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Everything posted by OhioFisherman

  1. http://wildlife.ohiodnr.gov/species-and-habitats/species-guide-index/fish/central-mudminnow I am guessing Chris is right.
  2. Unfortunately there is no telling just how bad this will get, or when an end may be in sight. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/30/health/coronavirus-vaccine-johnson-and-johnson-clinical-trial/index.html " Johnson & Johnson wants to start testing its coronavirus vaccine by September " Inside a Brooklyn hospital that is overwhelmed with Covid-19 patients and deaths - CNN Model cited by White House says 82,000 people could die from coronavirus by August, even with social distancing - CNN
  3. 6 gauge for a trolling motor OK, it does sound like overkill on electronics.
  4. https://www.cleveland19.com/2020/03/27/ohio-hospitals-will-have-triple-capacity-predicted-mid-may-coronavirus-peak-according-cleveland-clinic/ Tripling your hospital capacity may be easier than tripling the number of qualified people to treat them? " Increasing the hospitals’ capacity will require increased staffing; a real concern given the fact that approximately 16% of all Ohioans who tested positive for the coronavirus are health care workers. "
  5. This is what we have now in Ohio, hope it doesn't happen there! https://www.cleveland19.com/2020/03/24/odnr-closing-cabins-campgrounds-golf-courses-restrooms-playgrounds-marinas-during-coronavirus-pandemic/
  6. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hamilton-Beach-12-Cup-Programmable-Coffee-Maker/49574647 Folgers or Maxwell house original blend, LOL toilet paper? I have about 12 big containers of coffee.
  7. Same here JD confusing, our governor seems to be handling things as good as possible given the unknown factors, our president's story keeps changing. Two days ago the medical experts on the governor's daily briefing were saying we could see up to 8,000 new cases a day by mid May, today that went up to 10,000. https://www.cleveland19.com/2020/03/26/ohio-could-still-see-surge-up-new-coronavirus-cases-day-by-may-dr-acton-suggests/
  8. https://www.cleveland.com/sports/2020/03/lake-erie-walleye-numbers-in-stratosphere-future-is-bright.html?fbclid=IwAR1pTMbSBwiP0wHjZ08AR6AHZPSatGU2i95BS-cLrItYP84kMUihTBSzD1E Hope it's good on your side too!
  9. Seen them, never used one, that one seems pricey? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000199663465.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.33031bbbVvv7uT&algo_pvid=59f4557b-41fa-4d34-8f52-e2a0f9f6a6b1&algo_expid=59f4557b-41fa-4d34-8f52-e2a0f9f6a6b1-1&btsid=0ab6f8ad15851523197226223e48f9&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_
  10. Years ago one of the guys in our bass club asked me to fish a tournament series here as his partner. Never had fished with him except a couple of late evenings while at one of our tournaments in New York. Those could be like family gatherings, a number of us took vacation time, rented a cabin or trailer, and brought the wife and kids along. I had actually met him and learned of the bass club thru his mother in law who was one of my customers. First tournament, no problem, second tournament, no show. About 10 am his wife calls the house, Paul? yep, aren't you fishing? nope your dude didn't show! She was calling my wife to see if she wanted to have a cook out ready when we got home. Never talked to the dude again, he was shacked up somewhere.
  11. If they are serious about controlling the spread and number of people affected by this disease it only makes sense?
  12. It was the 3rd warmest winter on record here, the birds started returning a couple of weeks ago, a morning dove seems to think the roof or gutters above my bedroom makes the best calling spot. Blue Jays and Starlings seem to have turf battles, I'm cheering for the Jays! Saw some pictures this morning, the walleye are biting if you can get out.
  13. https://www.cleveland19.com/2020/03/22/live-ohio-gov-mike-dewine-addresses-public-covid-spreads-through-state/ My county had one case 6 days ago, it's up to 10 now.
  14. I hate to say it, but this might not even peak until May?
  15. Made in the cheapest source of labor country, it's the trend that won't end.
  16. I don't believe any country on earth has enough test kits, they tried that in Cleveland and could only test a few hundred people.
  17. https://www.cleveland19.com/2020/03/20/nursing-home-residents-test-positive-coronavirus-dayton-area-more-tests-pending/ No one is safe? You just never know who had contact with what?
  18. Coronavirus: She lost her mother, two brothers and a sister within a week - CNN Massachusetts coronavirus: 70 of 92 cases in state linked to Biogen employees after biotech firm's Boston meeting - CNN Just my thought is everyone should really get serious about this disease?
  19. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-20/virus-drug-touted-by-trump-musk-can-kill-with-just-two-grams
  20. l have MS and have been home bound except for hospital visits since 2011, I am guessing if I got this I would be gone.
  21. I can only assume if you tested positive and did get sick you might be ahead of the curve for testing and hospitalization?
  22. New York too, it's hard to tell when this will end.
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