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Everything posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. Check with a few outfitters to find a hole in their bookings so you can get a reasonable price. No special flights for only one person. You might have to be flexible. Also look for an outfitter with multiple outposts in an area that is serviced by one float plane. When do you want to go? How many days/weeks? I see no reason why it wouldn't work. P.S. I'm off the water early tonight due to lightning out on the lake. I've been the only person in this camp several times, usually in late September or early October.
  2. Two of us are fishing Little Vermilion Lake this week while waiting for the rest of our party to arrive Friday afternoon. Same as last fall, the water level is way down, shutting us off from several spring hot spots. We're not able to fish any moving water or most river mouths. Fish haven't left the lake, but they're hanging in different places. Tuesday we had 18 mph wind with gusts to 25 mph. We hit the shore line at the mouth of Bull Whip Creek. Wraparound waves pounded the shore and a north wind moved our boat parallel to the shore, pretty quickly. Our boat stayed in less than 2 fow and we threw 1 1/8 oz JSM, tipped with a red, 5 1/2" Uncle Josh pork rind. We boated dozens of 35" - 41" pike, stinging most in about a foot of water. No huge fish, but the ones we caught were really heavy and great fighters. There was enough oxygen in the water to pump them up for battle. The spot was good to us for drift after drift after drift. We're finding good pike by fishing in shallow bays, although I had expected to find them on the corners and humps by now. Pike are making long, strong runs and doing their best to stretch our line. We'll be having walleyes for lunch Saturday. Whopper is on the road somewhere, bringing along his homemade pasta sauce for our Wednesday meal.
  3. Happy birthday Joey. Give you one guess as to where I am and what I'm doing.
  4. Man, you guys ganged up on me while I was digging in my vegetable garden. While coaching, I had a special place for good losers. On the bench, in their permanent seats. I'm watching Giants @ Cincinnati. I'm a huge Joey Votto fan. He's a good person and handles what comes his way, but I wouldn't consider Joey to be a good loser.
  5. I did not say that. Did not imply that. My point was to include maturity and class in all their experiences and let that carry into competition. Be a good person. Every day. Don't base a career on being a good loser. Everyone loves to win. I like to surround myself with those who hate to lose.
  6. It's disturbing that one would teach a son or daughter to be a good loser. For sure you'll end up with a loser. How about instilling the ability to handle all life experiences with maturity and class? Keep the scoreboard lit up and strive to win. Build and improve on our efforts when we don't win. Do your best to provide your opponent with the opportunity to deal with losing.
  7. This will be my 28th consecutive walleye opener in NW Ontario. Never have given weather a second thought. Have been delayed 28 hours one year due to a heavy snow and delayed several hours one year to get a wind shift to clear ice for a float plane landing. Don't pass it up. Book the same time slot for 2013. Take a look at going in a week early to pike fish. Stay two weeks. It works. Every time.
  8. You sure put together a sweet fishing report for a guy from somewhere else. Thanks.
  9. Some really nice folks there. What/who was Gimmer describing with his hands in the first photo?
  10. Both companies sell stock. Buy some and share the profits.
  11. Happy Birthday Norm. Yep, you're among those of us who seem to have a birthday coming up every 3 or 4 months. We should be getting the hang of it any time now.
  12. My main concern would be the safety of the frame.
  13. Driver safety needs to be taken into account.
  14. Can't figure out how I managed to overlook this report. Rocky Richards emailed it to me. Thanks Rocky. Thanks Mike. It's been a while since I've carried, lifted or pulled boats.
  15. My post didn't come out right. Just couldn't bring myself to say: yeah, me to, most of the above.
  16. Wish I hadn't run across this thread.
  17. We have the power to make ourselves happy.
  18. Skim over the entire 296 pages, make some notes and then print only the pages you need, when you need them.
  19. It's a good idea to replace headlights in pairs rather than one at a time. When one dies, the other is soon to follow.
  20. That's a huge leap from the paddle. What's your new name? No more Solopaddler.
  21. Beauties. Truly the work of an artist.
  22. That's a tough one. Sorry about your loss.
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