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Everything posted by rickster

  1. Stop playing with your balls <<<<<<<<<<<<<picture>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Get down to business! Torpedo Diver how did you know i was....... oh i get it never mind
  2. you should see the picture of the pike my cousins buddys uncle caught on rainy lake
  3. test went well yesterday showing no damage to heart and no blockage surgery this afternoon or fri morning to put in defibulator and if all goes well they will fly him home early next week I would really like to thank all for keeping him in their thoughts this is truly a great community thanks again rick
  4. boy i'm glad we don't have steelhead up here some of you guys are a testy bunch why not relax a little like i said before cliff and bly keep up with the good reports and beauty fish most of us love your reports net or no net
  5. great report and beauty fish you two...congrats
  6. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and well wishes. I just got off the phone with my brothers wife and it sounds like they want to operate on Thurs and put in a kind of pacemaker to regulate the heart. Want to get his strength up before they operate so thurs looks like the day if all goes well Sounds like he will be there for at least a week I will update when I know some more I am hoping my next update will be that the operation went well Fingers crossed Thanks again to all for the well wishes and for Johnf for the offer This is truely a great community Rick
  7. i got called of the lake on Friday with news my brother had been taken to the hospital He has had some problems with his heart were it will take to racing and cannot get slowed down the doctor had to shock his heart four times to get him stabilized Things were looking better yesterday and they were discharging him when he had another episode Another four shocks to stabilize He flew by air ambulance to the univeristy hospital in london ont yesterday afternoon and as of this morning have had no news yet I just thought it might help if we could keep him in out thoughts today Thanks in advance Rick
  8. glad you got some good feedback T J I was tending your walleye hole on Turtle Lake for you today mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm they tasted good
  9. glad to hear you are OK cliff hope everything works out
  10. beauty fish way to go but now you went and done it......i got the itch gonna head out and get some crappie on the old secret lake saturday but first some eyes tonight hopefully post some pics on monday
  11. this is my gem that I am currently in the process of gutting and redoing the whole interior I put a 4 stoke 60hp yamaha on it since this pic was taken 16 foot crestliner viking
  12. those are some neat clouds thanks for the pic lew
  13. welcome aboard Anton you will find a great group of people here I know I have never regretted joining
  14. congrats on the win only coffee and donuts so far for me
  15. Mornin all Cold this mornin but leavin work at noon to go walleye fishing and then goin after lakers on fri morning
  16. """not tonite dear I have a headache"""
  17. got to work this morning and checked the temp -39 celcius thank god no wind yet
  18. you all have it wrong it was caught on rainy lake by my uncles cousins half brother twice removed
  19. the heat lines would be a temporay fix but i would suggest getting some insulation in the attic as ice on your eaves is a sign of heat loss a properly insulated attic should solve the problem
  20. Roy Posted Today, 01:27 PM Don't feel bad, I'm a pig. mmmmmmmmmm BACON!!!!!!
  21. There are some natives that occasionally come around selling walleye filets here in nw ontario they charge around five dollars a pound. I have never bought any and never will as I prefer to catch my own fish thank you very much so lets see about 2300 lbs of fish at five bucks a pound=====$11,500 and a 6500 dollar fine There was just and article in the local paper of a guy mistakenly shooting a cow moose. He said he was aiming at the calf and the cow got hit as they were running across a cut. He got fined and had his hunting PRIVILEDGE taken away for i believe 18 months This guy harvested these fish knowing full well he was over quota and he can go out and do it again next year GO FIGURE
  22. well said justin kirk...i am sure no one here would say you dont have a right to an opinion but that last one was more insult than opinion and imo was uncalled for With that said I am done reading anymore about this because I dont see it going anywhere nice
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