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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. sounds like a guy trying to get his ticket numbers up, or trying to rule the road with an iron fist
  2. nice! its this disposable world we live in, nothing is made to last, everything is made to be replaced
  3. You are a very lucky man, BC. Head injuries are never something to mess around with. the effects from a concussion can last for months ( think Lindros brothers and Crosby) In the mean time, got some screw in studs for those boots! or get a dedicated pair of boots for ice fishing and stud them up!
  4. i would still contact LG directly as well, I had a problem with my cell phone where it melted while charging, Got a new one from Telus, but I had also contacted Samsung, the regular CS associate passed my case along to the VP in Canada, and after a few emails back and forth and me telling them Telus was going to replace with an upgraded phone, they were willing to fix up my old phone so that I could sell it. I declined the offer, but it was still a fantastic offer, and great customer service, they have a customer for life now.
  5. why wait til monday? get on the website and do the live chat, most of those major campanies have 24 hour customer service, and from looking, they have a 24 hour phone line, and online chat monday to saturday 9am-9pm http://www.lg.com/ca_en/support/all-info/support-home
  6. was thinking about checking this show out! the outdoorsman show is gettin old
  7. My moral feelings on this, if it goes on the stringer it goes home with you. you made the decision to keep that fish, you stick to it. especially if you're in a boat, since you'd taking the fish in and out of the water to travel from spot to spot on a side note, the first steelhead i ever caught on a fly rod, i didn't actually hook the fish, but rather the make shift stringer hanging out of its mouth. the fish came home with me.
  8. wonder if it needs a license late lol
  9. interesting move by sears though, offering jobs to target employees and giving them staff discount for 16 weeks
  10. I grew up fishing that area you'll be fishing, you'll only be running 20-30ft, I would be running dipsies!, much cheaper than the riggers, and just as effective.
  11. its not the shape of the pallet or size, you have to disassemble them, its more the distressed wood look that your after, and since pallets are a little roughed up, it makes them really nice for making rustic furniture
  12. no problem, im going to build it with out the 'landing gear' as they call it, i don't need it to roll around
  13. ok, will be on monday then, probably need 5 anyway
  14. I wouldn't be able to pick them from Scarborough until Sunday or Monday
  15. of course, i emailed a couple local places early this morning, just waiting to hear back from them
  16. I think i would only need around 4 or 5, this is what im looking to build http://www.instructables.com/id/Lift-top-Pallet-Coffee-Table-with-Landing-Gear/?ALLSTEPS
  17. Anyone know where I can pick up some free skids in decent shape? going to repurpose the wood from them
  18. those only last maybe 45 minutes to an hour, then you gotta boil em in a dish cloth to reuse em
  19. no. not god for fine work, but even with gloves, you gotta take em off to re tie or re bait. mittens work by using your own body heat, where gloves have to rely on layers
  20. wear mittens and not gloves
  21. Thought we were in trouble in the 2nd, great game, should of been some more penalties in the 1st against Russia, but oh well. Undefeated in the Olympics, undefeated in the Juniors, total domination!
  22. wonder if the township will charge his family for the recovery..... but seriously, way to early for scugog, it was open at christmas time, or barely skimmed over
  23. haha, now you can keep one in the boat, and one in your wallet
  24. im in
  25. I'll sum it up this way, new technology rods/reels/sonars are nice to have, but necessary. i own a handful of spinning rods and reels, and 5 fly rods. my spinning rods are different lengths, ranging from 5.5ft to 9ft, my 5.5ft is used for jigging in a boat, my 6-7'ft rods are used for casting, and my 9ft is for pier casting. my fly rods, obviously are different weights, i have 2 older fiberglass rods that were my grandfathers, they are a treat to use and land fish on. i have a mid range fly rod in my 6wt, its awesome to cast and handles fish. then i have my 8wt spey rod, obviously for big waters, then theres my high end 8wt. using the latest graphites and resins, its a power house of a rod, the more you lean on it, the better it performs. that being said, i still enjoy using my dads setup from his child old, which cost him $40 and is still in use today, Zebco Cardinal 4 green body, white spool reel, with a rod that i can't remember the name of, the resin is worn off of most of it, and its clear lol
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