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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. That's horrible news!! My condolences.
  2. From the looks of the hydro towers, my guess is just off Elizabethville rd north of hwy 2. Pretty cool. I did some bogging that way as a kid on my Honda dirtbike and rode many of the trails in the area for years.
  3. Beautiful fatties!!!! Lac Seul is on my bucket list for 'skis and for 'eyes.
  4. Give yourself 2 hours to cross. You never know what can happen at a border crossing. Any extra time can be spent at a local greasy spoon for some bacon and eggs.
  5. My condolences. I take it that it was a long battle. He can rest and you can go on with the rest of your lives knowing that his spirit lives on in all of you. When you catch a nice one, take a moment to reflect and remember the good times.
  6. Jeez, I don't log in for a couple of days and I miss Lew's 65th! Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY!!! I see the missus did something special for ya. Congrats Lew, all the best to you!
  7. Love his music but not his politics. He was out supporting the Occupiers downtown last week. Happy bday Gordo!
  8. I fixed my whirlpool duet washer last year, I put a new pump in that cost me 125 and an hour and a half of my time. A new one is 1500. I can skin my knuckes for that kinda dough ray me.
  9. Nice 'skis!! They are big and chunky. Good to see your style of fishing produces. Good for you.
  10. The big problem there is that there is nowhere to park. There isn't a parking lot, just street parking in front of people's homes. I understand their concern but I also understand that anglers spend money in the area restaurants, gas stations, marinas, variety stores, bait shops and the like. Charge $10 to launch and retrieve, but provide a parking option. That's the root of the issue.
  11. What happened in WWI was brutal. The conditions those men saw day in and day out was unimagineable. I've been a student of history for years and I can't understand the arrogance at the top echelons of the armies involved. The British and French high command fought the war nice and comfy in Paris living the highlife in villas, they had no clue as to the conditions that the troops lived in. The war was pretty much a stalemeate and battle of attrition. None of our vets who survived that maelstrom are still with us. May they rest in peace. WWII was a different story, that one really needed to be fought. Once again the brutality of war was faced by our troops who, once again did their duty with honour and distinction. War is a terrible thing and I thank my lucky stars that I have never been in one and I pray daily that my children will never have to fight one. I watched a program on TVO a couple of nights ago about a platoon of Danish soldiers and their tour of duty in Afganistan. It was very enlightening to see what was going during their time there. They faced IED's, snipers, rocket attacks, hit and runs the whole time they were there trying to help the people. This was filmed by one of the soldiers with a camcorder and it documented their off time as well as while they patrolled. My hat goes off to anyone who wore a uniform who left home to go help someone else in their battle for freedom.
  12. $210, that equals gas for the boat and a couple of bucktails. OR, do the smart thing and bury it in the backyard.
  13. More than likely, no you didn't damage the van. You are lucky you didn't get hurt. Make sure whenever you jack up ANYTHING, it is always jacked up on a portion of the frame. I HAD a friend with a young family a few years ago who changed the oil on his car in the driveway, he didn't use jackstands, only the jack, well the jack slipped with him under the car. He was found by his neighbour, thankfully not the kids. Don't mess around, safety always comes first.
  14. My Toro is 20 years old and still starts on the 1st pull every time. It's a 5hp 21 inch 2 stage. For my purposes here in the 'burbs, it's fine. You need a minimum 8hp maybe even a 10 or 12hp depending on how much snow you need to clear. I'd go with Toro, Ariens is fine as well but buy it from a dealer who will set it up and make sure it runs properly. Home Depot will charge you to assemble it and you have to make sure it's running properly.
  15. Awesome!!! An 18 hit day for anyone is incredible never mind landing 14. There have to be some 50 inchers down there so time on the water will eventually pay off. Good for you!!!
  16. Reverse Osmosis is the best system for getting impurities out of your water, BUT, it does too good a job, it removes the naturally occurring mineral salts in the water which our bodies need to absorb the water properly. That is why Dasani from Coke and Aquafina from Pepsi are RO processed tap water and then have mineral salts added after treatment. Something like Cliff mentioned would probably be the best bet leaving your water cleared but largely unmolested. I miss drinking fresh well water from our farm out Port Hope way, it was cold and crisp with no weird tastes or chlorine. Our pond water was actually drinkable but I never did drink it, it was warm like bath water in the summer. (BTW, a lot of bottled 'spring water' is actually pond water that has had a cable dragger go thru to clear the weeds and then through a particulate filter to get the mud and grit out. FACT)
  17. A little bit of know how and some elbow grease just saved you a couple of hundred dollars. Good for you!!
  18. Don't go killing the boogey man!! I put my Deep Cycles on a couple of scrap 2x4's in the garage after they have been charged up. I also charge them a couple of times over the winter to make sure they don't freeze. A fully charged battery won't freeze, a discharged battery will.
  19. Congrats on your PB. Time spent on the water will get you that 50 incher. I know, I just got mine 3 weeks ago.
  20. That's fine. Make sure they are charged and you should be fine.
  21. Call BRPs head office and speak to someone in customer service. If you get no satisfaction, ask to speak to a supervisor and if you still get the runaround, let them know that you will be contacting the better business bureau, a lawyer and that you will be flaming them on various fishing websites. Fight dirty if need be.
  22. Congrats on the ski and even more so with the revive/release.
  23. Good for you with regards to the interview, good luck with it. As for the fishing, a bath in tomato juice might help with that SKUNK smell. Remember, its called fishing, not catching.
  24. I just winterized and tarped my Larson on the weekend. I used 2x6 posts with notches with a 16' 2x6 going across the boat. All screwed together and a 28x20 tarp tied down to the trailer and she's done for the winter. Make sure you have the bow up a bit with the engine all the way down and the plug out. Any water that does make it's way in there will be able to run out. Can't wait for May to come so I can head up and pick up my boat and summerize her.
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