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Everything posted by sirfish

  1. Great choice ,I have the 55 all terrain and love it. BPS has the 65lb AT on for $499 this weekend for fathers day. not a bad deal.
  2. Like they said ,go to the library and get a manual, they should have them .Crappy tire also. You might want to also try www.outboard repairs.com. Yes it does matter where the plug wires go. Good luck kid let us know how it turns out.
  3. You guys kill me. Although the gourmet grill coating mix says its for all fish , the only fish it really tastes good on is salmon and trout. why you would ever ruin a good walleye or perch fillet is beyond me. . I have tried the Jamaican jerk and the herb one which are pretty good on the BBQ but not the maple yet ( and maybe never now). If you get a chance try Uncle Bucks . I think you can get it at BPS.
  4. It was observed by a few close friends that "young one" and his family are still having troubles with the new ride. They were offered help by a few people willing to tow them in after they were observed paddling home last weekend and they refused it...go figure. It seems they had killed thier batteries while trolling around Quinte. This is second hand but reliable info. again go figure. we learn by our mistakes. Can any of you remember when you got your first boat......
  5. I don't know about Merc ,but, the 70"s to 88 OMC can be converted with the simple carb swap/exhaust mod. I have seen this done on my buddies motor and what a difference. Good luck let us know how you make out.
  6. Try a slow troll or drift on the west side of the lake where there is a channel leading out of the lake. Had good success there about 8 yrs ago. If drifting a luckystrike victor spinner with a worm or a go-getter .
  7. Hey Guys ,after talking to a few buddies that were at Mowhawk Bay on the weekend and witnessed this unfortunate event , they all confirmed what has been stated here by young -one. You can pretty well rule out swamping as there were no other boats that were swamped and my one buddies boat was docked right beside it. The boat was in fact properly tied to the dock cleats so it didn't smash agaist the dock. There has to be an explaination though. one theory would be a faulty livewell fill pump and something like......a dead walleye got stuck over the overflow hole? I have seen it happen while out in simcoe. This is just a theory , trying to help Young-one. Hope all works out.
  8. GCD, marine grade plywood in Canada is not treated with arsenic. It is a 7 ply dense strand that comes in two thicknesses. This weighs a ton for a 4X8 sheet and comes in at over a $100 a sheet. Glen go to one of the local lumber places they should have something in stock being as you are from the Barrie area if they haven't got it they will get it for you Or check out the more reputable marinas. they might have it but you will pay more as they are the middle man. Good luck. Dutch , I replaced the tramsom on my springbok 10 yrs back with marine grade. I epoxied 2 pieces of 3/4 together and then sealed it and have not had a problem yet.it still looks new today.
  9. I find the Daiichi's,Gamagatsu's and mustads all good but my go to hook for Walleye,perch,crappie is the Tru-turn ,blood red , with the offset the hook turns as the fish bites resulting in more hookups.
  10. Hey Ranger I am from Welland and would be happy to P.M you a few spots within the area so the rest of the vultures and lurkers don't swarm you. should be able to keep your youngster happy for a while .I know it kept mine happy.
  11. If that swan was beind persistant there must have been a nest nearby and he or she was just protecting the area. They can be very territorial and VERY protective of the nest. You got off lucky.
  12. Jer, you can do what I did .I bought a 2' piece of box steel the exavt size and a 2' piece the same size as the inner diameter and sleeved them together and did a nice weld. It made the tongue a little heavier but did not cause any swaying because I never change the balance weight ratio of the boat over the tires.
  13. Nice haul castmaster. those are some tasty lookin eyes. How stupid is your buddy ? going around without trailer lights. Thats an accident waiting to happen. Good advice would be to get them fixed before something happens.
  14. Best way to get it is to visit the scrap yards and go for a walkabout with a pair of pliers in tow. There are still many in the niagara area that let you walk around to look for your own parts. Millers is one, frontier is another and I'm sure there are more. I'ts not to hard to find a couple of pounds in a walk that fit nicely into the pocket.
  15. Had one 6'6" up until 2 weeks ago when i accidentally slipped on the stairs and snapped her off at the handle. One of my most reliable rods until then. More of the all round utility rod. Looking to get another.
  16. West coast marine in Buffalo sells mustangs that have the ccg approval,at great prices, they also have a store in Barrie somewhere. They cannot be shipped via border for potential gas cylinder threat
  17. This question brings back a bad memory. My buddy was being towed on a tube behind his buddies fathers boat and there was an accident in which my buddy was left a quadrapalegic. Turns out he was going to fast .In the ensueing investigation it was discovered that the motor was to big for the boat. The driver was charged and then sued by the parents for negligence for an undisclosed amount which they won on the grounds that the boat was dangerously overpowered. Had the boat had the proper HP motor this probably still would have happened as it was still capable of the estimated speed but the driver new he had exceeded TC limit and was found at fault. Back then there was no insurance on most boats and it financially ruined the family. It is probable that they are still paying 25yr later. So is it worth it, I think not.
  18. low end motors that make mechanics see $$$$. I think merc produced or was it mariner that was merc produced.
  19. Musky66, My buddy just went through the same thing as you. he tore the floor up and took trim off the inside and still could'nt find it. Then he put in it the water and found it only leaked under power down the driver side. looked under the egde with a flashlight and found a crack in his spedo line....go figure. worth a check.
  20. Hey if we're all showin off our kids here far be it for me to miss an oportunity to be the proud papa. This is my boy Falkor. his momma and papa were both field and show champs.....him....eating, crapping and all around great companion champ
  21. Hey crazy hook , we were there last year for march break and had a blast. I was amazed at the variety of fish in those lagoons and how they slammed my lures. Looks loke you had a blast and that pic of the swim up looked all to familiar.. ...Did you notice how the water around those stools was always warmer.
  22. Is it me or are most of you living in the dark ages with respect to trailer bearings. There are a few different types out there besides the conventional grease and seal type. Along with the superior oil type which DO NOT have to be regreased every year there is the sealed unit that was perfected by general motors and will last on a trailer for pretty well forever with out any maintenance. I switched my axle in my boat and box trailer 10 yrs ago and have never had a bearing blow yet. I am not sure but you might be able to buy these units at a reputable auto parts store and weld them onto a solid axle yourself.
  23. Hey Jen , my buddy and I were fishing around Hanks huts all day. That could have been us you spotted. We were not the least bit cold, we thrive on this weather. We got the big skunkeroo also but it was still a good day fishing. The only killer was walking back in. you don't realise how far you come out cause your pumped to fish ,but, then as the day lingers on and you look back to the point, it seem to get further and further away. You should have went for it and came and said hi . The coffee would have been welcomed as we were running out of hot tea. Even though you got the white stripe kitty too it sounds like you had a great day with your family. Gotta love a woman who loves to fish. .....Thom
  24. There are other lagoons to try on Cayo Coco . The Melia at the south end has a lake area that is teeming with what look like bass also on the south of the Krystal is an area on the ocean like a rock pile that has an awesome view try letting a line out there saw lots of fish there while snorkelling one was a huge cuda. Saw the boats come in with some huge Mahi Mahi also. have fun get lots of pics.
  25. Me and three guys almost bought a camp up there in 87 ,I think its called wilderness pines now. Nice lake with an assortment of fish. Boat access only to the camps. One big drawback is the hydro controls the water level in the lake and when they pull the logs out and lower the lake fishing is way off. When we visited the water was down 4ft. This actually put us off and we declined to put in our offer and are all still working shift work 20yrs later.
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