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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. that was a funny read....Greg has talent. Would love to read more of his life adventures as they unfold....great stuff.
  2. Love the pics ....and the report....it seems the saying 'things happen in 3's' came true for your group.
  3. Ya...parents can be a drag eh...haha But we do mean well....good that you are taking their advice....I'm sure they will have few concerns as time goes by....hey, I'm learning from all the questions you ask so I hope you do hang around. who are you again? don't answer...testing ya.
  4. It's all good kemper And I guess I am just a tad sore from having thousands of my money spent by 'them' and feeling pressured to spend more!!! For the next little while it will have to come down to self-preservation with helping as best I can.
  5. I get more ticked off at people who don't want to hear it....it may not be happening to you but it's happening to many, MANY...and it's only just begun. I recently received a statement of my investments....yes I lost, like oh so many. Am I going to go and spend....nope. Will I give to the foodbank....yep.
  6. I have had to make calls in the past to sympatico....but hey I'm so green with computers that I knew I was likely a good source of frustration for them as well....so...with a few jokes and some chuckles we managed to get through it....chatted a bit about their life in India and mine in Canada....and when the one young lad inquired if I had other computers in the house (which I do for my son / wireless) he asked to speak with my son and made sure that all was good with his computer as well....nice people. It just takes a bit of patience on both ends....I was warned beforehand about how frustrating it was to call and so when the day came that I had to, I was on guard....but it was very different for me....I had excellent experiences and like I said, lots of laughs. Can you imagine the abuse they have to take on a daily basis and still be professional and polite....I wasn't comfortable with being called 'maam' and asked them to please call me Nancy and I in turn asked for their name. That alone set a different tone. Give it another try but know beforehand that you will be online for a bit and just be patient and kind. Yes they have an accent...but they do speak English.
  7. This one is for my friend Heather who was murdered at the age of nine. I'm done now with poetry....moving on. Heather Two little girls way back then You were nine and I was ten The first time I met you, we danced to a song How right that we met but it wasn’t for long For you were taken at the hands of that man Still my heart hurts, and I will never understand Everyone loved to watch us dance Two little girls in a wonderful trance Humpty Dumpty is who I am Twinkle Twinkle, let’s sing it again Red rover, red rover You were called over I can see clearly now the rain has gone The fun we both had singing that song And every time I hear it, I think of those times Holding your hand, making up our own lines I made you promise way back then When I came to accept that you were in Heaven I said I would forever dance for us I’m sorry I couldn’t, the passion was lost Humpty Dumpty is who I am Twinkle Twinkle, let’s sing it again Red rover, red rover You were called over That little girl inside me misses you still Have you returned, did you have the will? Don’t come back here, I’ll tell you why It’s so much crueller than that October night But for a dollar you lost your life Nothing exists here to make that right Thank you for coming one night in my dreams Seeing you well silenced my screams Humpty Dumpty is who I am Twinkle Twinkle, let’s sing it again Red rover, red rover You were called over
  8. Sorry to hear that and to everyone else that has lost or will be losing their employment. Just don't get too down.... looking for work can be tough on one's esteem. You may have to take a bit of detour for now....why not look into TTC as Maureen stated. Hope it all works out for you.
  9. First time I have seen a sonar 'live' .... I think I understand it. Great report...enjoyed it very much.
  10. I could barely stand it outside on smoke breaks....but hey, you got fish!! Congrats
  11. My work reminds me of this.... There was an old lady who swallowed a cow. I don't know how she swallowed a cow! She swallowed the cow to catch the goat... She swallowed the goat to catch the dog... She swallowed the dog to catch the cat... She swallowed the cat to catch the bird ... She swallowed the bird to catch the spider That wiggled and wiggled and tickled inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly. But I dunno why she swallowed that fly Perhaps she'll die. (I work with economists)
  12. And tomorrow will be day 4!! You know Gerritt...I recall reading a post put up by CCMT on a weekend of fishing you two had with your other bud (who asked if your truck could float)...anyway...there were two pics I recall of you with a cig and I remember thinking...uh oh, it's not going well for him. I want so much for you to get ahead of these oxygen sucking sticks. I too made a promise to quit before this year ends...haha...Photoz gives me a hard time about that...he says NOW, do it NOW. I'm cheering for ya.
