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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Too bad we couldn't fire all the politicians for lying
  2. I didn't remember the answer but the professional TV watcher my wife knew in a second that it was Dustmop. We use to eat for free at a restaurant called Ground Round because she would answer all the TV and movie trivia questions on Friday nights. NO one ever stood a chance against her and still don't
  3. I watched this show MANY times as a child
  4. I guess you will have to just bear with them
  5. I believe in Big Foot and the Tooth Fairy Believe it or not the more you go south in the US the more people believe in Big Foot. I don't know why but from what I have heard they still make some mean moon shine down there.
  6. Rain Lake and Lake of the Woods.
  7. Too bad it wasn't a hardwood tree. You would have made some extra fishing money. Firewood here is selling between $85 - $100 for a delivered face cord. I just got done moving 8 cords of wood for myself but I got it for $50 per cord. I use about 6 cords per winter, so my total heating bill is only $300 while others using natural gas are spending between $275 and $400 per MONTH to stay warm not to mention gas is going up 40% this fall
  8. I have a niece that will be a freshmen this year at Guelph. Going there to become a Veterinarian ? ? ? I don't think she got accepted in any Vet schools here.
  9. Since I am a old dog when it comes to driving I have had many different tires. Michelins are over rated and of course over priced IMHO. I purchased these tires Bridgestone REVO's last fall for TUNDRA and they are just as quite as the highway tires that came with the truck but have GREAT traction in the snow and MUD while deer hunting. I got 265/70TR18 at Sam's Club for only $164.00 each. A gentlemen from Alaska recommended them for me. http://www.tirerack.com/tires/BigPic.jsp?s...eler+A%2FT+Revo
  10. You are not tasting any contaminates but rather the forage they are feeding on as you pointed out yourself. Any large trout and salmon caught on the Great Lakes make great smoking fish I will take all you have to offer
  11. GCD, if you have ever been up here you know we will NEVER be short on water Some day everyone will head back here for our freshwater supply.
  12. RED MEAT is MUCH more dangerous than any fish from Lake Ontario or Erie. As I have pointed out once before, there is no Great Lakes lobbyist to ward off these Bull reports. How many people do you know that died from eating fish from ANYWHERE. However, there are THOUSANDS that suffer from harding of the arteries, heart disease, strokes and heart attacks from eating red meat. BUT there are NO warning labels on the meat you purchase. Good point about the drinking the water. What about the precipitation that come off the Great Lakes and feeds our farms and gardens. Again, not in the good interest in the government to warn you about that Bull. Eat all the fish you want, you will probably live longer than those who SMOKE, drink and do drugs
  13. Rain, Rain and HAIL here. I went out the second time this year to cover my Tundra from hail damage. I just did it again about 1 hour ago. In over 26 year living here I have NEVER had to do that before. BTW my tomato plants have a LOT of tomatoes rotting from too much rain. They are just starting to get red and the bottoms are turning BLACK. Looks like NO homemade salsa this year WHERE the hell is all the global warming Bull. All I ever see is global raining
  14. I see my Tundra is ranked #1
  15. P3TA should be rushing to this scene. http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/409296.html
  16. I was going to stay out of this heated arguement but after thinking more about it I have a deal for you and all other cottage owners. If you can guarantee no jet skis or water skiers will ever bother me while I am working a quite bay on Lake X I will never fish another dock again. What do you think, is it a deal Bob
  17. P eople E ating T asty A nimals
  18. Stuff the rod tube with hand towels to take up the extra space and keep the rods from banging around in the tube. You will need the hand towels while fishing or at least I like a couple to dry off my hands. Bob
  19. Is that Canadian Language
  20. I have use the chlorine/water mix but this TILEX is much better. I don't know what else in it but I am sure chlorine is the main ingredient. I had some mold on my ceiling tiles in the basement and this TILEX was the only thing to kill the mold. Now it's the only thing I use it in the bathtub/shower area. Great stuff. Bleach is what I use to clean my livewell and all my coolers. Even after a limit of walleye or salmon in the cooler the bleach cleans it up in minutes and you can stick your head in there and it smells just like a new cooler. No soap is needed
  21. Go to a grocery store and get some TILEX for mold and mildew. I works great but I don't know if it will harm the carpet. Here's the stuff. http://www.tilex.com/questions.html
  22. As GWB would say "look at the pretty kitty"
  23. HEY, that's CLEVELAND, Ohio. Toronto needs there own logo like................ oh well, I better not go there
  24. The funniest part is I sent it to my son who is a 4th year med student. At this time next year I'll have to call him "Doc"
  25. Snubbers are NOT needed for walleye fishing while using Dipsy Divers.
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