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Everything posted by rickster

  1. Well we had a pretty good long weekend. The weather was not very nice in fact I never even put the boat in the water. Instead my nephew and I walked in to a set of rapids on one of the rivers up here and we had our eight walleye in twenty minutes. First cast brought me a nice 16" in fact. We walked out to my truck just as my brother in law, my son and other nephew pulled up as they had gone to check a minnow trap they had set the day before. We caught all our fish on plastics. So we all walked back in and the three of them caught their 12 in about a half an hour. Sunday the whole gang of us (12 in total) walked into another set of rapids and after about three hours we left with enough fish for a huge feed that night. Of course I was smart enough to leave the camera on the kitchen table both days but we are heading back this weekend and I will take some pics of the spot and hopefully of some more fish.
  2. My deepest condolances Lew Rick
  3. I think you are right about keepin fishing. Look at a tournament you catch a limit and then keep fishing to cull up more weight Same rule applies to catch and keep I would think
  5. lol Page 1 eh? No wonder I didin't see it I actually called a Co friend of mine and asked him and he said as long as they can hold a rod and play the fish than the kids can have a limit of their own. He says he does get a little ticked when he sees someone with a 3 month old child and argues that the baby can catch its limit. Takes all kinds I guess
  6. Had an argument the other night with a fellow about limits when fishing with kids. Can a child keep a limit of fish as long as he or she can bring the fish in by themselves or does whatever they catch count towards the adults limit ? I have read the regs and either missed it or there is no info on this matter? I think they can have their own limit provided they are old enough to bring the fish in by themselves Am I wrong?
  7. The link you sent says that Div 22/22a is sama as Div20 not 21
  8. the way I read the regs is lake trout open Jan 1 to Sept 30 in Div 22 same as Div20 Div 21 though is not open til 4th sat in may
  9. LOL Drive real fast cause I want at least 75F for the weekend
  10. Only two more sleeps for me til opener of walleye. Can't wait to get out on the lake with the family. Weather doesn't look too great here for the weekend though. 15 celcius and partly cloudy Sat and Sun and a balmy 5 (yes five) Celcius and rain on Monday. Brrrrrrrrrr Might even try to chase some lakers on Sunday
  11. Bear, Moose, Deer and possibly an Elk along with Wolves, Foxes and dozens of other animals are all a possibilty.
  12. Poor mans lobster. Chunk the meat and boil it and then dip it in melted butter and enjoy
  13. Wife caught a 44" muskie while drift fishing with a 1/4oz jig and minnow about five years ago on opening weekend of walleye season
  15. Hwy 502 to Dryden is more of a remote scenic route but the highway is not in as good as condition. The Kenora way will put you through Nestor Falls and Sioux Narrows which have nice attractions to see. I am sure you will enjoy either way Rick
  16. Which way are you heading to ear falls? Up the 502hwy through Dryden or up towards Kenora and then over to ear falls?
  17. I am sure that the judges would disqualify Pam for being not totally NATURAL but Id still vote for her. Every time I'm in Thunder Bay I marvel at the sleeping giant. You got my vote Rick Three more sleeps to walleye opener
  18. Welcome Coach B I fish the area quite a bit. Not manion so much but I do fish the waters around Mine Centre alot as my wifes parents live there. Late ice out this year but jigs tipped with minnows or spinners work well all season. Good luck and have fun. Watch out the woodticks are terrible right now. I went for a walk into a small lake up there last week. half mile in and half mile out and I picked of forty two woodticks. onefishing:
  19. I have visited this thread a few times over the past couple of days and I find myself getting more upset every time I read it. Here are a couple of my thoughts 1. Does anyone really think that their """spot""" hasn't been fished by someone else already. 2. If you don't want anyone fishing your spot than don't post the pictures or show only a fish against the water with no background I am glad I live here in the northwestern part of ontario. Although there are people who will move over close to my boat if they see me catching fish and they are not catching any (which I admit really burns me up) I know that there are alot more spots on the lake I can go to and catch fish and still have the peace and quiet I enjoy when out fishing.
  20. Welcome aboard
  21. The Circle D restaurant in Emo serves a great breakfast and are open early. Otherwise Greens in Nestor Falls has a good one too. Have a great trip
  22. Has anyone ever use the illuminator jig? If so what did you think Pretty pricey but if they work it might be worth buying some.
  23. Finally got out fishing for lakers. Ice just went out last week. Too windy for trolling so we just fished of the bank with ciscoes. Went out with my son, brother in law, and two nephews. Caught three in about 3 1/2 hours of fishing. A little slow but we still enjoyed ourselves.
  24. The business I work for became an international dealer for Cabelas last year. I have looked after the ordering for our customers and the sales have been great and the service from Cabelas is super.
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