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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. Getting out of the city was interesting. Kinda makes you wonder how we all will fair in a true emergency/catastrophe. I believe this is our rehearsal. We can't suck the blood out of the veins of Mother Earth without something happening....
  2. Nice Tribute to Bear! Leaves a lump in the throat and an ache in the heart. He misses you too and it's not too difficult to picture him patiently waiting for you. My condolences
  3. Hi Cliff Yesterday while I was scrolling through OFC I see "ccmt" and just had to read what you wrote. It was so nice to see you on here. And now this. That's the kind of man you are....to give us a bit of a peek into your life and letting us know that you are well. Life truly is a journey and in spiritual terms - this is kindergarden. The picture of both your hands .... her little hand extending to cover yours .... pretty special! Hope you keep in touch. Nancy
  4. Very nice pictures. I don't get the blonde joke. She answered your co-worker's simple question with a simple answer.
  5. Nice pictures..... Where was GCD? Are Joey and Roy fighting? Is that Art posing like a poser in that chair? Anything DIET is not good for - stick with the the real thing or not at all. Thanks for posting.
  6. No kidding!!!! Wow...that's some Mom you have there. I have watched the Ice Road Truckers program a few times....LONELY LIFE I just don't understand though why people still live in places like that. Does not appeal to me in the least. But great that your Mom is able to go and give a hand.
  7. Hey Uncle Ryan "you are the best" I know what an uncle's interest and love can do to and for a young boy without a father. Truly time well spent and well invested. That little nephew of yours loves you. Sure hope he gets his first SMB this weekend.
  8. why thank you I wouldn't mind experiencing that much daylight - but I would be outta there with that much darkness.
  9. Excellent Reading that....I was beginning to feel really bad for ya and was going to suggest you take up golf.
  10. Very Nice and a BIG congrats to Nick
  11. Some of the pranks listed are just plain nasty! And some of you have it coming big time. I don't know....men can be soooooo childish.
  12. My son will be working it too...training other officers with the gas mask. He would rather be doing something else let me tell ya. Hopefully it won't be near as ugly as they have been promised it will be. We know squat when it comes to the level of threats and violence promised for that day. If you plan on attending and causing crap, then please plan on going home in pain.
  13. Very interesting colours on those fish....I'll pass on the squid, if it's anything like octopus, too chewy and hardly any taste. Nice of your family members to get you out on your own for a few hours - gonna be hard for you to come back.
  14. Actually eating "dirt" is a good thing. Met a medicine woman years ago....talked about how I did not get any childhood illnesses (ie: mumps, measles, chicken pox) and after 3 tries my vaccination still would not take. She said "you must have eaten dirt when you were young"....as I matter of fact I did. Met a gentleman here at work a few years back and this subject was brought up again....he remembers his parents taking him to the doctor because he wouldn't stop eating dirt - had a craving for it. Very Healthy man - I like to think I'm fairly healthy as well.
  15. So tragic - I can't imagine what Josh is going through - hopefully there are siblings otherwise he truly will feel like an orphan....that's where good friends become 'family'. My sincere condolences and to you as well Lew.
  16. Hey Ron.....great stories....never did ask you if you had any kids/grandkids - how blessed they are if you do.
  17. Wow....great report. Congrats too on soon to be baby #2. When I was expecting my youngest, I allowed my oldest who was 11 at the time to pick the name. He had two names picked (Curtis & Tyler), upon seeing his little brother's face, he chose Tyler. All the best,
  18. Interesting Report.....the Residential School story was quite disturbing. I wasn't sure why the twist in the report - glad I read further. Nice Fish, nice pics - great stories.
  19. Very nice....I now know what if feels like to get one of these chubbies....lots of fun.
  20. well ya never know ya know hahaha
  21. congrats to your youngest - well done! But 90K...WOW!! I sponsored a girl from Germany a few years ago who came to complete her Grade 11 in Canada. She came for a visit last summer and was telling me that they don't have to pay for University in Germany. Too bad it couldn't be that way here.
