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Everything posted by Tybo

  1. Oh, Great tell every body. What kind of guessing game is this.
  2. Well either way, that smaller pike is screwed! Very cool pic! As Wayne said, the first Pike is on the cover of the Winter edition of ESOX Angler Magazine. Joey Edit: Dang, posted under Tybo Again!!
  3. WIND MILL. We get more windy days then sunny.
  4. Their was a kid in high school that shot himself in the girls change room. Most of the school heard about it at morning announcements the next day. School carry on like nothing happened. Know days they would have the hole school in for counseling. Even if you didn't know him.
  5. I talk to Bobby Bond several times. He was friends with a friends dad. Also painted his house. Talk with Neil Pert several times.The guy I did landscaping for had the contract to do maintenance around his house. Party will Frankie Venom and the boys several times. Party with Joey Ramon and the boys. Drank with Shawn O'Sullivan at the chick & deli. Had a beer with Emerson Phedapaldi(spelling,the race car driver). Have met quit a few hockey personalities. Darrel Sittler Ron Ellis Dave Keon Don Cherry Punch Imlak Both Perronts Bobby Oar Both Esposito's Ken Dryden And coarse MISTER HOCKEY. Gordie Howe Got pick up by Cristie McNichols at the Ottawa winter carnival.She was some kind of TV star.
  6. Their is a substantial increase in running a SS prop. There is virtually no flex to a SS prop, which reduces the prop slip. which in turn will create more thrust.
  7. Yep, I bet it was BigChev4X4 and Ladywalleye. Hopefully they're chumming the area for Saturday Joey
  8. I use to have one. A 5 piece spinning with a Mitchell 301. The reel didn't fit in the case. I lost the top two section when the line broke on a hook set.
  9. Tybo


    MAN, Mark was ()this close. Thought for sure he was going to pull one off. Good for Harvick. One heck of finish.
  10. So, Who caught the fish. really you can tell me. Good going Chris.
  11. Thank God Sherri Is going to be OK. Why do I picture a BMW driver,
  12. Very cool Rick. Roger, you head always seams that large too me.
  13. Myself wouldn't even look at a SUV. A base full size extend cab 4x4 truck with a 6cyl in it would make more sense. You get a high tow capacity. Fairly good gas mileage. A heck of alot more room. An cheaper insurance. An of course a GMC. More pay load,higher tow capacity.more hp's, more torque. And if you are into that sort of thing, Best gas mileage. Also if you out grow the 6. Their is some very affordable up grades you can do.
  14. I was trying to figure out how much it would be, to kick that sucker up to 350hp. Port and polish, Shave the heads, Go 60 over, EFI it, Nose cone, CLE gears, Tune the living bejusus out of the blower.
  15. NO WAY MAN!!! MARK MARTIN IN A CHEVY. If he can drive that CHEVY half as good as the ford(Got to go wash my mouth out now). They will be crashing in to him,to try and slow him down.
  16. Tybo

    Reel Oil

    I use Lucas oil treatment. It has a bonding agent in it. Works great even on my felt packed drags. With the UAP Discount. I bought a 14 life times supply of it, for a couple of bucks more then a tube of hot Sauce
  17. JB weld disolve in water. It's not going to happen over night. But it will.
  18. Bet you, I could hit sting with a full water bottle at 150'
  19. I hope it was from her late husband's sperm that she had frozen, wouldn't that be a hoot! The old geezer made it through to another generation, and the other three won't see a penny of the money! Joey Edit: Oops, guess I was logged in under Tybo, oh well, he needs more posts anyhow
  20. OK, With the extra info you gave it's not your stat. Could be a few things. 1; air in the system. 2;low coolant. 3;plug rad. 4; water pump. 5; If fan is belt drive, loose or worn out. If their is a brownish colour to belt it's worn out. 6; Electric fan not working or not spinning at proper speed.
  21. DWC I'm a Mac guy. Screwed up to many snap off tools. $500 whippy do duh day. What about the $45.000 I already have invested in for doing my job. To little way to late. Thanks for nothing.
  22. Your themostat is stuck open. When siting the water pump is not circulating as much water. Engine runs cooler. Driving conditions the engine is under load, more heat. You will not have air in you system . the only way air can get in,If you have drained the system or you needed to add coolent. That would mean a leek some where. If it's not you themostat, It's you muffer bearing.
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