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Old Ironmaker

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Everything posted by Old Ironmaker

  1. Did you enjoy them? I think that's the point of this thread. We just finished watching the WW1 movie 1917 that was nominated for a few Academy Awards. I can't say it was the best I've seen lately but was riveting for sure, 3 out of 5 stars. The things that the young men, women went through, actually people of all ages, puts into perspective the miniscule things we are asked to go through today. No comparison whatsoever. I am one to nit pic movies and it drives my wife nuts especially when I point it out when she is trying to enjoy it. Little things like a 1957 Chevy in a flic or TV program that is supposed to take place in 1954. They were filming a TV or movie production on Barton St. in Hamilton last summer. There was a store front supposed to be in the 60's and the sign above the store said Call 905-545-????. Back in the 60's in Hamilton it was Li for Liberty, 54, Fu for Fulton, 38 and Ja, for Jackson 52 before the last 5 digits. There wasn't a 905 exchange then, it was 416. I saw a movie a while back that was supposed to be Canada in the 50's. In front of Parliament flew our red maple leaf years before it was designed. A guy was having a drink in one scene and his glass is 1/2 empty, he says a few lines and without putting it down his glass is full again. She says they should hire me on set or as an editor to point out all their goof ups and she will watch a movie when I am there.
  2. I was 20 the 1st time I went north of Toronto. It opened up an entire world of cottaging and nature I didn't know existed. I had never been in a boat until then. A real city boy. Great memories and we are still making great memories. The good old days are what we do today.
  3. Thanks Bud. We took a core sample from the floor and the isostyrene foam was dry. I know we are going to tear it all out and find the leak in the future. We would probably turn her into a centre council if we tear it all out. We did that with 2 other identical Star Crafts of the same vintage a few years back. Amazing how much more room without the wind shield and rear casting platform. A lot of work for sure but it beats dropping 50 grand or more on a new 19'er. Plus the same boats get another 15 to 20 MPH with less weight at WOT. Maybe like this one.
  4. That old boat of yours is a real head turner Bill. I love it.
  5. I just picked up the custom cover Reg and his wife made for me last week. A great deal for high quality Sunbrella and totally custom fit including over the elec. bow troller. They even covered my kicker which I didn't ask them to. And they used the boat as a template not the old cover. If you want to get your boat done by him don't wait too long. He is booked solid and I got in only because he had a cancellation. I was quoted $1500.00 by a company in London, I paid 1/2 of that.
  6. If you all could understand Italian it is even funnier, including me, I speak and understand enough to be dangerous. My aunt in Italy asked me one morning if I needed to take a shower I said " No thankyou I don't eat sweet stuff in the morning." Douce in English is bath, dolce in English is sweet.
  7. Call Steve Hardcastle at Fishmasters and ask if he is going to charter. He is in Dunnville. His number is 905-701-0874.He knows his stuff and has a huge comfortable boat. He spends the winter chartering in Costa Rica and I'm sure if he was watching the news he is back by now. I remember 50, it's a bit of a blur but I thought I was old then. Tell your son congrats from us all.
  8. 3K. That's a lot of money for a tool. And it is a fishing tool. If it saves me only 1 time laying flat on my back in bed for 2 days unable to crawl to the toilet it's worth it. I have 2 crushed Lumbar and 2 crushed Cervical vertebrae. That's on top of this type of arthritis I have where chips of calcium slough off ligaments and get jammed in my hips, back and knees. A few months ago my Rheumatologist drained 80 mg of synovial fluid from my right knee. That was fun. I can't pull an anchor 5 feet let alone 80. I can only buy 12 packs of Beer, I can't carry a 24 without my back telling me not to. So $3000.00 so I can fish is worth every penny to me. Look how much money I have saved not fishing in the last 2 years and I didn't do much 3 years ago either. About 3 grand just for a slip. I'm not looking for any sympathy because there is always someone that is far worse off. But I just want to show how I justify such an expense. I told Tich they are a grand!
