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Everything posted by cityfisher

  1. congrats ! nice buck!
  2. can you imagine owning a dog and leaving it out int he yard before that guy got started? or letting your young kids out to play....in some areas they are GROSSELY over populated...
  3. ive been sick for like 6 days....hopefully im at the end of it.. who knowws really
  4. thanks all for the comments... decided to bring the ATV... found some nice trails in the area and went for a couple nice runs... surprised to not see one grouse during my couple days out there.. noticed 2-3 boats a day on the water.. not alot but the weather was better than expected... I came down with the flu the day i go there so the ATV was good enough... If i was feeling better the boat would of been the way to go... great scenary this time of the year up there!
  5. Hi all, Rented a cottage with the wife for the weekend in bancroft, Should i bother bringing my boat? i will be on elephant lake. Will the bass be biting this time of year? My backup plan is to bring the atv and some grouse load but dont like the idea of tones of moose hunters running around the woods in the area. Thoughts? Thanks!
  6. Not to shabby.... Done for the season for me... Moose / deer from now on
  7. Ive been checked on simcoe by a couple plain cloths CO'S.... "hows the fishing been? " Not bad ... Pull over im a CO. lol
  8. id launch in the oro section... only problem with mid summer the whitieys are no longer in huge groups so it makes them tough to find... Downrigging is the way to go for lakers this time of the year
  9. I use tie downs threw the wheels .. which seems to hold it down well.. i was told by Multiple people to NOT use the winch for tieing down the front end as it will ruin the gears in the winch..
  10. Right on ! nice fish as always
  11. great pic.. other than the odd gray stuff happening and a great writeup:)
  12. oops sorry,, wrong year
  13. wow lots of pike in balsam.... i havent fished it in years but next time i go ill make sure to make Pike for dinner
  14. Musky do exist but are VERY rare... I caught my PB musky on elephant,,,, on bass gear of course:)
  15. One of my fav boats... great setup for everything and all weather. I think the price might be a little high for an 02 though...
  16. just bought one for my sea ray yesterday... well see how long it lasts
  17. good info.. I was about to go get a pair of oakleys and maui jims ill check out the solar bats also... Thanks! p,s love work insurance free fishing glasses
  18. forsure! no shortage of smaller ones on this trip, atleast 10 a day under 2 lbs
  19. Hi all, Its been a while since I put a report up so I thought id start off the soft water season with my recent trip to Bay of quinte. Weather was great all weekend long, some wind of course but its bay of quinte and thats what we want Good amount of boats around and also a good amount of fish, the avg size of fish was much smaller than last year but we still managed a couple fish around 6lbs. Enjoy
  20. good report .. i was out on the weekend also but our group got decent numbers .. about 40 for the weekend..2 boats but size was way down from last year... we got 6 over 4lbs all the rest were smaller
  21. ron was on scugog over the weekend....did i care to meet him??? not at all... not a fan of their show
  22. nice report , where are the fish pictures !!! Last year the same thing happend when i was in mexico.... GF got sick after about 2 hours and we went back in ... caught 5-6 tuna and one kingfish..... In 2 weeks time ill be in cuba and hopefully return with a nice Tarpon report!
  23. good stuff... i got 5-7 minnies like those on saturday.. all on Roe... my buddy didnt get a touch on Pink worm... I also had two good sized bows on but ofcourse one of them broke off when jumping into a log jam and the other one spit the hook Atleast there was Crappie in the afternoon to make up for it
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