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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Take it for what it's worth.... http://www.buffalonews.com/incoming/article581857.ece
  2. I didn't want to mention any names......
  3. John.....anything is possible I guess but recently in purchasing a 2007, 2009 and 2010 vehicles none have nitrogen in the tires unless the dealer and owners manuals haven't mentioned it.
  4. Shayne, did you say FREE...LOL...do you also deliver... LOL...us Redneck's like to stay warm too... Now go shoot some of those BAD BAD Birds....they need to be punished and shot before sundown.... BTW how's the season going for you ?
  5. It really comes down to what you're paying for a cord of wood....if it cheap or better yet FREE (my favorite 4 letter word) then wood can be a much better choice.... One thing about at least having a wood burner is if the power goes out at least you have heat....oh, and I know many have personal generators as I...but when you whole area power is down like it happened here in Oct '06...then your generator is only good until you run out of expensive gasoline...gas stations can't pump with out electric power...we went 7 days without power... ...not good...but we were warm and cozy...
  6. A couple weeks after I installed my woodburner my next door neighbor asked me when I was going to fire it up....I said, "Pat it working right now"...he said he hasn't seen any smoke come out of the chimney... High efficient burning stoves with good seasoned wood don't give off much smoke at all...
  7. And what's that old man....super high heat bills.... After you scrap up enough loonies to pay those bills, save them as I can burn them for heat...
  8. Hungry you eat... Not hungry you release... Pretty simple Redneck rule....
  9. She's already out fished many on this board...
  10. Ya, never mind the 'merican but it takes 29+ posts for you Cunuks to figure out how much air to put in your tires....... Us Rednecks don't even need a gauge to do that....
  11. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=57427&pid=627332&st=0entry627332
  12. But I'm told they make a great pizza....
  13. Paul, I not saying that your freestanding fake fireplace will not heat the home to a nice warm temp...what I was trying to say is that most folks don't want to spend the $$$$ to get the home that warm...where with wood we don't care about how much gas or electric is going for this month......It's what we Rednecks call....Honey, throw another log on the fire....
  14. All newer vehicles in the USA have tire pressure sending units because of the Ford Explorer/Firestone Tire fiasco.....but none of these tires as far as I know have nitrogen in them....however, there is one tire dealer here that advertises the great gas savings nitrogen give your vehicle when they add it to their tires upon purchase from them... You would think after all these great gas saving devices that I would have to actually drain gas from my tank....LOL
  15. Oh, what year...was it a Boss 302 ?
  16. WOW....maybe I should advertise my boat for sale and get someone like you to have it thoroughly checked over like this...then it would be ready for winter.. But GOOD LUCK on your boat purchase, Bob
  17. But everyone know's the Ford Pinto's turn signals were problematic and rarely worked...LOL I actually had a 1980 Pinto wagon for about 10 years....never a problem until it started to leak oil...if it wasn't for that I might still have that little beast...
  18. The old nitrogen scam is still alive and well.......
  19. And you would have thought Ford would have learned after the 1970's Pinto fiasco....
  20. ANY oil that is approved as per spec's is good to go.....I have NEVER taken in any of my new vehicles or used so called manufactured oil to insure warranty...but I have always use the proper oil and kept said receipts just in case...and then only once did I have a engine fail on a GM product.....after 2 weeks of Bull they finally ponied up and repaired said vehicle....
  21. Wood is too much work they say....... Lazy is as lazy does.... oh, wait....is that what Forest said... OK, here's the thing.......when burning wood, we enjoy not only the aroma but temps in the mid 70's...all while those who burn gas or electric are shivering in the mid 60's....
  22. They charge higher prices on gasoline to help pay for the executive chef they have on staff....
  23. OK...Sunday it is....what time is dinner...
  24. You haven't lived until you've eaten pizza from a gas station... Sorry....I couldn't resist... Bob
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