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Everything posted by cityfisher

  1. just go buy a 40$ 6 inch auger.. done.. or find a buddy and tag along
  2. nice pike! ... next time pick up a jaw spreader to make the unhooking alot easier, great tool!
  3. lot of people judge too quickly..great job saving both bucks from certain exhaustion/starvation
  4. Thanks ! Im going to order a new cable get started !
  5. good question, they are in a tough spot. Ill have to get to them and find out.
  6. Thats the first thing I did, put in a bottle.. let it sit and still no luck... then I put in some Card Cleaner in the Carb Throats( its a v2 ) and in the gas...Other than filling my street with Smoke that didnt help either.
  7. stored outdoors under a tarp, loss of power just started a couple days when I tried to get her going. Choke cable broke 6 months ago and have been either covering up the snorkel to get her started or now ( doesnt work when its this cold ) I pull on the choke cable and it starts up. It just has no power... struggles under throttle
  8. Ill just stay indoors for the next week, atleast the Ice will freeze up solid !! -10 I can take... -20 -30 on the ice is brutal !
  9. Hi all, My quad has been acting up lately and want to get it tuned up so I can get out a couple times for some hardwater action. Can anyone recommend a good mechanic that works on Arctic Cat Atvs in the GTA? or if anyone has any experience with these quads ( carb issue ) can shed any light that would be great. Im tempted taking it apart myself but rather do it with someone with some experience ( Beer and Pizza to any takers ! : )) or just pass it over to a mechanic. ++++++ Issue ++++++ quad has been in storage for the last 2 months(put in sea foam before storage as a stablizer ) started up the quad today and it is acting VERY weird... throttle is very inconsistant... it seems to be choking...hesistating... i attempted to drive down the street and it strugged doing just that. *** My choke cable broke a while back and its been a pain to get her started, ussually if I just TUG on the choke cable is chokes it enough to start. i have attached a video of me starting the quad and hiting the throttle http://www.flickr.com/gp/10557032@N05/4vZanV
  10. Good job freeing them up !
  11. I cant even dream of going on the ice this early in the season, Ive had enough misaps with 20 inches of ice .. cant imagine what might happen with under 4 inches and open water everywhere !
  12. Most areas are closed this week for Archery because of the black bowder season.....or id be out !
  13. Ive hunted for 12 years.... last 5 years with a camp in Haliburton... This year I picked up Bowhunting and guided my buddy to a nice buck on the weekend.....
  14. crap happens trust me I know... Lots of ignornant people out there
  15. If they were CoyDogs or yotes. i would of shot them since your Deer hunt is pretty much over. Is there still a Shotgun hunt open this time of year? I thought that area only had an early NOV hunt and a early Dec Muzzleloader...everything else is BOW.
  16. I have a sony ericcson with a 3.2 meg camera.. it takes Great picS ! i have the old model.. the new one comes with 5 megpixel.. its the one to get
  17. My group did ok... Deer numbers are way down accross the area(hunt in 56). We managed 3 bucks. All young ones. My 8pointer was the biggest of the week. Very few compared to other year.
  18. Congrats Great Buck !
  19. known of someone that did it. He wish he just sold his trailor and bought an enclosed. Works out to the be the same $.. Just saves lots of time and hassle !
  20. Hi all, Just got a Lowrance H20 GPS. Want to get some Maps for it but not sure which set I should go for.. Fish mostly the great lakes and the kawarthas/Simcoe. I noticed they had two differnt types.. MARINE maps which has a Great lakes and maritmies map set and I also noticed a navionics Hotmaps premium for Canada. What do you have? Thanks all.
  21. Nice pics!
  22. amazing as always... you just made my morning:)
  23. Great Story .. Love that pic of the paws on the window!!
  24. Good. You have to be pretty dumb to create a story and tell the world that its true when you know their is NO WAY you can prove its real. Basically hes a moron
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