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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. you can do either one, but the FD would probably want patio stones under it, and an oven rack over it, im going to put mine on a couple of cinder blocks on patio stones
  2. thanks for the offer, i'll keep that in mind, if you find one on the side of the road in that area let me know as well, i have a buddy in caesarea thats goes into lindsay quite a bit as well
  3. the only problem there is, they're only open 8am-4pm tuesday to saturday, and i work tuesday to saturday lol
  4. thanks, I just emailed a few local parts stores to see if they have any or know where i can get one
  5. i like the drum better because it gives a nice starlight effect on the sides, we had one in my backyard growing up, now i want one for my backyard
  6. looking a steel washing machine to make a fire pit out of, anyone know where i can one, preferably free
  7. theres offshore power boat race on the st clair pretty often. the freighter do move a ton of water, , grew up in sarnia, we'd be pickeral fishing in waist deep water, a big freighter would pass by and the water would drop down to our ankles for about 5 minutes, then come rushing back in, was pretty weird
  8. surprised no one recommended drennan......
  9. going by your drawing there, you traveled approximately 15km, if you move your lines to land references, you can figure out 2 sides of the triangle, by using google maps, you can find the distance, and then its a simple calculation to figure out the 3rd side. other than that, a gps with marine tracking would make that easier
  10. i got checked on rice lake last year, and again this year at the trout opener
  11. get a 2014 f150 6cyl ecoboost, a friend of mine travelled 1300 km to quebec fully loaded with 4 guys plus towing a trailer of hunting gear on a single tank
  12. one tip i got from a charter captain, was to tilt your rods so that the tips are almost or in the water when making a turn, my guess is that it makes the dipsy run truer. also, im curious as to why some one would say you need a big boat to run dipsy's? i know people that run them off an 8ft zodiak, if its leader length, thats a non issue, you have a 7-9ft rod, lift it up a tad, shortens the leader length to 7ft or less, take a step back, or have the net person at the back of the boat, and the leader length is a non issue.
  13. watch the video again and pay attention to the first car that goes by, then watch stewarts car, both cars did the exact same movement at the same point in the turn, stewarts was more exaggerated probably due to being a little higher up a banked corner. also from watching the video, it doesn't even look like the 2 cars made contact that caused the wreck, looks like the other driven spun out trying to get space from stewart, and if thats the case, false accusations on his part. but in the end, you'll never know the whole story until you see multiple angles of the incident.
  14. also check sail, and gagnons in oshawa, pretty decent selection of spoons, also i will add in the nasty boy spoons as a recommendation
  15. heres the guyana trip, and if you get a chance to watch the whole documentary, do it! its amazing
  16. remember in ontario, you're allowed 4 hooks/lures (trebles don't count as 3 hooks) per line.......when im out we run a slider/cheater line down to the clips with a snap swivel, use about a 5ft leader with a spoon on the end. you want your spread to look like a school of bait fish to draw the bigger fish in
  17. what the hell.........and i thought people driving with a dog on their lap were stupid
  18. im a butcher, we had people asking us how they're going to keep their turkey cold when they don't have power.........ummmmm wrap a blanket around it and put it in the trunk of your car
  19. Why is this farmer getting a slap on the wrist> http://www.durhamregion.com/news-story/4725827-pickering-farm-manure-spill-into-creek-killed-fish-ministry/
  20. look around on kijiji, you can usually score some good deals there temagami has a very wide variety of fish, especially if you get into some of the back lakes
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