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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. This is an old argument that we see from time to time. Lew, you can't go wrong with running some marine Stabil in ALL of your small engines and jerry cans sitting around. It helps to stabilize the fuel and also helps to keep the fuel system clean. I store the boat with only a couple of gallons of stabilized fuel that I run for a few miles before pulling it out of the water. My snowblower/lawnmower fuel has marine Stabil in it. I've only used the blower once and that was for the sake of using it. It has always started on the first pull for 20 years except one year when it had bad gas. Filled with fresh fuel and some QuickStart and it ran right fine right away. Canadian Tire puts Marine Stabil on special a few times a year and it's less than $20 for the big container which is more than enough for the season for most boaters. Ethanol is here to stay and it will be in all 91 octane fuel sooner or later. Sunoco has been using it to perk up their gas for years. Ethanol has the equivalent octane of over 115 so you blend it with lower octane gasoline to increase the octane rating. As for running Premium fuel in small engines, it's up to you. It depends on how much you use them. A 5 gallon jerry can will cost you $2-3 extra, if you only use one or two a year it's no big deal. If you use one every couple of weeks, it adds up quickly. They are designed to run on 87 octane and run fine on it.
  2. VEHICLES ARE THE WORST INVESTMENT THERE IS!!! Unless you need a truck for work that is. They are a depreciating asset and most people spend waaaay too much money on them. Try to take the emotion out of your purchases. Your bank balance will love you for that. That said, I recently drove the new Sierra 2500HD with the Duramax Diesel and the new F250 SuperDuty with the new diesel. The Ford won hands down on the drive. It drove like a truck, not a big truck, the GMC drove like a big truck. I was impressed, I've driven the RAM 2500 with the Cummins diesel too and ruled that out off the bat, it drove like a semi. My fillings hurt. We've been kicking around the idea of travelling across Canada pulling our 30' travel trailer that is currently parked so I'd need the 3/4ton diesel to do it right. I don't think you can go wrong with either the GMC/Chevy or the Ford 1/2tons. Make sure you get the right engine for your needs in the forseeable future. Just get out there and take a few out for test drives and see who offers you the best deal.
  3. Smoking Price on a great product. I thought Warden Automotive was Wholesale only. I guess they are now selling to the public as well now.
  4. Don't get me started on GULP and it's leaky containers. I had one leak in the back of the wife's minivan, took forever to get that fishy stink out trying just about everything. Vertical integration is the way of the future, or so we are told. Companies will buy out their little competitors to get the burrs out of their bonnets.
  5. Pretty much any of the manufacturer's make decent pontoon boats. He needs a smallish one with a 25hp on the back. It doesn't need to be fast. He just needs to check out a few dealers and see which layout suits his needs the best.
  6. I'd also contact some of the local businesses that you frequent and let them know that they won't be seeing you any longer. When the individual ratepayers get hit in the pocketbooks, they may start to chirp a bit.
  7. Pour a bit of Seafoam right down the throat of the carb, let it sit for a couple of minutes and then tap the bottom of the carb with a small hammer or the plastic end of a screwdriver. More than likely, it's just a stuck float in the carb. If it works, remember to pour some stabilizer in your jerry can of snowblower gas. Better to be safe than sorry. It will help to keep the fuel system clean and your gas always fresh.
  8. Great use for something that gets used twice a year!! Good one!!! Time to retire your old sled. What's next after the carb boots, the track, etc...etc...
  9. Georgian Bay, lots of places to stay, Honey harbour has a few little resorts that you can rent a cottage for under a grand for a week. You need your groceries and bedding. The Town Centre has pretty much all you need. There is a full grocery store in Coldwater. Midland is 35-40minutes away and has pretty much all the amenities. At the age of your kids, they need a beach, water to swim and splash in, a park and a store that sells freezies and ice cream. Mom and dad need a fridge, stove, bbq and a bathtub to wash off the kiddies.....and some cold tasty bevvies to enjoy by the campfire each night.