  9. Ouch!!! We really enjoy the Smithsonian channel as well as National Geographic, The History channel, Discovery, and Discovery Velocity for automobile related shows, The Animal Channel and A&E. TLC, The Learning Channel is just a modern version of the old Circus freak shows. It's sad to see them take advantage of those that are different than many, but they aren't complaining I guess as they are taking the money. I do watch Dr. Pimple Popper and my 600 pound life when my wife is asleep. Don't ask me why.
  10. And grhammer check to. I just don't how to turn it on. You must be a young 65 because I don't read where anyone is picking on you too Terry.
  11. I have all the stuff to troll deep but I know you don't have to go deep in the spring. We did well casting at 50 Point anywhere we could cast from shore actually, even the pier under the Burlington Skyway. I have the same set up as yours Brian. I always let my guests have the bow seat. Thanks for the info Dave. I went online today and priced some US units. Not much savings at all. I know they ain't cheap but I'm thinking about all the money I'm saving not going out every day blowing it on stuff I don't need. I was digging around one of the sheds today and realized I have a 1/2 dozen rods and reels in there I may have used once, maybe. I got my longline trolling hardware out the other day to clean and sharpen hooks. I'd say there is about 600 bucks in body baits and spoons in it. Heck the box was $100.00 from Bill's Bait. About a dozen I haven't taken out of the package and I would say with taxes the average price is 14 bucks. If I see anything on sale I might use I buy more than a few.
  12. OK lets presume I have asked everyone. Thank you for the input porkpie. Let the confusion commence. Does the terrova have the anchor lock feature? That's more important for me than the auto deploy but that would be nice for my broken back. I should start a new thread.
  13. To answer your question Andrew we have cancelled our plans for this summer. We planned on going on a charter cruise leaving Rome and heading south along the Mediterranean coast then north on the Adriatic and a stop in Splitz (sic) Croatia. Cancelling was a no brainer, I had already given a deposit. I don't know what is going to happen to that. It was given to a local travel agent not the group in Italy. But the positive being if all is somewhat normal this summer I wouldn't hesitate to rent a cottage up north and bring the boat with us. I know my wife is disappointed as she has never been to Europe and the trip was her retirement gift and her idea of a great vacation isn't watching me fish. I know I'll send her to her sisters in Nova Scotia and I'll go north to your place. OFC members discount? I hope you can weather the storm. I know a few folks that have camps and resorts north. They have been operating season to season for a while now and I can't see how they will make it to 2021 if they lose this years bookings. Hopefully some of the money promised by Trudeau will make it to those outfitters and resort owners like yourself to keep them afloat until next year. I am asking everyone I know to head north this summer if things are safe to do so. Only time will tell.
  14. We are in the market for a new troller. There are so many units to choose from it can be intimidating. If I'm going to spend a small fortune on one I want it to be the right one. Do you recommend the ipilot Dave? I know you would have done your homework before you slapped all that coin down. Jigging for Walleye here on Erie is a lot more enjoyable then trolling any day. I dislike trolling with a passion. I have tried jigging for them on bottom and have caught a few but staying on a pod of fish is difficult to say the least with the strong currents and even light winds. That and it can be a pain anchoring for perch and constantly pulling it to move and follow the herd rather than sitting in 1 spot waiting for them to come to us.
  15. All excellent advice. I sheathed all my sonar/gps wiring with 1/2" conduit insulation to avoid interference from other wiring. Cheap from a commercial electrical supplier.
  16. Ok, that is a French press like I thought. We have a Tasimo machine. We got it rather than the Keurig because at the time Keurig didn't make cappuccino. We bought it when they 1st came out. Then it was a buck a cup for a cappuccino rather than the pennies a cup for perc espresso. I was drinking far too much and spending far too much $$$ a day on the pucks. I have no idea how much a Tasimo cappuccino puck costs today. For anyone that has a real deal espresso/cappuccino machine designed by NASA like our Drifter has the lower the fat of the milk the better the froth, also the small ladle used to froth the milk should be kept in the fridge, It froths better. That how our bar guy Pasqauli makes it at our Italian social club in Hamilton. I've watched him make thousands over the past 30 years. When we had to replace the machine it was something like 8 grand including shipping from Italy.
