Could of been worse:) Everyone has those days where they say .. frig ice fishing
sounds like me last year... my Artic Crap Atv blew its belt into 1000 pieces 12 KMS from Shore!!!
Luckly Sly rescued me that day and i still got a coupe whities to boot !
I was out on ORO on Saturday and the shoreline was getting messy. out on the lake it was good and crisp but im sure after sunday and todays warm weather it should be a little wet out there. Not to mention that cracks will suck up the odd quad / truck that goes out in this warm weather.
Perchin is a differnt story should be fine out there for a while... but i was on cooks on friday of last week and the giant swimming pool of water i went through to get off the ice must be getting worse as every day passes
+12 for today and tues and atleast +7 for the rest of the week, going to messy and dangerous quickly !!
I was planning on heading out this afternoon and tuesday with the Sled but might decide to leave it on shore.
Be safe guys and enjoy the last week, here comes spring !!! ill completly forget about ice fishing come tues evening
QUinte walleye season is now closed.
Id check out the Lake simcoe board for outfitter reviews.
I can recommend for perch on cooks... Tell him papageorio told about it.
from what ive heard from locals the fishing in the area is really hurting... mostly dinks and low numbers caught in the pointe au baril areas these days.
Ive only been there once and it is quite beautiful !
I was on haliburton lake which is very close to Algonquin
found 2 fresh wolf kills and even heard them outside the cottage
Try hunting them , probably one of the hardest game to target
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used the blow the 2nd time this season a couple days ago... love TORO... blasts through it ... wouldnt mind some deep powder so i can use the sled in south ontario without driving to haliburton