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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. and to think, they're still making a profit on them at that price.
  2. but its only a few days until Ukrainian Christmas!
  3. Pre dinner festivities!
  4. this is the same as a city person moving down the road to a farmer and complaining about the smell of manuer! the sad thing is, its not the older folks doing the complaining, its the 30 and 40 year olds. its just sad! hell, you can't even put sand in a playground anymore, broken glass and hidden rocks. we're killing parks in favour of new subdivisions and wonder why kids are getting fatter and lazier! people today are so scared of the what ifs that they just give their kids a video game controller or cell phone and leave them be. in 10 years we're all going to have a personal bubble and VR class rooms so no one has to go outside ever!
  5. miracle mile, or up to Alaska
  6. won't find anything better than the original Zebco Cardinal 4 reels!
  7. wish i coulda made it! this Christmas rush at work has me working late nights!
  8. a 3 or 5 wt fly rod and reel would be awesome!
  9. love the pictures! glad to see you passing on your knowledge! this fish are nice, but i love the dam and last pic of the river!
  10. we've got one of those at work as well, solid maple, im 6'4 and its been cleaned down to about knee height in the middle. the nylon are nice, but one slice with the knife and its almost impossible to clean it properly, we use a pressure washer to clean em. still use the metal block brush for the wood block though
  11. we are one of those shops. we used to use sawdust way back, then switched to cornmeal, then the health department made us switch to this crap almost like a fine kitty litter, and we told to take it and shove it, and we went back to using cornmeal, and still use it on the floors
  12. i will challenge you, go to sobeys, metro, superstore, get their prices for meats, then come in to the shop i work at and compare, its almost exactly the same pricing. i remember seeing a flyer 3 weeks for a grocery chain, forget which one unfortunately, selling STEWING BEEF for $24/kg we sell ours at $14.31/kg if you want to compare heres some of our pricing, keeping in mind this is Ontario grown, no growth hormones, no antibiotics, free range AAA grade beef, you have to compare apples to apples afterall Ribeye (Delmonico Steaks) $35.25/kg 15.99/lb NY Strips $33.04/kg 14.99/lb T-Bone $29.90/kg $13.51/lb Top Sirloin $21.80/kg $9.90lb Stew: $14.31/kg $6.49/lb Ground Beef $12.10/kg $5.49/lb Bone In Pork Chops $10.98/kg 4.98/lb Butterfly Chops $14.31/kg $6.49/lb Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts $17.59/kg $7.98/lb Pork BACK Ribs $16.31/kg $7.39/lb This weeks Sobeys Flyer NY Strips and Prime Rib Steaks $14.99/lb on sale regular 17.59/lb! Thats $1.50/lb more than our ribeyes and $3.50/lb MORE than our NY Strips https://www.sobeys.com/en/flyer?utf8=%E2%9C%93&products%5Bq%5D=&products%5Bdepartment_id%5D=43 the stereotypes about small butcher shops being more expensive just is not true, we have to stay competative and almost on par with the chain stores, otherwise we could lose that valuable customer base
  13. again, its buyer beware at these places, USDA or South American beef, and mechanically tenderized.
  14. was out on the ganny one day, had to fart, well, it wasn't a fart. I managed to get my waders off in time, my shorts however, didn't make it. was a great ride home to whitby, half naked, was hoping i wouldn't get pulled over. last year, my dad came up from sarnia to do a weekend salmon fish on lake o, we get up nice and early, have a good breakfast, then head out. stopped as the gas station to fill up the boat, my dad gets out, walks by the boat on the trailer and then stops dead, ask him whats wrong, and he gets this stupid look on his face, and says 'for a minute i thought we had lost the boat' he had walked past it thinking it was still his truck then while out on the lake, after landing a nice chinook, and resetting the downriggers, my dad gets all frustrated and upset, ask him whats wrong he says ' well sh!t, i can't find ,my sunglasses, i think i set them on the back and knocked them over board' i said what glasses are you looking for, he goes 'my polarized ones, i can't find the dammed things' i look at him and say what, you mean the ones you're wearing on your face? he just starts laughing and goes yea, those ones, i need a drink!
  15. says on their ad, canada aa OR usda not knocking them, just making an observation
  16. my grandfather passed away 10 years ago, and it wasn't until my grandmother passed away 4 years ago and we were cleaning out their house, that i found my grandfathers old fly fishing gear, and found out that he was pretty good at it. i kept the 2 rods and 2 reels, and took up fly fishing that spring, using his old rod and reel, landed my first steelhead on the fly. we never talked about fishing when he was alive, but i like to think he was smiling down on me that day
  17. 100% agree, the Wal-marts of the world are making it tougher and tougher for small shops like us to hang around since we can't touch their pricing, we just have to make up for it with superior product and customer service.
  18. no thanks, consider this, we can't buy our Ontario Shortloins, where the T-bone and new york strips come from, for $6, let alone sell them at that price. not to turn this into an advertisement, but if you're looking for a quality butcher shop in the Durham Region We sell AAA or better, no growth hormones added, no antibiotics, free range beef, pork, lamb, chicken, and turkey. beef is aged a minimum of 21 days, chicken is air chilled instead of water chilled, and not pumped! we make our own sausages. everything can be custom cut and wrapped located in the middle of Oshawa. Been in Business since 1956 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Buckingham-Meat-Market/256089420768
  19. in Canada, yes. still goes on with American and South American livestock. With supermarkets buying the cheapest they can find, its often livestock from these countries.
  20. not true, we still buy from farms that are owner/operators, only pork is from a conglomerate. our beef comes from a single farm, chicken from a single farm, lamb from a single farm, and its all 100% ontario product, free range(not organic), no growth hormones
  21. we use Ontario FFNR (Farm Fresh, Naturally Raised) pork butts for our sausages, we don't sell side ribs at all, not a big enough market for them, people would much rather have the nice back ribs
  22. just don't buy them around holidays in the winter, places cook the prime rib roasts instead of steaks
  23. I am a butcher of 15 years, beef prices have gone nuts due the harsh winter, in combination with the states buying our cattle. now, that normally wouldn't be an issue, however, farmers have been keeping animals meant for slaughter, as breeding animals, therefore reducing the number of cattle going to market. for instance, ground beef has gone from 8.77/kg to 12.10/kg not sure why pork has gone up, but it hasn't gone up too badly, not like the beef, but most suspect the piglet disease, as well as cost of feed. and f course, chicken farmers seeing that beef and pork have gone up, have also increased their prices to get their'cut' of this crazyness
  24. preservation of natural resources and wildlife isn't a serious issue to you?
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