving family for the holidays!
  19. Terry did the same thing, so two guys down there should help him I want to learn to to drop shotting in places you would not normally do it.
  20. Yeah..otherwise we got nothing to do till the lakes freeze..or thaw, depending on what you are after.
  21. Yahoo and Hotmail are the biggest sources of spammers. You cannot spoof or redirect an ISP email address without having compromised the ISP's mail server (unless of course you are a client). If you can do that, you can circumvent anything we can do. Providing an ISP address for registration lets us know you are real and we can avoid the IP tracing. Requesting your real name accomplishes nothing since the new spammers are real people hired in places like India, The Philipines and Pakistan. We have a custom field that keeps out bot programs, but the only way to keep out the 'spammers for hire' is to use manual approval until we are connected to the national spam database after the upgrade. GMail is far superior to Yahoo because it allows you unlimited variations of your actual address by adding the '+' sign and other characters. So your email could be [email protected] and you can have also use bobsmith+this [email protected] since GMail ignores everything after the '+' sign.
  22. Musta been a heck of a b-day party..TJ threw up in the admin forum..lol.
  23. With the exception of hunters, no one would know what those signs meant. But, drunken teenagers generally don't follow most signs anyway.
  24. With the exception of hunters, no one would know what those signs meant. But, drunken teenagers generally don't follow most signs anyway.
  25. Pulling a gun on someone is not the brightest idea. Perhaps start off with a ' I'm sorry but this is private property and you guys will have to move your vehicle. ' Using ridiculous force as a first contact is a contributor to things escalating out of control. You didn't mention if the waterway was your private pond or not. That being said, ignoring clear No Trespassing signs is quite rude..certainly not worthy of having to stare down the barrel of a gun..especially from someone who doesn't own the land.
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