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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. Sure makes one wonder about Canadian Tire and these 'deals'. They are still making good money on these products. how big is there markup to begin with. seems pretty dam high tbh
  2. Also for anyone on these so called contracts from cable/satellite providers, as of Jan 23 2015, the CRTC says you can cancel a contract with no penalty that day, no 30 day notice, no double billing from last month of one company and the first month of the new company
  3. I wish I could get bell fibe again! it was awesome when i had it, til I moved and its available at my new place, which is frustrating since it is available 10 doors down the street from me. Im on a bell contract now, but looking to switch to somewhere else once its up. the price is just too high for what i have!
  4. the salmon run brings out the worst of the worst snaggers....errrrrr "anglers" meat hunters as we call them, they are after nothing but the roe, and salmon are so huge, they are easily targeted in small streams, it is common to see hand sized trebles on the end of 80lb braid attached to muskie rods in some places. I once saw a guy wading in shorts with a wooden broom stick, to which he had tied some shoe string with a massive treble. saw him stalking salmon in the creek, i must have scared him cause he ran off pretty dam fast through the bush. to avoid snagging, fish a spot that doesn't have more than 10 fish in it. fish pools, not the rapids or shallows, and change out any treble hooks for a smaller single hook
  5. shouldn't throw stones in glass houses. your avatar picture is screaming at me right now
  6. have a welder friend fix it up for you. i broke the reel seat on my dads old cardinal 4 when i was 10 by closing it in a trunk lid......a friend his is a welder, fixed it up, and hes still using that reel today 21 years later
  7. There are cost associated with running an online shop as well, unless you're an expert web page designer, you'll have to pay for that, you'll have to pay a yearly fee for the domain name, you'll need a place to store products that are awaiting shipping. If you';re buying cheap stuff from China, word will get around quickly that you're selling cheap gear, and people won't shop there. It doesn't have to be the most expensive, but buy reputable, brand name, quality, proven gear. You start with a quality product, backed by good customer service, it will bring you return customers. I would also STRONGLY recommend talking to Mike over at Fishheads Canada, hes the owner of the business, its an online retail business, his bread and butter is his roe sales. talk to him, and he'll give you an idea of what its like, hes a young guy as well, not 14 but i would put him around 30
  8. go to school and get your business and economics training so that you can be very successful, running your own business is very difficult, especially a new own with no reputation to begin with. your idea of having no more than 50 items to start with will be the downfall right off the bat. if you're serious about this, take a look at easthill outdoors in orono, they just opened an outdoor store not long ago, and started with lots of different items you're going to have compete with sail, bass pro cabelas and lebarons. heres a story from oshawa about a guy who opened his own tackle shop. he opened on a very busy street, had the shop running for 6 months and was losing money, he had to open a bar in his shop to make ends meet, and even then was just breaking even, to get ahead, he started to sell drugs out of his back room. hes now serving jail time. his shop was under 700sq ft. very small compared to gagnon sports also in oshawa. my advice, you're just a youngster, you have your whole life to work, enjoy it while you're young, work part time, save some money and travel around while you're young and don't have bills
  9. skip the windsor crossing and cross in Sarnia to port huron
  10. just don't put on the waders after a turkey diner.........
  11. LOL was hoping not to get pulled over. Want to step out of the vehical sir, ummmmm no, i really don't
  12. lol i went home was the end of 13 hours of fishing
  13. lol i have had to drive home with no pants before. what i thought was a fart, wasn't a fart...
  14. anything that directs air upwards.....is most certainly a bad thing
  15. awesome! although the store is not the same as it used to be since a bunch of people left to open their own place
  16. burls are very pricey, a big one goes for $10,000. we used to sell the finished bowls at work, and they are impressive.
  17. any non factory modification done to the rod will void the warranty. i had put some red epoxy alignment dots on my fly rod before it broke, and was told by the sales rep to take the epoxy off before sending it in otherwise they'd void it
  18. I've got the streamside IM8 Steelhead edition, love it, has larger eyelets for cold water fishing. have heard good things about the raven rv9 as well
  19. all it takes is a picture of the person getting into their car with a picture of their license plate and that is enough ground for the mnr to do a house call
  20. i think those are 2 different situations, think the ministry would see that as the intent to purposely harvest, whereas the other were 1 encouraged by the ministry, and 2 property maintenance
  21. that is illegal, most likely harvesting a female with eggs, keeping the eggs and ditching the carcass, the eggs count towards possession limit. so not only was he 'fishing' in a closed section, he also used an illegal angling method
  22. so heres a question......when does week 1 end? since its been over a week since the season started
  23. most probable would be mink or muskrat, then either wasps, crayfish or moles
  24. was going to say $1500 from what i've seen, i would ask for $2000 but have 1500 as your bottom price, gives some room for negotiating. everything is worth only what someone is willing to pay for it
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