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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. nice! not much room for more than 4 people though
  2. I think one of these http://www.bostonwhaler.com/page.aspx/pageid/152079/pmid/335564/270-Vantage.aspx would be just about perfect!
  3. it was indeed cooks bay at Tonka, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007829447925&fref=nf scroll down a bit to the Feb 3rd post about this This is more of a notification to those who ice fish than a status update. Went out to Tonka last night, Cooks bay, a solid 15-16 inches of ice, drove out but didn't drive home. SUV found a weak spot, ice was about an inch and a half thick.10 feet to the left 12", 10 feet to the right and in front of me the same, 11-12". If you look at the pictures you can see tire marks going right over it. Adrenaline had to be at an all time high. Front end broke through on passenger side and I gunned it, wedged the front end on some ice, airbags deployed, window wasn't going down, sunroof wouldn't open tried to punch threw it but it wasn't breaking, got the driver window down enough to get my hands in and I yanked it down, threw my dog out and climbed onto the ice, ice was up to the door handles by then. Made it out with only a couple of scratches on my face and bruised knuckles. Cliche to say no ice is safe ice, but it's true. Be safe out there. Middle of the lake, no pressure ridge, nothing to indicate it would be a problem. It was about 12 feet deep and took about a minute to hit bottom. Been driving on the ice since I could, always thought "could never happen to me, I'm careful. Maybe I should've just walked out.
  4. a guy went through on simcoe just last week, found a spot that was only 1.5" thick, 10ft to the left or right was 12-15" heres the pictures! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204824820993792&set=pcb.10204824822713835&type=1&theater
  5. must have a wireless receiver built into the TV. I have a Panasonic Vierra Smart TV, I have to hardwire it to the modem to access those features. However, when I had bell fibe, I could access those features without a hardwire connection, since the TV receivers talk to the modem
  6. Basically, you're using your TV as a huge monitor right now which is great, to see the other toys it has,just hook an ethernet cable from your modem to the back of the TV. and there should be a button on your remote to open it all up
  7. I find the people on the other end of those middle eastern call centres very hard to understand, and can be very rude
  8. i understand what you're saying, but from trying to think from an mnr perspective, you can't prove you have caught 12 walleye over 2 days, but then again neither can they, all they can do is look at the evidence in front of them, and what they would see is 12 fillets( 6 whole fish) and 6 fresh fish heads, would raise suspicions and possibly put you on a watch list. perhaps my wording is a little off, but having fish skulls in the garden i doubt would be a problem best course of action is to call the mnr
  9. i think that possessing any part of the fish counts towards your possession limit, now, if they are store bought, no issues, just keep your receipts
  10. thats the reason why i run ad blocker on google chrome
  11. it'll be a spacer for line capacity
  12. An experienced trapper always carries a gun and a knife with them, especially for coyotes. if you want to confront someone with weapons, go for it. traps will sometimes have identification markings on them that the mnr will be able to track the trapper down, its happened to a friend of mine. call the mnr and local police, have them come out that day! put up large signs that say private property, no trespassing. not sure how much land you have, but it could be as simple as someone not realizing that they are trapping on your property.
  13. the construction of the blanks is pretty much the same across the board, only thing that changes is the quality of the graphite and resins
  14. I wasn't planning on buying anything right away, more dabbling into the future for a project for next winter, i've got too many on plate for the immediate future. But yea, definitely not going to do commercial work, just for myself and maybe Christmas gifts type thing
  15. has anyone ever used http://www.rodbuildersupplies.com/ ? they're out of BC
  16. nice! thanks for that. I was looking on mudhole, and they have a rod building tool kit available, would you recommend that or no? http://www.mudhole.com/Rod-Building/Tool-Kits/Complete-Accessory-Kit-220v-Drying-Motor
  17. So, I've made my own lures, tied my own flies, I think the next logical step is to build my own rods. For those that have done it, what are the basics that a rookie builder should have before getting started
  18. now, lets turn the time back to the play before, where seattle was lucky to even be in that position begin with. and lets also pretend the INT didn't happen and Seattle caught the ball, not a single person would be second guessing the call
  19. i can understand the thinking behind it, pick on a rookie dman, who doesn;t have a single career INT, you still have 3rd and 4th downs, you still had 30 seconds on the clock with NE having 3 timeouts, and brady has picking apart your defense all day. so pass the ball and run some time off the clock and give the ball to NE with as little time left as possible
  20. wowsa! those fish don't have a chance!! http://mysterytacklebox.com/blog/drone-flies-worlds-largest-ice-fishing-tournament-stunning/
  21. networks can do that starting in 2016, but it won't take full effect til 2017
  22. its funny how ajax, whitby, oshawa and clarington all have different bylaws regarding outdoor rinks, clarington said they would not enforce any bylaws against outdoor rinks period. oshawa said they would need to make sure the boards weren't obstructing neighbours vision when pulling out of the drive way. whitby said they would need to look at the height of the boards, the grade of the land, the drainage, etc etc..
  23. my point is, i guess, maybe the triage nurse could have said put polysporin on it when she checked in, rather than wait the 6 hours for the doctor to do it
  24. just to add to my tale, doctor put polysporin on it and bandaged it, told her to go home!
  25. last experience with emerg, the g/f was doing arts and crafts with her daycare students, was using a hot glue gun, and the felt with hot glue dropped onto her hand. 3 fingers blistered up and she was sitting in emerg in ajax for 6 hours!
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