  10. Congrats on the new ride!! Get'r slimed up Real Good!!
  11. I've gone 84mph on GBay on a 33ft offshore and that was waaaay too fast for me. I've also done 72mph in a BassBoat and that was hairy. My boat tops out in the high 40's and that's plenty, I usually cruise between 25-30mph depending on which prop I run. Man, I tell you, what people do for an adrenaline rush.......... I've got buddies on Lake Muskoka who have little racing boats that do 120mph+, they are always bugging me to go out for a blast with them. I'm too old for that!
  12. Not enough people in Barrie to justify a Cabela's. Down here in Oakville, we have plenty of space on the north side of Dundas....... As for Target, Zellers is losing business and has not had a steady focus in years. their stores look just like they did in the 80's and they just can't compete with Wal Mart, Wally world has too much buying power. I remember Frank Vetere's, there used to be one down on Bloor by the Museum, we went there in the early 80's for deep dish pizza and it was good! Now mind you, I was 10-11 years old at the time and not too fussy. I hope the Olive Garden doesn't come back, they sucked. There used to be one up by York U that I took one or two dates to back in the day and it wasn't great (I grew up with a bunch of Italians and I knew all about what Italian food really is).
  13. Breaker 1-9 This is the Bandit calling the Snowman..........
  14. You have 5 liter fever Wayne??? They are a nice truck!! Drive it in good health! I was up in Midland visiting friends in the area on New Year's Eve and took an F250Lariat with the new diesel at Bourgeois. What a truck!!! None of the Ford dealers around Oakville have any in stock. I took out the new Sierra HD with the new Duramax and didn't like the way it drove. The Ford was waaay nicer. I know what I'd buy for a truck. I'm kicking around the idea but we shall see how things go over the next year or so.
  15. Free Fishing, I guess you have to have at least one good benefit for reaching that milestone. Happy BDay Cliff, all the best to you!!!
  16. DUMB DUMB DUMB!! Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer is being reprinted now with all references to the 'N' word removed to become more politically correct. This is the artsand literature!! There is a lot of 'art' that is offensive to a lot of people, if you don't like it, don't listen, don't look at it, don't read it!! It's supposedly a 'free' country that we live in. By no means am I a Liberarian in my political views but when it comes to censorship, Big Brother shouldn't control my media outlets. To paraphrase what Trudeau said, 'The government has no business in the bedrooms of the nation'.
  17. We are probably going to see $1.05 Canadian over U.S. at some point this year, if not more. Wayne, get ready for more pain this year. Unfortunately, manufacturing in Ontario is continuing to be hollowed out. The US needs to have a cheap greenback to get their economy going again.
  18. Unfortunately the $2 .40cal bullet did not kill the idiot. Now we as taxpayers have to shell out a few million dollars to try and incarcerate his dumb My sincerest condolences go out to the slain officer's loved ones. What a waste!!!
  19. Chili + Ice Hut + Open Flame = BIG BOOM!!!!
  20. Shop around. Call a lot of brokers, check on the web, it's going to take you a few days but if it saves you a few hundred bucks........... Unfortunately, as far as the insurance companies are involved, you are a brand spanking new driver. They will treat you pretty much how they treat a 16 year old. Your driving record and the claims experience of your postal code area determines your rates, some companies get hammered in certain areas while some have very little by way of claims. I've been with Allstate for 12 years now and nobody can beat their rates on my combined home/auto/trailer policy. Mind you, both the wife and I have clean records, I have not had a ticket in over 4 years and no at fault accidents in over 10. Brokers hate Allstate because they only market to the top 10% of insurable drivers. They take the cream and leave the milk for everyone else. Unfortunately they reorganized a couple of years ago and lost a lot of their top agents but as long as I get good rates, I personally don't care who I deal with. To save a few minutes is not worth the costs involved with traffic tickets. You have 2 on your record and your insurance company has a field day with you. You will pay for your tickets for 3 years until they go off your insurance record, the ministry is 2.
  21. Ok Lew, I guess it isn't going to be easy. Mind you,who ever said that hunting toothy critters is easy.
  22. I have a Salty that I used up on LOTW, I agree they are great. The problem with them is that I need to put down some Custom Bert's tracks and mounts etc.... Making a $100 job closer to $5-600.
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