Thinking of entering a couple bass tournaments this year. Looked over the bassmania tour and it looks interesting.
Can anyone recommend any other leagues???
HI all,
went out on the weekend for a double-location day of fun... Started off at Simcoe searching for some jumbos ! We did pretty good with about 10 over 11-12 inches. The action wasnt fast but fun regardless.
Then we headed to the Kawarthas for some Slab Crappies ! we found them too !! Overall a fish filled day !! many more to come i hope !
Hi all,
thinking of entering the CBAF tourney on saturday. Do i have to be a member of CBAF to enter ?
WHere can i find details on the event ? .. starttime , location , rules etc ... i checked but there is no details on it.
i had a 01 forman with ES.. .Sold it after 6 months... Drum brakes were CRAP.... ES kept messing up whenever id go close to water.... LOW ground clearance.. NO 2wd....... SRA ... etc... i bought an Arctic cat and its been great other than my Belt exploding a couple weeks back....
Yeah Ive been running a demudifier for the past day and also been drying the under padding.. Most of it is pretty dry now...BUt still needs a couple days of work. After i get the bumpers fixed up im going to drain the fluids just to be sure.