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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. i bought a pair from Gagnons in Oshawa 3 years ago for $20 and they are awesome, I forget the name on them, think it was xtreme blue or something like that. but people i've fished with that are using costas have said that mine are just as good if not better. The UV protection is amazing, I've had sun burn on my face except where my glasses are. so yes, you can get great glasses on the cheap, but hard to find. I would highly recommend the xtreme??? if you can find them, if not, Costa Del Mar would my next choice for around $170
  2. that part of the river is quiter for boat traffic, and is also a lot wider, so avoiding freighters will be easy enough, plus on a weekend i think shipping is very minimal, you will have to watch out for the current, it is VERY strong. you won't need a US license, unless you cross over into US waters.
  3. yep, one of the early comers for tonights meteor shower
  4. man, you're acting like a child, grow up. I made this thread because i was glad to see them out for a change, not to turn this into some politcal sh!t show like you have done
  5. and again, who cares what the reasoning is behind it, the fact that they ARE out and enforcing the regs is more than enough for me, I have seen ONE CO, ONE in nearly 20years of fishing
  6. i run an ad blocker, so i don't see any of it
  7. you know, it really doesn't matter WHY they were out, all that matters is that they were out and enforcing the regs. if you'd like to turn this into a politcal debate, kindly take it else where
  8. Fishing my usual opening weekend river, and MNR was out in full force, with canine units! from the Fishway FB page https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=640349082708658&set=pcb.640352552708311&type=1&theater
  9. if it connects to the lake, you're golden, people don't fish a lot of the small feeder creeks, but they're usually the gems
  10. a few more months and you won't have to worry about those ones.......they'll be on your bbq
  11. we dive at them when we see them on the water, have managed to hit a couple off the hull
  12. could be a local thing, they don't list firearms on their site at all, probably better off going to a small outdoors store where you might be able to barter a hundred bucks off the price. a smaller shop is also more likely to have a firearm on consignment for a good price
  13. in city limits, pellet gun, or catch em alive trap
  14. yea, but you probably aren't fishing near the warm water discharge from a nuclear plant
  15. anyone who drives onto lake ontario ice is just asking for trouble.......it can be pretty unpredictable
  16. for a minor thing found in an allergy medication prescribed by his team doctors in the nhl http://sports.ca.msn.com/winter-olympics/news/swedens-backstrom-fails-doping-test-in-sochi-1 also, in reading back over all the posts, i find it funny how some people doubted the team in the beginning but turned tail when the trams true colours started to appear. A team does not form over night, it takes time for the team to come together and trust one another. Team Cananda showed us just well a team grows. They got stronger and stronger as the tournament progressed. This team was unbeatable. Lativa had an incredibly hot goaltender who played his heart out and made his NHL franchise proud ( hes currently in the AHL) The US was a great team as well, they just got out played. The had the most goals scored, think it was 20 goals on 100 shots going into the semi, Canada had 13 on 150 shots i think, half coming from the canons on the back end. In the end, it doesn't matter who leads the scoring, all the matters is that everyone does their job, if the forwards aren't scoring but are clogging up the middle enabling the D'men to get off the big one timers, then they are doing their jobs. This Team Canada was the best team ever assembled and it showed big time. Mr Babcock did a great job, great coach, calm, cool, collected, his relaxed nature reflected across the entire team and they were able to stay loose and play great hockey. GOLD CANADA GOLD!
  17. i would have agreed, had i not seen this first...
  18. nice work on your first one, i like the handle design. your work will only get better with practice i disagree with the indents and finger slots, they work if you use the exact same grip all the time, they get annoying if you have to change your grip, from personal experience, the more you use the knife, the more accustomed you are to the feel on the handle
  19. cardboard wrapping paper tube
  20. long as its not marked with a no trespassing/no fishing sign, you're good
  21. i live in whitby it has some ok shore fishing, however, durham region in general has some great shore fishing opprotunities, im not going to give away specific locations, but if you have a look at google maps, and follow the shore line of lake ontario, these opprotunities should stand out
  22. if hes fishing the geen for steelhead, maybe go with a 7wt rod, TFO, Echo and Ross make really nice rods that won't break the bank. To go along with Graham, i'd also add in Rick Whorwoods name, very good guy as well heres the links to both pages Rick Whorwood http://www.flycastingschool.com/index.html Graham Bristow http://aperfectdrift.com/index.html
  23. what it comes down to with the 4 ways is people turn their heads to look at the lights, your natural instinct is to go where you're looking ( try walking a straight line while looking to the left or right) so if you're looking at the blinking lights at the side of the road, you're going to go to the lights, like andrew lovehusband says, look where you want to go
  24. http://www.sfgate.com/science/article/California-drought-threatens-coho-salmon-with-5175736.php
  25. geez.....you pullin in sharks???
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