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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. The police warnings are actually the MNR issued standard protocol. Coyotes are a big problem in the cities now. People living in the city have no idea the dangers coyotes pose. City coyotes are MUCH braver and bigger than rural coyotes. This summer could be a major problem if people do not change their habits. Walking your small dogs at night near parks in coyote areas is no long an option. I am in the midst of a coyote study and the reports coming in are all pointing to urban coyotes now being a permanent resident of the cities and we all have to adapt to it. CARRY PEPPER SPRAY if you are in city parks. We are having signs placed in all city parks with known coyote populations so people can beware. If you live in a city with coyotes, talk to your kids and make sure they are staying away from all 'dogs'. Texas went through this a few years ago and the number of kids getting bit was alarming. So you guys living in the country..do not think these are the same skittish coyotes you are used to. There have been reports here already of coyotes challenging adult humans. We all have to change our ways because we cannot get rid of these animals...so we must adapt.
  2. Uhh..deer in these parts are MUCH bigger than that John. If I am standing beside one and we're eye to eye (I'm 5'11") like a few weeks back...they gotta be bigger than that! I can see why some people are against wolf hunting. They are very close to dogs. We all love dogs. Some of us..mostly those who do not live anywhere near a wolf...see them as kind of majestic creatures. We see lots of deer and don't really have that mystique. Personally, I would not shoot a wolf. Would I shoot a coyote? I don't know. A few years ago the answer would have been no, but they are like vermin here now, so my answer is 50-50 either way. It's all relative to your experience, I think. I'd never shoot a polar bear, but a black bear yes. I would shoot a moose, but not a white moose. Does that follow any logic? No. But it is not always going to be black and white. Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree.
  3. Happy Birthday....we got beer here for you...but we drank it. Sorry
  4. There are 50% fewer Americans going to EVERY resort. Its not just yours. I have worked in tourism for 30 years. We changed our marketing tactics to match the new reality and are still doing quite well, all things considered. We worked hard on a new client base. Our American customers were once 80% of our business, they are now 20%. You say the 2008 catch numbers are way down. 2008 was prior to the drop in the dollar and change in passport laws, so perhaps the bluegill population is stressed. In either event, you have not offered anything other than empirical evidence and hearsay. All the Northern Ontario resorts have learned to sell the EXPERIENCE not the number of walleye filets you can take home (once the walleye limits were cut). There are significant flaws in your marketing strategy and very few, if any, in the MNR's conservation plan. 35,000 people come to this site daily to talk about fishing in Ontario. I can tell you the number of American viewers have dropped from about 60% to about 40 %, yet our numbers overall are way up. Your new reality is that Rice Lake cannot sustain year round fishing pressure with no checks in place. Adapt to it. I know one resort whose business is way up in the last five years and their lake has lower limits and slot limits even on pike. I will let you put two and two together yourself. Allowing the Kawarthas to become a meat farm is not the answer. Our obligation to the next generation usurps all other considerations. Opening the lakes to ice fishing was meant as a way to reduce panfish numbers, not eradicate them. Limits (which very few anglers have found unreasonable) are meant to ensure that an unexpected massive ice fishing push doesn't harm the lakes. You will likely find that the MNR does not bow to monetary arguments. Perhaps you would be better off looking at the science behind the decisions made and refuting them, if you can, with some type of independant study.
  5. Whirlpool is shore fishing only. If i were you I would either go with a guide the first time or take someone with lots of experience. That river is nothing to mess with and has areas that are EXTREMELY dangerous. But it holds more fish per square inch than most anywhere else in this area.
  6. I was not at all surprised to see the US in the finals. But I think any athlete, no matter where from, deserves a medal just for making it here. After watching these guys and gals do things at 140KM/h that you couldn't get me to do at any speed, I was immensely amazed and humbled. The woman that won bronze after breaking 4 ribs and collapsing a lung...my hat is off to you....
  7. You are quite right, Marty. I was never a big fan of the Olympics before but this one was great. In order for the summer olympics to be any where near as exciting as the winter games, they need to have the marathon run on the 401...against traffic.
  8. SYDNEY for PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. OMG...sorry bud. Jeez, sometimes women just don't stop to think about the implications of what they are doing.
  10. I'm gonna do a walleye tat wrapping around my calf one day...I will have to see if you have a nice walleye drawing then
  11. Don't get me wrong, cram....I am a big dog lover. I prefer dogs to most humans in fact. But my understanding of sentience is self-awareness which involves the understanding of ones own mortality beyond fight or flight. But after reading the article on Wikipedia, I may be off...
  12. If Team Canada wins today, Canada becomes the all-time leading gold medal winning country for a Winter Olympics... we are currently tied for the record with 13...one more and we are the best ever. As a Canadian I feel I must apologize first to all other countries if we do beat the record...you guys are really good, too. Bwahhaha....
  13. Yeah..but Miller can do what Hasek did before...negate all those advantages. The US team is not as good on paper, but we don't play on paper, we play on ice. It will be close all around.
  14. The IOC, after threatening to remove women's hockey has unleashed the wrath of women everywhere (which us Canadian guys know is never EVER a good plan).They are now demanding inclusion for womens ski-jumping and other sports women are excluded. It turns out women can and regularly do, out jump the guys. The IOC has excluded women because they say it may have an adverse effect on their reproductive organs. Clearly this person has never been hit in the nads by a puck. More info in this article. I think if anything we found this winter olympics had as much if not more entertainment and competition in the womens sports.
  15. Nice fish guys. Can't wait to get out with Tony! You look older with the beard Aaron..lol.
  16. She has a medal and she is smoking hot...so she wins in my books I can't tell you how many time I missed a hookset on a fish by setting too soon or too late even though I know better...so I get it.
  17. Hawaii to get the worst of it...get to high ground!! Vancouver not expected to be too bad. 8.8 Earthquake hits Chile http://wcatwc.arh.noaa.gov/2010/02/27/7252...ge725245-10.htm
  18. I was amazed at how much the server load went down during last nites game...as soon as the game was over the sudden jump cause a momentary overload...lol
  19. What are they worried about??? How would they impact them? Any structure is good for fishing
  20. Ok so its going to happen very soon. There is a few changes coming, one of which you need to know about now. We will not be renewing the gallery license. The reasons are simple...it is too cumbersome and takes up too much disc space that we need for our database and uploaded images. So if you have pics there that you cannot lose, copy them and move them to the new gallery site. This site is on a seperate server to save resources for the board. The blog license is also not being renewed, but anyone seriously interested in blogging can let me know and we can help you out. The new board will have some trimming done and some new additions. There will be a fully integrated chat system that is tied to the log in so you just click and go on in. We are looking at doing hosted chats with some people you likely want to talk to. We couldn't do that before, but we thought it would be worth the money to purchase some solid chat software. There are things being done to allow for site expansion and better organization. It will be a bumpy ride at first as we get used to the advanced 'behind the scenes' stuff so bear (or bare) with us while we get it done. the site will be down during the database portion of the upgrade but that will be less than 24 hours. We are just awaiting a few new modules that I ordered today and we are good to go.
  21. Maybe this summer Gord will post the story somewhere...like here...so those who don't or can't get the magazine can read it. Should be required reading before your boaters exam. I know you are reading this Gord...lol...
  22. There was a bunch of crap at the beginning from one paper...and one online news site, but since then it has been good. The one paper was critical of the opening ceremonies saying it was terrible and another about the luge track (even though it was IOC approved). No point in linking to it cause it is in the past....
  23. There is a difference between intelligent, emotional and sentient. I don't think dogs are sentient.
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