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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. if they stay healthy, they should do alright, dickey shouldn't have a problem, i mean age doesn't affect a knuckleballer, but buerlhes age might be catching up with him, i would expect 200 innings from him this year. there offense is one of the strongest in the league, their defense is top 10, the only question is their pitching. the loss of stroman hurts a lot, hopefully the young fireballers in the bullpen can keep there nerves down and pitch strong all year martin is a fantastic player, he may not be the strongest offensively, but what he brings with his defense and his ability to work with his pitchers and guide them is invaluable
  2. They jumped ship from Gagnons, kinda opened the store behind his back type thing
  3. i would add in some elk/deer hair caddis flies, and maybe some hares ear, pheasant tail and prince nymphs, and i think you're pretty set. I just read an article in Ontario Out of Doors mag this week about keeping things simple with fly fishing, the guy talks about ditching the vest, and just bringing what you actually need and not what you think you might need, 2 boxes of flies, a set of pliers/forceps, scissors/nippers, a few small split shot, extra tippet and leader material and that was about it. It made a lot of sense to me, I mean if you bring 20 fly boxes for a day trip, you're just looking for a rough day, with constant reties.
  4. what do you currently have in your inventory?
  5. This is killing me!!!! If it we're for these 3 little holes in my belly I would be out there. gives me time to whip up a bunch of flies! Nice fish, nice weather, can't beat it
  6. Finally out of the hospital, has not been a fun 4 days. Emergency surgery to remove my badly infected appendix

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FloatnFly


      very much so. caught it before it burst though

    3. buick14


      Did the massive fever that kept gettting worse bring you to the hospital?

    4. FloatnFly


      actually no, i didn't really have a fever, it was the pain in my abdoman that brought me to emerge. Doc couldn't believe I wasn't sicker


  7. i started a thread on this yesterday, http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=78265
  8. this was not an issue until yesterday, this is the one im running https://www.getadblock.com/ and this is what i see when its turned on
  9. yep, same thing, worked perfect the day before yesterday, so something has either changed with adblock, or this site.
  10. its works fine if i have adblock disabled, but once i re enable it, the site no longer works
  11. Seems that disabling ad block makes this site work all of sudden.........
  12. Trying to look at the site on my laptop using Google chrome and i get a blank website background anyone else having this issue? Typing this out on my phone which is android
  13. Aurora trout are colour variation from brook trout, they lack the red spots as well as the worm like markings along the back. they were originally only found in 2 lakes in the world, both of them in Ontario
  14. i know that animal! and that field! was on my home from near wiarton,and took hw 9 across instead of going down to the 401, remember watching this guy chasing the cows around!
  15. call the mnr or services ontario on that one
  16. guilty until proven innocent right? both are good catches! just hope this ice clears up quick and opens up the spawning grounds for these fish
  17. that was also due to the construction of the fish ladder that gave the fish access to much better spawning grounds, and reproduction numbers tripled. the early 70s had runs similar to what we're seeing now. the late 70's have runs above what we have now, the early 80's it spikes to around 15-20,000, and maxes out in the late 80s at 25000
  18. its going to be an interesting situation down there over the next couple of weeks, especially if these cooler temps keep up. makes ya wonder what it looks like above the dam
  19. http://www.luremaking.com/catalogue/catalogue-index/catalogue-items/molds-plastics/soft_baits_starter_kit.htm good place to start
  20. I remember watching that episode as well, watched him stalk the bear thinking he was going to take the bear down for food, but then ate the poop, i was thinking what the hell IS WRONG WITH YOU! lol
  21. Warm weather, plus super thick ice, lots of snow, water levels would rose pretty quickly, and the force of that water would have been more than enough to break that ice up, but it clogged up like a toilet with half a roll of TP in it
  22. Was it this one?
  23. Big Cliff, as an update, side pork or bellies are 13.18/kg at the store
  24. we're at $12.10/kg for ground beef if you're in the Oshawa area. most places are around the same price these days
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