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Richie Razor

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Everything posted by Richie Razor

  1. Beauty fish !!!!
  2. Sick of preseason already, bring on the regular season!!! Tuesday cant come fast enough!!!
  3. I think you are missing the point, no one is talking about googling anything, it's simply better organizing the posts on this board, the trip reports being a key topic to segregate, as I mentioned up above. At least if there were tags asscoated with each post, you could then search whatever you want more efficiently. Hey I'm new to joining, not trying to change the board, just agree with frodo's idea.
  4. Perhaps you can still keep the trip posts in the main fourm, and have a separate area for trips which certainly better showcase the experience and travels of this boards members. I've only been here for a short time, but I recall in the past some truly epic and awesome reports and it would be nice to have them in one direct, accessible area. I'm not for dividing up the board into this topic and that topic, but like I said, the trips posted by some of the members truly show the diversity of this country (and abroad) and the passion we have for fishing in Ontario. This speaks for it self in regards to possible marketing opportunities as well....
  5. Use heavier, better quality line, make sure your knots are tied right.
  6. Slit bellies, cheap canadian whiskey, and domers - a sure sign the fall river slaughter is well underway. It's tradition!
  7. Coulda been a red stripe or a red cap bottle, which are currently still being brewed in mass quantities.
  8. Nice pike, looks like it's been eating well.
  9. I call them Zombies, because they have one thing on the mind, and that is spawning.... you can see them turning black and basically rotting while still alive, missing chunks out of them, and their still moving up and onwards to reproduce.... Kinda of like the living dead....
  10. Totally Agree
  11. Some of the "Holier than thou" river fisher peeps frown on fishing small frogwater runs for zombie chinooks. I guess it isn't sporting enough for them unless you got the gear and the looks, and target a species that doesn't die after they do their thang.... Personally I don't care for it, but it looks like you guys had a blast !!! Great report and awesome pics. Don't let anyone rain on your parade. DAS BOOT!!!!!!!
  12. I'm not going to sign it because I do not use this ramp, and like others have said you pay for parking at the ramp, and the quality seems to be very poor. Now if the ramp was a wide and deep concrete ramp, with washrooms and a seasonal chip truck I would sign the petition. You can always use more chip trucks with ample free parking around.
  13. I guess the consensus is to save your $10.
  14. Scott would have literally killed kessel if he got ahold of him, a couple slashes to the shins is deserved by that goon Scott. Mad respect for Clarkson for protecting the teams best player, sucks he'll get 10 games though. Oh well, what an exciting game!!!
  15. And what is that? A shrunken head?
  16. Lol there is no way this solar charger will be of any benifit when charging a 12v. Did you mean it'll charge a single A battery? Cause that's all it's good for.
  17. Yeah saw that, pretty ridiculous, but then again it it preseason where absolutely nothing counts. Bring on the regular season!!!
  18. Love Quinte eyes!!! One of your friends a chef??? Really nice looking presentation!!!
  19. Yup Musky Matt for sure.
  20. Same thing for Subban, and Markov is due for a season ending injury. First to last I say for MTL this season. ... Not as bad as the Sens though.... They'll be so bad this year Eugene Melnyk will offer Leaf fans and Canadien Fans special promotions to keep them in the building for other home games.
  21. You flatlining in the blue zone?
  22. Lol, Hamilton will never ever, EVVVEEERRR get a NHL team. Can't believe this is still debated to this day, it's like people never been to Hamilton present day. The leafs are going to kill it this year, simple as that. They have an even tougher team, and their offence is primed for a breakout season. Plus they have guys on the farm that are ready to be called up..... And Ottawa? With last nights lines they put out there (excluding turris and cowen) they played horrible. Why do they have that useless lug Kassian still on the team? Sorry, was Bobby Ryan playing last night or was he in the press box with Turris? Didn't hear or see much of him or his linemate Spezza.... A weak team with absolutely no leadership, and don't tell me Spezza is a leader b/c he clearly is not, and has never been. Didn't Anderson get hurt last night as well?
  23. Definitely need to use different toppings with fish tacos compared to "taco bell" tacos. Being a more delicate meat, a fresher, lighter tasting and more authentic flavourful topings complement fish better that the normal lettuce, tomato, and sour creme they put on the worm meat they serve at Tbell.
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