  17. Big Cliff these youngsters are picking on us old guys. If someone spotted me the A and the T I couldn't spell CAT. It's not that we are forgetful I say we have so much in our old brains after all these years we need to delete some things like spelling and remembering names before we can get more info into our ancient noggins. Just like a compuder. Once the RAM is full we need to delete some stuff.
  18. Clint Eastwood plays the lead and directed it. A WW2 vet that becomes a drug mule for the Mexican cartel. Very good. Great cast too. Bradly Cooper plays the FBI agent. The Green Book is a 6 out of 5 for me. I can't count how many times we have watched it. Based on the actual Green Book that was used by African Americans along routes in the 60's. A true story of a NY Italian man that is racist but he doesn't know it driving a black concert pianist through the racist southern states to get to his performances. The actual Green Book listed those places that would serve and house Blacks. Sad as well as inspiring. To me anything that evokes a strong emotion in people is Art.
  19. My BIL and SIL flew from The Dominican Republic to Toronto then to Nova Scotia last week. Mandatory 14 day isolation. The 1st place they had to go was the grocery store. They had to stock up as they were away since October. So much for self isolation. Mother Nature is culling the herd. Thinning the population of countries that have too many people for the resources available and those that are elderly putting a strain on society. As well as the poor whom do not the funds to seek proper medical attention. I hate to say it but the impoverished are generally poorly educated and have less intelligence that most of the population. Therefor they contribute less to society. I know that's harsh but I didn't come up with that theory, it's been out there for centuries, i.e. The Black Plague.
  20. With this public lockdown we have rented more than a few movies as of late. Yes the in and out store in the village still rents movies. I just wasted 4 bucks and 90 minutes of my life watching " Trauma Center" Bruce Willis and Steve Guttenburg. Bruce Willis was on screen for 10 minutes tops and Steve Guttenburg who I haven't seen in a movie for well over 25 years played a Doctor in 2 scenes. It doesn't even get a partial star out of 5. It is so bad it's good. Almost Nicolas Cage bad. Willis must be behind in his taxes. There were times he couldn't keep a strait face saying his lines. Yesterday. A British flic where not a single person was shot, stabbed, dismembered, blown up, burned to death, kidnapped or becomes a Zombie. If you like the Beatles I guarantee you or anyone that lived in the 60's will love it. 6 stars out of 5. Mom would have loved it, she was a huge Beatles fan. I remember it like yesterday when she called me into the kitchen to listen to the new "Yea yea" band on the AM radio. Knives Out is pretty good. An old time who done it. "The maid did it in the library with a candle stick" type movie. Ford vs. Ferrari was pretty good to. 3 1/2 out of 5. If you are interested in auto racing you will like it. I don't plan to see Frozen 2 or Parasite that took home all the Oscars. I don't think I can read subtitles for 2 hours.
  21. OK I give, what's a French press? One of those things you push down to brew the coffee? I had to use one of those the 1st time I went to England at a B&B and had to ask the couple having breakfast next to me how to use it. They thought it was funny and asked if I was American. I think my laptop has Carola Virus. Sometimes the text is normal, then sometimes it's in bold then in italics like now.
  22. Mom always used room temp water to make her Pizza dough. A branch of our family tree is in the bread business, Roma Bakery from Hamilton. Some may know their famous rectangular bread Pizza's they sell in many stores locally like Fortino's. I remember the owner telling Mom when he visited once years ago that if you use bad water and have bad air you end up with bad dough. They were talking about the terrible bread in Florida. By bad water I think he meant too many chemicals in the city water. I hope I get at least 51% for participation.
  23. I just checked that other fishing website, the one I banned myself from. A guy got a few buckets of nice Perch. From the eastern basin of Erie, That's the size of some European countries.
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