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Everything posted by Roy

  1. To all of my American family and friends. Thanksgiving is the sanest holiday we have. I hope that you all have the nicest day sharing a meal and good times.
  2. Try Rob Hyatt Outdoors here: http://http://www.robhyattoutdoors.com/
  3. Watching the snow heading this way the last couple of days, I started mine yesterday morning. First turn as well. I'm a happy camper.
  4. I enjoy seeing muskie pics and I think more than a few members here like them as well. There have been some beauties posted in the last little while. Marc Thorpe has just finished his 2013 season so here are a few of his guests fish from this season. There are 3 links below.   https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/media/set/?set=a.375893789223027.1073741844.365770416902031&type=1 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=554768231276844&set=a.170916179662053.45234.100002310155719&type=1&theater   https://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn#!/PeteMaina
  5. Kitty litter works as well as salt on boat ramps and will not cause as much damage to our waterways. Just sayin'.
  6. I'm grateful that everyone got out relatively unscathed. I'm sure that everyone here was concerned and wanted to know who was involved. People were just worried is all. Some life lessons learned here. Let's leave it at that. Hats off to Greg, Sheldon and the others for a quick and efficient mission. I was asked to lock this by a few people. I think we should leave it up and think about it for a while.
  7. Y'know, for those of you who haven't installed one yet, it might be an idea to use rubber grommets under the fastening points....maybe even an upside down mousepad. I didn't do that, I fastened directly to the bulkhead and it's been fine going to its 7th season. Edited to add: Oh and Steve, I only have the 2 bank for a 24 volt 70lb TM. The main motor is always at the top of its game That's my experience...someone else might have other thoughts on this.
  8. Mine is in a bow hatch, Steve. There's lots of bouncing up there but it's fastened in there securely. It does not move.
  9. Sorry to hear about that, Mike. I put in a Guest, 2 bank, 6 seasons ago and it's running great. This thing is always wet....not from waves or anything like that. It stays wet because of where it's installed in a hatch next to my 24 volt bowmount TM batteries. If you must get a new unit, take a good look at all that is out there. In the meantime, this coming spring, I'll be getting some air circulation around mine. Good luck.
  10. Rob, he was smart and got the literate version.
  11. I had just gotten off work and I was leaving Pat's Camera and Sports at Broadview and Danforth when I saw a bunch of folks huddled around a 12" TV on the counter at the snack bar next door. Was really quite an emotional time.
  12. Cool! Did you know that that was invented by an ice fisherman who didn't want to have to take off his mitts to send play by play reports?
  13. Loss of license is a joke to these people. In addition to stiff fines, a clear photo of the individual on the net might be a good thing and it would not cost the tax payer a cent. Just sayin'.
  14. Wow! I'm going to have to return to this to really savour the pics. Looks like you've had another terrific year. Thanks for sharing your season with us and a huge congrats to Kelli on her win.
  15. Giftwrap it, they'll steal it.
  16. Ver, very nice, Lew!
  17. I love this suff! Keep'em coming.
  18. Why would KIJIJI be the reason for not having to drive out to deliver a sold item?
  19. Depending on the neighbourhood you live in, during a garbage strike, gift wrap your garbage, put some in the trunk of your car, one or two beside the car, leave your trunk open, then go in the house for a P. That's about how long it'll take for your garbage to be picked up.
  20. Very nice Simon. A winter wonderland in your back yard. Enjoy!
  21. There will be some upcoming contests, yes!
  22. Here's the history: http://jermalism.blogspot.ca/2013/03/abandonment-issues-edgemere-estate.html
  23. Have a safe and great time, Dave. Looking forward to your report.
  24. It's getting personal now.
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