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Everything posted by rickster

  1. Can't agree more The last couple weekend the smallies have been just smashing my skitter pops I fished one piece of shoreline where the smallies had the minnow up against the shoreline and they were just boiling out of the water after them. I have never seen it like that before it was awesome Caught about 15 or so in about two hours. One about 20 1/2" and six that were 19-19 1/2"
  2. great report GCD but man that last pic was too much
  3. i have read through this post and it seems most are in agreement about not fishing if there are people in or around the dock. here is a question for the few that feel they can fish there whether there is someone on the dock or not if you are sitting in a honey hole and catching fish after fish and a couple of boats come over and anchor beside you and start casting around and under your boat and start plucking the fish out from under your boat would you not tell them that its a big lake go find your own spot??? kinda the same thing here isnt it?
  4. ive been using the 4" storm and calcutta swimbaits for eyes and smallies for about three years now they work great for smallies don't catch as many eyes as with live bait but the ones i do catch are usually quite a bit larger fish gonna try them again this weekend work til noon and should be on the water by 3 or 4
  5. awesome ski man ..that is a true giant congrats
  6. my parents had one that spent two summers at their home. they live in the country. they fed it leftovers every night and dog food in the mornings it got to the point were the fox would sit up on their front step when they weren't home (just like he was their watchdog LOL) it would even lay about ten feet away from them when they would sit out in the lawn in the evenings the thing just loved the peppermints my dad fed it anyway the one in your pics looks to be healthy so i wouldn't worry too much about it although your cat may want to be nervous but if you really want to get rid of it a live trap and a ride in the country would be best
  7. caught this one on a bare jig honest
  8. Great report Simon! those are some nice bass. Hope to have a report to post on Monday as Dave and Sandy are coming down to stay this weekend at a cabin we rented for the weekend. Gonna have to get up there and fish with you this summer at least once. Rick
  9. So sorry Gary. Me deepest condolences to you. My dog will get an extra scratch when I get home tonite
  10. Anytime you wanna come down I would be glad to take you out there. Of course you would have to wear a blindfold on the ride in
  11. Well we decided to head out to one of our favorite walleye lakes on saturday Myself, the wife, her dad and brother, our son and two nephews (needless to say we needed two boats) Managed to get out of the yard and 10:30 and got to the start of the trail to the lake at eleven Here is a shot of the start of the trail And another of the trail a little farther in Finally a view of the promised land LOL We had to shuttle the boats in with one half ton truck as the father in laws new chevy didnt have the ground clearance to get through this So we waited patiently for the other boat to get in Finally after getting loaded up we head out. Unfortunately we are in the slower boat On the way to our first spot I told my son I was going to outfish him and this is the response I got We stopped at a little island on our way to the honey hole to see if we could pick anything up and of course my son gets the first fish Couldnt get anything else so we heaed over to the others to fish with them We did really well but struggled to get small enough fish to keep for supper. Slot size is 13.8 to 17.7" and we were getting most of the fish 18-22" Here is my best of the day 21.5" Suppertime came way to fast so we decided to head home with a meal BOY I HOPE NO ONE RECOGNIZES THAT TREE All in all a really good day out with some family Hope to get back out there next weekend as there are some huge muskie in that lake as well as some smallies We did get a couple sm aroung 19-20" but they were released without pics
  12. OK I am sure this ha come up before but I can't seem to find any posts about it. I can't seem to upload more than a couple of pics and than get message I have no more file space Can someone explain to me how to get more pics on cause I am really struggin here
  13. Here in nw ontario smallie and lm are open all year but size limit (none over 13.8")until july 1 and after july 1 there is no size limit and our smallmouth fishery is terrific
  14. Sorry to hear the bad news on both fronts stoty Keep your chin up. Thoughts are with you and your mom Rick
  15. Just saw on tsn that ctv bought the rights to the song after CBC opted not to renew Looks like the song will live on TSN now
  16. absolutely NOTHING wrong with that
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