  13. Wow!.....the people!!!
  14. Running Bliss On your mark, get set, go, was what we had said But I couldn’t resist and I started instead Running and laughing through the cold snow drifts Hearing your surprise caused my legs to go swift I shouldn’t have turned to look at you For you were quickly gaining just as I new But the look in your eyes was like no other I fell to the ground in fits of laughter Huffing and puffing with that look in your eye You tripped on some ice and landed on your side I was trying to ask, if you were okay But the laughter chocked, all concern away When finally I was able to get out a word I whispered in your ear something really absurd You rolled me over and began to say Something I’ll remember forever and a day For you gave of your heart and you blew me away When you asked for my hand on that Valentine’s Day Had I known it would bring me, such sweet bliss I would have raced your cute a s s long before this twilight 02/2009
  15. It most certainly is a time of uncertainty. For some more real than others. Survival...is in us all....and I believe in the promise "this too shall pass". I lived it, many years ago...I know it and I'll never forget it...lasted 4 years....it's hard to get up when you've been beaten down... I don't like the news....but I listen to it....and I hope that I never wrap my arms around what I have so tight that I miss the opportunity to help my brother/sister.
  16. That was a fun read...nice fish...nice pics too....but, what's wrong with yer face???
  17. Oh Naughty....that is naughty...I just love it when I woman has more. I am so with you in regards to winter driving....those are the kinda days that make me cuss. Glad you made it home with your loot.
  18. Great pics....keep them big, easier on the eyes And whoever cooked those up did an awesome job....I so want some.
  19. A couple of months ago I got inspired to write poetry...which is really quite surprising for me cuz I sucked at it in school. Anyhow....I wanted to share this one with you. A Different Song I saw her sitting, in the park It was late….cool and dark All alone, she was that night I kept myself, out of sight For the longest time, she never uttered a word Until I heard a sound, something I had never heard She brought her arms up and fell to her knees I didn’t know if I should go, if I should just leave Give her some comfort, would you please? Send her an answer, quick make it ease Don’t ask me, to handle this, all alone Feeling scared, I just want, need, to go home Something told me, I had to stay I felt like an intruder, on that day Her heart was breaking, I could tell For I could feel it, in my own as well I didn’t know, what brought her this pain I didn’t know, how to stop the cold rain I silently got up, and walked towards her Our eyes met, and I immediately recognized that hurt My legs won’t move I’m full of fear What if she gives up while I am near? Her painful sobs now filling me, no way can I deny that Oh why did I come here, I’m not able to turn back I went to her side and I held her tight Her sobs awoke my own, hidden inside The two of us shared that special moment For we came face to face with our torment During this moment of sweet surrender I understood why, with a stranger Truly I wish her all the best In this sharing of pain, I found some rest. We had a moment, her and I I took hers and she took mine Together we sang a different song Deep in our weeps, we accepted the wrong. twilight 02/02/2009
  20. So sorry...thinking of you and your family.
  21. You mean you are already out of that hot tub!!! Great stuff....but never say never....it's like giving birth - you'll no doubt do it again.
  22. Nice that you finally got to use your new 'toy' and that it works too. We should be getting many more reports from ya ....don't forget your camera.
  23. Now that's slushy!!!
  24. So that's what that Steve guy looks like. 3 young fellas out having fun with toboggans Great that you got a fish....you'll no doubt be going out more - hopefully. I too was on the river....took the dog for a walk....slushy it was...but it was nice being out there just the same. Enjoyed your report Cliff.
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