  22. Congrats on your 1st Muskie. I do have a question though for the others who mentioned the blue seat....is that a joke?
  23. Thanks a bunch everyone - getting ready now to go out and golf. I think Dave was rather impressed when he saw the pictures, he even kissed my bruise (too bad I didn't have more)
  24. Beans....check out the can beside him Photoz pulling in a drifting log It seems I am having trouble uploading a few more...but at least the important ones are here. Thanks so much Photoz for the experience and for being such a good friend to me. It was truly a pleasure Ron and Beans meeting you both. Thanks Dave Beans....send me your email address and I will forward you all the pictures.
  25. Hi all....wanted to share a little experience of mine with you. I triple dog dared Photoz almost 3 years ago to take me carp fishing with him. It finally happened yesterday. (by the way....this is my second attempt at posting...I was done and I hit some stupid button and lost it all So here's my story.... Photoz and I became email buddies back in August 2007. We email each other pretty much every day and have become good friends. We live quite a piece apart and have never met in person. We have tried for the past two summers to get together and carp fish but it never happened until yesterday. My significant other, Dave joined us and I just want to say thank you to Dave for supporting me 100%. So on Thursday we leave work early and drive a few hours. Went to our Motel but the room wasn't ready and so decided to drive to the spot and see if Ron (friend of Photoz) was there. Ron had emailed me directions to the fishing spot previously. We drive up and I see a few gentlemen fishing...after a quick look around and spotting what I think could be Ron's truck, we pull up and ask the gentleman if his name is Ron...he turns around and nods his head while eating a banana. After chatting with Ron for a few minutes, Dave and I head to the grocery store and pick up some fruit and veggies for lunch tomorrow. Photoz was treating us to some wicked sandwiches. We head to the Motel then out for dinner and then in bed by 9:00p.m. I had been up since 3:30 a.m. and the plan was to meet Photoz for 6:00 a.m. I hardly slept. Woke up once and laid there waiting for the alarm....I didn't want to sleep in and I didn't want to be late. We left the Motel at 6:00 a.m., picked up coffees at Tim Hortons and got to the spot at 6:20 a.m.....I'll blame Dave for being late. I spot a van and see the licence plate, it reads "PHOTOZ" and I see this tall man standing there, smiling. It was a great feeling to finally see you Photoz and it felt wonderful to hug you. Photoz gives me a quick run through and gets me to cast out....I think I did not too bad. Ron soon showed up, and then a nice surprise visit by another OFNer - BEANS. It was great. After about two hours, Dave decided to go golfing after seeing that I truly was in good hands with Photoz, Ron and Beans. He wasn't gone 10 minutes when the alarm goes off on one of Photoz's rods. Next I hear "grab the rod Nancy"....oh dear, here we go. Most of what happened next is a blur with the exception of a few details. I don't remember picking up the rod....I just recall feeling very hot after about a minute. I had my jacket on and wanted to take it off so bad. The fish was giving me a fight and I was fighting back. When that gold, chubby bugger would kick it up a notch I would laugh and that caused me to lose strength, but I hung in there and wasn't going to let it get away. Beans was there with the net and Photoz was taking pictures. I really didn't think I was going to be able to do it. Me fighting goldie and Beans with the Net. Me and goldie - 19.5 chubby pounds Now I had just brought over the scale to Photoz when I hear Ron's alarm and him telling me to come over and bring this one in. I thought "you gotta be kidding". I was done - I just wanted to sit. But I went and again started laughing when he fought me....but I was struggling even more with this one. My arm was killing me, but I hung in there and the darn little bugger was only inches away from the net when - nothing - he got away. I felt ripped off - still do. I took a look at my arm and saw the swelling just above my right wrist. Oh and Beans....I do have a bruise the size of a dime on my upper thigh. I think I got beat up!! Here are a few other pictures of the day Ron, Photoz and I Photoz, Dave and Beans It's been awhile since I posted - with pictures and so will need to start a second page.
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