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Everything posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. 1470 miles, one way, for me. Worth it, every time.
  2. Power of suggestion worked on me. Replaced my 22 year old natural gas furnace today. Heating 2250 square feet with 80,000 BTU, up to 98% efficiency, 3 ton unit with new coil. Included a plug for a small generator. Can get by with heat and hot water. Easy to run generator to gas water heater. Bring on the cold weather.
  3. I suggest calling your credit card company to discuss recovering your payment and returning the faulty furnace to the seller.
  4. You're a lucky guy. Keep her happy. You have yourself a keeper.
  5. Thanks for your suggestion. As I mentioned, we know exactly what Clinton would continue to do, and she could not be unseated because her supporters are willing to overlook the worst of her actions. If/when Trump messes up he would be chased off in a short time and a very capable Pence would become president. Hillary is certain disaster. I learned more about her from Kris Paronto at an event 10 days ago. She is bad, very bad. Electing Trump has a chance to work for us.
  6. Just Sayin', A former member of OFC is on Trump's short list for SCOTUS. He's well qualified, active in fishing Great Lakes & Ontario and a regular guy. He'd be a welcomed guest in the boat of most OFC members.
  7. Hire Trump as president. If he performs poorly, he could be impeached and convicted in a short time. Pence would do well. Not so sure about Ryan as his VP, but would be better then Kaine. If Hillary wins we'd be stuck with her for at least four years because her loyal followers will overlook anything she does to our country. Democrat House and Democrat Senate would vote almost 100% to allow her to continue her term. I'm not positive what Trump would do as president, but there's a chance he would surround himself with good people and I'd be hoping they'd do whatever it takes to keep him in line. I'm almost 100% certain Hillary would continue do destroy our country as she'd done in the past. I'm 100% certain Hillary is worse than I realize. There's more information coming.
  8. Congratulations. Good folks. Thanks for your effort in keeping us free.
  9. Wow, strange things are happening. Somehow nasty words are substituted for two letters that are supposed to come after LMS-332 C I made several attempts to change, but was unsuccessful. I was unable to list the entire description of the Lowrance unit.
  10. Bill, I ran across information about GPS Module Compatibility. It appears that the unit in Dryden will work with a Lowrance LMS-332 C (sonar/gps). PM your email address and I'll forward the complete information, but it may take a while as I'm going to be away from my computer for a while.
  11. There's a good chance I'll be coming through Dryden October 8 and will be able to pick up and deliver the puck right to Bill's front door. Let me know.
  12. Good move, unless the tax man is reading your thread. He'll want a share of any profit.
  13. The club was an extremely soft target. No guns in the crowd and nobody rushed the shooter during reloading. I'm thinking that at least half of you posting on this thread would have rushed the shooter during his first reload. A lot of ground can be covered during the 2 or 3 or 4 seconds eaten up while reloading. My time is slower that than, but I have very little experience with an AR 15. Shooter could have and should have been taken down while doing his first reload. FBI was aware the shooter was a potential threat, but the FBI is held back by rules set by congress.
  14. Happy birthday Beans. Welcome to the age where we geezers talk about the age we're gonna be, instead of the age we are.
  15. Comprehensive, less the deductible, provides coverage on a vehicle falling through the ice. Insurance agents are salesmen. They are experts in determining commissions on sales. Policies explain coverage. Declarations pages (page attached to front of policy) list additional coverage and take away from coverage described in policy. For information pertaining to a specific coverage I suggest writing a letter to a claims adjustor requesting clarification. Ask for a written reply and hold onto it. An agent working in a cold climate and not knowing coverage for vehicles falling through ice, needs to get outside more. Moving to a warmer climate would be good. Insist that you be covered according to the provisions of your policy, not according to the opinion of a sales person representing an insurance company.
  16. Having an electric start outboard motor will allow you to use the same battery for your CPAP. I bought a converter for around $85 U.S. It's the correct converter and is approved for my unit by the manufacturer. If you're interested, PM me your email address and I'll forward information for determining which converter works for your machine. I've used it.
  17. Maybe try dialing about a minute or two before the office is scheduled to open.
  18. Battery testers and multimeters make great Christmas presents. Cheap battery testers sometimes lie. Getting a second opinion from a reliable battery tester at your favorite part's store is worth a trip. It's free.
  19. Agree with tapping with a hammer. Be sure all connectors are clean and tight. If that doesn't help, begin hoping it's a failing solenoid, which is cheaper than a new starter.
  20. I've had many fall fishing trips to NW Ontario and have never been cheated. Thanks for sharing yours with me. I'm often a double dipper with Thanksgiving meals, one in October and the second in November. Is it my computer monitor or were you boating a few blue walleyes? Maybe they were lighter colored from living on a sandy bottom. Or maybe my eyes are tricking me.
  21. Another great report of a super fishing venture. Just right for my rainy Saturday morning read.
  22. Best wishes for a great run! I'm looking forward to a lot of interesting reading.
  23. There's a good cure for stealing signs. Catcher drops 2 fingers and pitcher throws 95 mph fastball under batter's chin. That's a brush back and a wake up call, not a bean ball. Part of the game.
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