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Everything posted by mistaredone

  1. I've wanted to get into this type/style of fishing for a few years now. If December wasn't so busy I'd go buy a canoe.
  2. Insane as always!!! Great read. Thanks
  3. Crazy awesome fish!!!! Great pic too. Props on the smile and hold. She has more steel than me lol
  4. Congrats on the PB!! Good looking fish!
  5. Cool vid! always wondered if that worked in the summer
  6. Good info on handeling. Hoping to bag my first in a few weeks on my annual muskie hunt. I see them every year in masses, this year I'm bringing gear. Awesome pics/report as always.
  7. Slot eyes were non existent last few trips
  8. Id buy on Head Lake. I released a skinny 48 years ago, should be still swimming.
  9. Awesome!
  10. I have permits to put in a doorway and to go from a single sink bathroom to a double sink. Although I'm more than competent enough to do the plumbing my self, will I have trouble with the city for not having the work done by a certified plumber? Sorry for the NF post but I can't find the answer on Google and I know there is lots of trade guys on this site Thanks Steve
  11. I'll be there in a few day! Dangerously stoked!! Dog bay has good fishing, lots of great water to cover on the lake. Look for cabbage in 10-15 fow and you will do well. Have a great week!
  12. That looks awesome!!!! I'm totally going to give that a try
  13. Done. Had to copy paste link. iPhone user
  14. Thanks as always guys! A few oz of steering fluid did the job. I'll keep an eye out for leaks
  15. Shifter and motor controls have same results
  16. At first it was making a bit of a struggling sound at full trim up then it wasn't engaging at the top, worked fine in the lower range up and down but now it's fully up and won't move at all. It's making noise like normal but not engaging
  17. I'm having problems with my power trim. I called a marine guy and he told me to top up the fluid. Do I need marine specific trim and steering fluid or would auto steering fluid be the same thing?
  18. Dam! Time to re-do the whole thing
  19. Yeah, I picked up but connectors and heat shrink. I'll keep all the tools I need just incase I have problems on the ramp on Sunday. Thanks guys
  20. Just took off the broken light and it was connected with a merit and filled with what I thought looked like silicon. Maybe it's die electric grease?
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